[-] [email protected] 8 points 19 hours ago

I don't think it's worth it. Like at most you get one extra injection worth but you have to risk contaminating an entire vial.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 2 days ago

In my current just, I was a boymoding summer intern last year and am now out and working full time. Besides HR being totally incompetent it's gone really well and everyone has been very nice.

There's this one outspoken old guy with an office down the hall. He was described to me as "our one Trump supporter", and apparently has gotten in trouble for talking politics at work before, which most people avoid. He's also very friendly and talkative to everyone.

Since I've been back there, he keeps coming up to me, introducing himself, and asking if we've met bey. He seems really confused about it lol. I told him I was an intern, but I think he forgot and he asked later if we'd met in the new employee orientation meeting (he was a presenter). I assume he knows I'm trans??? But he can't figure out who I used to be lol.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

I think it depends on the particular record that you've changed. Birth certificates are probably harder for the federal government to roll back because they're run by the states. Social security and passports could maybe do some just by the president, so they're less reliable.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 5 days ago

idk if being annoying is against the rules of your instance but it def should be

[-] [email protected] 10 points 6 days ago

I get this but I'm totally the opposite. In the morning I am happy and care free and thoughtful. Then the anxiety and doom slowly creeps in until Im a mess in the evening and I can't do anything but spiral.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago

This exact thing exist in my city. I have a bunch of pink / purple flannels that I am confident were once part of some trans guys "Im just a lesbian" coping phase.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Just kind of complaining here, but the one local trans support / meetup group here has been cancelled every time for the last month+. Apparently the org that runs it doesn't have enough facilitators. Which, like, I get that people are busy but it's two hours twice a month. And they've only been announcing the cancellation last minute on Facebook.

Last week, I showed up without seeing the announcement. I wasn't the only one either, there was a whole series of vaguely nervous looking queers who came up to try the locked door and the immediately slunk away. At this point Im not sure I need a support group that much. Like I have some irl trans friends and I'm fully out and all that. But some of them might have been really struggling and it's super shitty to just cancel the group like that.

I wish I was more confident, I would start my own group lol.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 6 days ago

This is so real. Im honestly totally confused about my sexuality but I guess it doesn't matter and I can just do what feels right and hopefully I don't end up in a serious relationship and then realize I'm gay.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

That's fair, I hate all cis people, commie or not 👍

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Why is the NYT even publishing this garbage?

[-] [email protected] 45 points 1 week ago

She's always been a lib. She just gets a lot of hate because most leftists only support trans people because they think we're politically reliable

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

that's good! the thing is that "cis female range" is sort of a endocrinologist fever dream. Cis women have incredibly variable estrogen levels based on their cycles and age. You'll also have constantly changing hormone levels based on when you take your e. The goal is to find an estrogen level that gets you good results, not hit the magic wpath number.

I'm on estrogen and progesterone without an AA now and my T is very low, which is because im on a fairly high E dose that suppresses the T. It's been nice to drop Spiro because no more side effects.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Two trans women run a successful diy surgery clinic in a barn.

CW: graphic medical stuff

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've tried a couple of vegan cheese things, and they haven't been very good. In particular, none of them melt like animal cheese.

I'm of the school of thought that trying to replicate carnist food with your vegan products is pointless, you should make unique vegan dishes that are good on their own instead. However, I really miss delicious goodness that I can melt on top of my food.

Do any comrades have good products or ideas?

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have a cheap electric grinder which doesn't go very fine, and is also loud, and takes up too much space in my little apartment. I would love to have a hand powered grinder that's not too big, but also could grind fine enough to make a decent moka brew. Is this possible? Does anyone have any models to look at?

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was kind of sick yesterday, and while I was resting I went on a long Wikipedia journey learning about this guy. I'm fascinated. Some of the efforts he led in Chongqing seems incredible, like expropriating billionaire's stuff to fund public housing. But of course there's the big scandal, with lots of lurid details like how his wife maybe poisoned somebody.

Anybody have anything good to read about him that isn't American Wikipedia? Or hot Bo takes to share? How has the Chongqing Model influenced Chinese politics today, and was it as good as it seems? What's up with his falling out with his buddy the police chief? Did Bo's dad really commission an author to write that he was a better statesmen than Henry Kissinger (I would hope so!) and more beloved than Princess Diana?

100 degree heat (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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