
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

I'll agree about the rigid format of movies but to say that's why I think movies have the greatest impact on me of any media.

A movie is a very tightly packaged combination of art forms that has to hit all the right brain pieces at all the right times because they have such a limited amount of space to do it in.

The greatest movies are those that can keep you completely focused for two hours and affect you for days after. They are able to masterfully execute on all art forms at once.

Even for great books I generally read them in multiple sittings which at least temporarily takes me out of their world. Games are an even greater collection of arts in that they also add an interactove element, but they're often so long that I never quite get fully into the stories. I ran into a soft-lock in Disco Elyseum that caused me to have to re-load a save and redo some pieces. That experience isn't too uncommon in gaming but it's something that would never stand in a movie.

Basically I think the greatest movies are those that manage to affect me so so much with such tight constraints.

[–] [email protected] 43 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Zionists conflate Jewishness and the existence of the political state of Israel. To the point that any Jew that does not support Israel as a state or the actions of Israel is considered not a real Jew or a kind of race traitor.

This controlling of the thoughts and actions of Jews by zionists who may even be christian themselves is very much antisemetic

A state is not owed the allegience of a people based on their ancestry or belief

[–] [email protected] 15 points 6 days ago

The fundamental problem with your question is the perception that there are these prescribed stages of development and each stage is an advancement on the previous.

Instead, the indigenous peoples in the world were just as "advanced" as the colonizers who slaughtered and enslaved them. They were not on different stages of a tech tree like in a game, they just developed different societies.

So of course slavery was not necessary because there is no such thing as necessary advancement. Even if you argue that advancements in medicine requires more modern modes of production, places like Cuba or the Soviet Union skipped or sped through or skirted around or limitidly used Capitalism and still developed incredible health programs. So then capitalism isn't even necessary for technological advancement in that way, let alone slavery.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

Pretty much in my experience. I'm sure there were some people who worked with companies to help with DEI initiatives who were doing so in good faith, but ultimately the system doesn't work in a way that would allow change.

HR departments are naturally responsible for any diversity training and practices, but HR is beholden to the interests of executives and investors who don't care at all.

That's why the only reason any inclusive practice is ever adopted is because of regulation or because companies think they can get an edge in marketing.

It just makes chud whining even dumber because if they understood how the businesses they pretend to worship work then they'd know that these practices are just capitalism doing capitalism things, which they claim to support.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 week ago (3 children)

They're not real. I've worked at multiple places with DEI initiatives. They amount to a yearly training where white people get to vent their bigotry and a position within HR devoted to focusing on more inclusive recruitment tactics.

For the most part we still hired almost exclusively white people.

In reality DEI was just a way for companies to pretend they're cool places to work and DEI was dropped the moment it started getting backlash.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 weeks ago

To add to this as good info to know in the US. There is a push to make patient data accessible everywhere so that businesses don't hoard it as a valuable commodity (which it is). So there are interconnected networks of businesses that all share data and there must be a treatment use case to access this data.

But of course that network is a giant chain of middlemen data transmitters all transmitting to other middlemen and so on. And they're all for profit. And they all benefit by sharing as much data as possible at all times because they charge per transaction (per a doctor querying the network prior to a patient's appointment for example)

So while these middleman companies must attest to sharing data only in specific treatment related cases, the more compliant they are the less profit they make.

The end companies who want the data also profit off of it because they want to use it for research without having to conduct a study, or use it to determine the cheapest outcomes based on drugs and treatments and conditions, or for insurance companies to do all kinds of horrible things with.

Each US state has separate consent laws related to whether your info can be shared with networks as an opt-in or opt-out (opt-out meaning your data is automatically shared unless you explicitly opt out). But that data often still makes it to the middle men who are responsible for not passing it to the final destination.

In a place like China I would be happy with patient info not being silod in some filing cabinet at the provider's office I grew up at. But of course it's the US so everything is turned evil and inefficient and insecure.

I work in this industry. Just some awful info. No real point. Everything sucks.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I bought such a tiny eensy weensy property and now I have to use it to exploit someone. Otherwise someone will exploit me. I'm so tiny and smol I can't handle the exploitation that you all do, that's why I have to exploit you all. Pwease, no more bad feelings, thank you!

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

If you don't like the "lick-my-ass/or-be-homeless setup", try not being a landlord.

I'm such a smol bean landlord, pwease forgive me hexbear, I just have to exploit another human being for my own financial gain but it gives me a sad uwu

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Seriously, the responses are wild.

Next there's going to be a poster who just happened to get a job as a cop trying to get sympathy for hiding that he's currently undercover while hanging out with friends cause he doesn't want to be treated like a pig. And the commenters will be like - oh it's okay some cops are chill


[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 weeks ago

The power dynamic IS the fact that you and you alone have a choice in how this relationship works (landlord/tenant vs flatmate/flatmate). Wild that after "managing" to own property you would start using your power to twist relationships to your own end. Who would have guessed a landlord would be power tripping and shady

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

People have the ability to contexualize. Revolutions have been won by people who believe a god controls everything. They still found the motivation to act with a group of humans for their material needs.

Your problem is one of priority. I agree these things aren't material, but it truly matters so little. Astrologists still protest, christians still read marx.

I think you should analyze why these specific beliefs cause you so much anger that you call your comrades on this forum idiots.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago

You can make all of the same points about tv, video games, movies, fiction books, playing sports, religion, and on and on. Why is the distraction more associated with women the one you think needs called out?

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