[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago

The Biden campaign should revive Dark Brandon by having him drive a classic muscle car at the DNC convention. No guard rails protecting the lanyard crowds, either, now is a time when we need to show confidence in our president!

[-] [email protected] 12 points 3 days ago

Watching the Democrats frantically trying to get the president to step down like a terrified family stuck in a car with grandpa driving as he veers in and out of oncoming traffic has warmed my cold doomer heart sicko-jammin

[-] [email protected] 9 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Trailer (CW: Flashing lights, marvel slop) for the new Captain America dropped. No sign of Sabra, I wonder if Disney is too scared to promote the Israeli superheroine, but they're probably just holding her back to reveal in future teasers sicko-wistful

Also extremely funny that the line "Global power is shifting" is played over a scene of the US president standing next to Marvel's apparent in-universe Xi equivalent xi-pog

Edit: Just realized that the president (played by Ford) is Thaddeus Ross/Red Hulk in this movie. Probably gonna pirate this just to see a US president fight Captain America let-them-fight

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

That A24 Civil War film's alliances map isn't looking so funny anymore, is it tankies??

[-] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago

It's even worse than that. The Acolyte has twin human characters both played by the same actress, and there are several scenes where it's obvious that they use a double facing away from the camera, even for dialogue. They really go out of their way to avoid having the adult twins both in frame, face visible to the camera at any given time. The Parent Trap had this figured out in 1998, but I guess that's a lost art to Disney!

[-] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago

Another funny thing to pick apart from this show,

During the Jedi visit to the tribe, which honestly feels like a liberal depiction of a police raid (ostensibly non-violent, just unwelcome and intrusive), the kids have an argument with each other. This tribe, that is depicted as social outcasts hiding on a remote planet to stay off of the Jedi Order's radar, somehow raises one twin (Osha) to be a total Jedi bootlicker, while her sister has the complete opposite attitude. I actually burst out laughing when child Osha blurts out "The Jedi are good!" What?? Her entire family and everyone she's ever known since birth seems, at best, extremely distrustful of the Jedi! We're given no snippet or anything like she read stories or something about Jedi doing heroic acts or whatever. She just inherently loves the Jedi for some reason, because the writers wanted to do a "one twin is drawn towards the light, the other darkness." It's such shitty, lazy writing.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago

Also, this show is hilarious for how each and every Jedi is a completely uncharismatic dork. I'm talking completely stiff, painfully uninteresting characterizations. But it's impossible to tell if the show actually intended that, or if they were going more for "serious, by-the-book guardians of justice" or w/e and just fell flat. I guess that's the problem with trying to depict warrior monks whose entire dogmatic religion is about not forming emotional attachments, lol.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

This show is set ~100 years before the prequels. It's actually really weird, because the Jedi are depicted more or less as a police force, but it's very ambiguous what kind of jurisdiction they have, or who they are accountable to. I guess they serve the Galactic Republic, but they also have their own agendas? It feels like the writers just didn't think too hard about the whole thing, which is a shame because Andor fucking nailed depicting the Empire and its bureaucratic functions, and managed to make the whole thing interesting.

Star Wars slop for anyone interested: The central/starting conflict of The Acolyte is a disaster that is implied to be the fault of the Jedi making a visit to investigate a tribe/covenant of non-Jedi force users, that results in the deaths of everyone from said tribe save for two twin children that make it out alive. But the exact cause of the disaster is left a mystery, and the show seems to be barreling towards "this mustache-twirling Sith dude orchestrated it to pin on the Jedi, and also take in one of the kids as an apprentice." And then there's a bunch of shenanigans over one of the kids being drawn to the Jedi with the other taken as a Sith apprentice, but then they switch places soypoint-1

It's a shame, because there's a lot of interesting stories you could tell about Jedi from the perspective of questioning their institutional legitimacy and authority, but I think this show is just stuck in capitalist realism. Even the "rogue force users" stuff was interesting, we're shown what is basically a witches covenant but with force magic, that was aligned to neither Jedi nor Sith. But then they were all immediately killed off before we could learn anything more about them meow-tableflip

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, I think the panic was real, but Biden's staff and family have signaled that they fully intend to weekend-at-bernie Biden all the way to the convention.

It's either fall in line, or start an open rebellion within the party against the sitting president. A person's power and influence within the DNC is directly proportional to how spineless they are, therefore they must fall in line.

I guess major donors could be a deciding factor, but it's probably way easier for them to just write off the Democrats this cycle and move to the Republicans. (most of them donate to both sides anyways)

[-] [email protected] 39 points 2 weeks ago

These are the same people that openly and proudly live their lives pretending Biden is not directly responsible for the most live-streamed genocide in history. Biden could shoot a Palestinian child on live television and they'd find a way to scold people for using it as justification not to vote for him. ("Yeah well Trump would have made him bleed out! Biden made it quick and painless!")

Pretending Biden is not suffering from advanced dementia while he shits himself during a debate must be like easy mode for their reality bending.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Democrats in 2020, sowing their power to force Biden's shambling corpse onto the ticket: haha, yes, haha, fuck yes

Democrats in 2024, reaping their powerlessness to remove Biden's shambling corpse off the ticket: oh shit oh fuck please make him step down oh god oh fuck

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Real good sign your side is winning when you're conscripting a 39yo, especially someone who is arguably way more valuable left helping run your propaganda war on reddit-logo zelensky-pain

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Cojab said her addiction stemmed from stress.

She was the president of a Zionist student group called Realize Israel, at odds with other student activists and professors calling on the university to sever ties with Israel.

It's so incredibly disgusting seeing a puff piece about a Zionist crybullying over a cheese addiction, posing with large blocks of fancy cheeses, and talking about expensive rehab far out of reach of the average person, all while her ideology is responsible for ongoing mass starvation and genocide against Palestinians.

Also, I feel like there's a slammer meme somewhere in here zionist-despair 🧀🧀🧀🧀 qin-shi-huangdi-fireball

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"Nothing. No juice. Still on zero percent," said Tyler Beard, who has been trying to recharge his Tesla at an Oak Brook Tesla supercharging station since Sunday afternoon. "And this is like three hours being out here after being out here three hours yesterday."

"Like any new technology, there’s a learning curve for people," said Mark Bilek of the Chicago Auto Trade Association.

Lmao, no my dudes, it's pretty well understood that you need to keep the battery warm enough to be able to charge. This is not some fucking unexplored field of science!

I'm absolutely cackling at the radio silence from Tesla + dozens of Tesla owners just sitting around cluelessly wondering why their car hasn't charged at all in over 3 hours. Maybe another 3 hours will do it, keep trying stalin-approval

Also, a cursory Google search leads me to believe that the Model 3 has no dedicated battery warmer that could be used for this very situation, but instead some system that "runs the motor inefficiently to heat up the battery". Doesn't sound like this can work when the car is stationary, I guess tesla engineers forgot about the Midwest when cutting parts to save on production costs michael-laugh

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