[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago

It looks amazing!

How well fitted would this be for a Google maps timeline replacement?

I see you mention we need to upload the files which maybe could be obtained from an app like https://github.com/mendhak/gpslogger
I already had a flow to have them on my server with syncthing, so I could easily use your api to process them.

The thing would be to have each trail be marked as each day and have a way of showing them nicely (I haven't tested everything in the demo hehe).

Is there a plan to be able to process any GPS standard to automatically generate the trails?

I'm currently using traccar, but it looks more like a fleet management than something to remember where you've been.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago

I can share you a bit my journey and setups so maybe you can take a better decision.

About point 1:

In vultr with the second smallest shared CPU (1vCPU, 2GB RAM) several of my services have been running fine for years now:
invidious, squid proxy, TODO app (vikunja), bookmarks (grimoire), key-value storage (kinto), git forge (forgejo) with CI/CD (forgejo actions), freshrss, archival (archive-box), GPS tracker (traccar), notes (trilium), authentication (authelia), monitoring (munin).
The thing is since I'm the only one using them usually only one or two services receive considerable usage, and I'm kind of patient so if something takes 1 minute instead of 10 seconds I'm fine with it. This is rare to happen, maybe only forgejo actions or the archival.

In my main pc I was hosting some stuff too: immich, jellyfin, syncthing, and duplicati.

Just recently bought this minipc https://aoostar.com/products/aoostar-r7-2-bay-nas-amd-ryzen-7-5700u-mini-pc8c-16t-up-to-4-3ghz-with-w11-pro-ddr4-16gb-ram-512gb-nvme-ssd
(Although I bought it from amazon so I didn't had to handle the import.)

Haven't moved anything off of the VPS, but I think this will be enough for a lot of stuff I have because of the specs of the VPS.
The ones I've moved are the ones from my main PC.
Transcoding for jellyfin is not an issue since I already preprocessed my library to the formats my devices accept, so only immich could cause issues when uploading my photos.

Right now the VPS is around 0.3 CPU, 1.1/1.92GB RAM, 2.26/4.8GB swap.
The minipc is around 2.0CPU (most likely because duplicati is running right now), 3/16GB RAM, no swap.

There are several options for minipc even with potential to upgrade ram and storage like the one I bought.
Here's a spreadsheet I found with very good data on different options so you can easily compare them and find something that matches your needs https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SWqLJ6tGmYHzqGaa4RZs54iw7C1uLcTU_rLTRHTOzaA/edit
(Here's the original post where I found it https://www.reddit.com/r/MiniPCs/comments/1afzkt5/2024_general_mini_pc_guide_usa/ )

For storage I don't have any comments since I'm still using a 512GB nvme and a 1TB external HDD, the minipc is basically my start setup for having a NAS which I plan to fill with drives when I find any in sale (I even bought it without ram and storage since I had spare ones).

But I do have some huge files around, they are in https://www.idrive.com/s3-storage-e2/
Using rclone I can easily have it mounted like any other drive and there's no need to worry of being on the cloud since rclone has an encrypt option.
Of course this is a temporary solution since it's cheaper to buy a drive for the long term (I also use it for my backups tho)

About point 2:

If you go the route of using only linux sshfs is very easy to use, I can easily connect from the files app or mount it via fstab. And for permissions you can easily manage everything with a new user and ACLs.

If you need to access it from windows I think your best bet will be to use samba, I think there are several services for this, I was using OpenMediaVault since it was the only one compatible with ARM when I was using a raspberry pi, but when you install it it takes over all your net interfaces and disables wifi, so you have to connect via ethernet to re-enable it.

About point 3:

In the VPS I also had pihole and searxng, but I had to move those to a separate instance since if I had something eating up the resources browsing internet was a pain hehe.

Probably my most critical services will remain in the VPS (like pihole, searxng, authelia, squid proxy, GPS tracker) since I don't have to worry about my power or internet going down or something that might prevent me from fixing stuff or from my minipc being overloaded with tasks that browsing the internet comes to a crawl (specially since I also ran stuff like whispercpp and llamacpp which basically makes the CPU unusable for a bit :P ).

About point 4:

To access everything I use tailscale and I was able to close all my ports while still being able to easily access everything in my main or mini pc without changing anything in my router.

If you need to give access to someone I'd advice for you to share your pihole node and the machine running the service.
And in their account a split DNS can be setup to only let them handle your domains by your pihole, everything else can still be with their own DNS.

