Im glad to see this. Discord is a nightmare. It's the same as a Facebook only group to me.
John nailed it at the end. Fuck, this can't be real life.
Pretty much the same here. the storage to quality ratio isn't a big enough difference to make it worth it to me for anything over 1080. 720p is noticable but I'll still use it no problem.
Worked in higher Ed for a decade. Can confirm.
imgur. now that's a place I haven't visted in a long time... a long time...
Click bait title but the video update was really good. And definitely not propaganda.
Look into transmission open VPN docker container. Forces/ensures VPN connection. Easy to setup and configure.
Can confirm. Pi-hole does not block YouTube smart TV app ads. Hasn't for a long time (2018ish?)
I use sefiniks (sp?) lists which has a YouTube list but no luck.
^Lord Satan^
Fucking hell.
$25 or less is the US Fed rule.