[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

I think for me it was probably that I liked watching sports clips. So it didn't matter how many times I tried to block reactionary shit fromy feed

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

I wasn't involved in leftist politics at the time but even still I kept blocking/telling TikTok to stop sending me these videos and it would just never stop

[-] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Yes it so much worse. Even if it's not all that shit, it won't stop feeding me annoying John Green videos no matter how many times I tell it to stop lol

[-] [email protected] 30 points 2 days ago

Tried to use Tiktok a while back, had to stop after a week because once the algorithm "realized" I was a man it would not stop sending me Joe Rogan clips, thirst traps of young women, and other incredibly misogynist (and racist, and any other sort of reactionary) content. It was pretty fucking heinous. Lasering that into young minds that can't defend themselves is a deeply upsetting crime against humanity.

[-] [email protected] 44 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

It really feels like a flip switched a few years ago. Weather feels completely different everywhere. And I grew up in a cold state and I could look forward to having a nice cold holiday when visiting family but it doesn't really even drop below 50 (10 C) anymore.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

But you see, you can tell it's a great idea because of how much american education has improved in the last few decades!

I also love to bring this point up when talking about antidepressants.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

Just completely ignores how our political systems shape academia and science. Even just ignoring the highly pertinent facts that funding is the most influential aspect of research and that western academia is rife with shoddy work and outright fraud, the framework through which you approach any science is going to color every aspect of your research and your findings. For example, from the literature, you could 100% make the statement that "ABA has been shown to be the most effective treatment for autism in an overwhelming amount of studies." This is true because this research is coming from a liberal capitalist framework that views neurodivergence as a disease to be eliminated because it conflicts with our society and our systems. ABA definitely accomplishes that goal the best of all the different "treatments." Obviously, the counterargument would be that ABA does a horrible job of actually improving the lives of people with autism, which is ostensibly a self-proclaimed goal of liberalism (and also a good opportunity to bring in the "the purpose of a system is what it does" statement to point out this contradiction).

You can see this when the author talks about "the SAT is actually a great predictor of future success." Well, yes, because the point of it is to identify people who will succeed in the current system; a system of greed, corruption, anti-intellectualism, abuse, etc. Obviously, we argue against this because we want to change what it's measuring and what is being rewarded. It also doesn't examine the degree to which these scores function as the ends unto themselves, i.e. you are successful because you have a good SAT score, not because of the underlying intelligence or ability it is supposed to measure. Also does not take into account the degree to which these scores are a product of your wealth, race, parents' educational attainment, etc. If we wanted to measure actual educational attainment and ability, not simply those who succeed in liberal capitalist society, we would find that the SAT and similar assessments do a very poor job of that.

Sorry for the rant lol, and there's a million other ways to take this apart (I could talk about other "unmeritocratic" processes like grant funding as well), but I hope this makes sense.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 days ago

That just means there are plenty of public transportation options instead.... right?

[-] [email protected] 26 points 4 days ago

Maybe not intentional, but allowed to happen and promoted at the very least

[-] [email protected] 9 points 6 days ago

Unsurprisingly, the open Whataburgers do a decent job outlining the wealthiest parts of the city as well

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

That model feels like pure copium. I haven't seen a poll with Biden leading in Michigan like at all and yet they have him with a 1% lead there lol and a majority of polls give Trump the national lead consistently and Biden is somehow 2% up?

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

As someone with a based educator as a partner, this kind of rhetoric and thinking pisses me off so much. Schools are so fucking harmful to children (which is a huge understatement but idk how to express it more strongly) and these kinds of people gleefully take up their position as functionally prison wardens and then have the shamelessness to blame everything on the children. Fuck these people. You literally just have to treat them like fucking human beings. School is designed to break their humanity. It says everything about YOU if you blame children and perpetuate this system.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I used to regularly get good sleep for a while pre-pandemic, but ever since then my sleep has become so dysregulated and I've basically become dependent on weed to fall asleep. It's gotten to the point where I get nerve pain and restless legs (that in itself contributes to insomnia) if I don't get high before bed, no idea if this is a shared experience with other NDers. On top of the fact that this makes weed less fun and it makes my tolerance out of control, I also don't like relying on a substance to fall asleep as it seems to just make it more difficult to try and go without the longer I continue this pattern. I am trying to refrain from using weed to fall asleep for the next short little while but the first night I'm unable to fall asleep at all. Anyone have any advice or experience with a similar situation or just for regulating sleep in general? I know sleep difficulties are part and parcel of the autistic, ADHD, ND experience generally. I can't function if I don't get good sleep and I'm desperate.

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