If this is not possible and you need your service open on the internet I'd suggest having a VPS with a reverse proxy running tailscale so it can communicate with your service when it receive the requests while still not opening your lan to the internet.
Another option is tailscale funnel, but I think you're bound to the domain they give you. I haven't tried it so you'd need to confirm.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Probably you can inject your js and add an input event in the body of the page.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Ah, then no, the last thing I knew about it you can't migrate accounts from one server to another, which is what you're trying to do here.
As I mentioned if you were able to move the keys which identify your account it would be easy for someone to impersonate you.
Also, your public keys are shared among all the instances you've interacted, so this might break your interactions there.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Do you still have the old database? You should be able to move your instance around as long as you have a dump of your DB, that's where all the keys of each community and user in your instance are. Those are the ones telling other instances you're actually you, if you loose those I don't know what can be done so other instances flush your old content and treat you as a new account. But I would count on thi s being a feature since it could lead to people impersonating someone else if they get a hold of the domain without the DB.

EDIT: amm, maybe I didn't understand correctly, are you trying to move to a new domain? Or to a new server with the same domain?
What's re-home?

[-] [email protected] 16 points 1 month ago

I use https://lemmyverse.net/
You can search for all communities of all instances, or click in a specific instance.


[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Yeah, I just searched a bit and found this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28348678/what-exactly-is-the-info-hash-in-a-torrent-file

The torrent file contains the hashes of each piece and the hash of the information about the files with the hashes of the pieces, so they have complete validation of the content and amount of files being received.
I wonder if the clients only validate when receiving or also when sending the data, this way maybe the seeding can be stopped if the file has been corrupted instead of relaying on the tracker or other clients to distrust someone that made a mistake like the OP of that post.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

How torrents validate the files being served?

Recently I read a post where OP said they were transcoding torrents in place and still seeding them, so their question was if this was possible since the files were actually not the same anymore.
A comment said yes, the torrent was being seeded with the new files and they were "poisoning" the torrent.

So, how this can be prevented if torrents were implemented as a CDN?
An in general, how is this possible? I thought torrents could only use the original files, maybe with a hash, and prevent any other data being sent.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I also like local only with a similar set up as yours, rsync to and HDD and to an SSD.
But I also would recommend you to follow that suggestion, you need to have an external backup managed by someone else (encrypted, of course) so you can have options if anything happens to everything in your local.
It's up to you how much you're willing to pay to be sure to be able to retrieve your data.

I'm using iDrive e2, it says it has a limited offer, but it's been there for over a year.

Im basically paying $1.25 for 2TB per month (it's charged at once for 24 months) https://www.idrive.com/s3-storage-e2/pricing

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

A note taking app can be turned into a diary app if you only create notes for each day.
Even better if you want to then expand a section of a diary entry without actually modifying it nor jumping between apps.

Obsidian can easily help you tag and link each note and theme/topic in each of them.
There are several plugins for creating daily notes which will be your diary entries.
Also it's local only, you can pair it with any sync service, the obsidian provided one, git, any cloud storage, or ones which work directly with the files like syncthing.

Just curious, what are the special features you expect from a diary service/app which a note taking one doesn't have?

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Yes, each sperm and egg are unique since the process they go through ensures the chromosomes have been mixed.

Both sex cells (gametes) go through meiosis.

shuffles the genes between the two chromosomes in each pair (one received from each parent), producing lots of recombinant chromosomes with unique genetic combinations in every gamete [...] produces four genetically unique cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as in the parent

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

You get half of your chromosomes from each of your parents, so their bodies are in charge of setting which half their child will use.
Afterwards which trait will be present goes into dominant and recessive genes.
(of course this is more complicated and someone might do a better job at explaining it in depth)

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What's your recommendation for a selfhosted services to stream some private videos from S3 compatible service (vultr)?

I was thinking a private peertube instance could work, but it requires the S3 files to be public and allow all origins, so I don't like that idea.

The other one was to use rclone mount to have it as another block storage, but I don't know what are the cons of this, or if it's possible to use it with this kind of services.

This won't be for my camera videos (already have immich) nor for series/movies (jellyfin). It'll be for random videos from youtube, or twitch which I want to hoard.

(Also if you have a recommendation for cheap online storage for this it'll be appreciated, Vultr's is $0.006/GB)

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been looking for an all mesh chair since I tend to run hot so every chair I use ends up making me sweat.

There's this one Naz President Full-Back Mesh but I can't find any reviews for it.

There are also these two in amazon Razzor Ergonomic Mesh Office Chair and FelixKing Ergonomic Desk Chair but I've been reading mixed reviews (as well as any other chair in amazon)

So, do you guys have any budget all mesh chair recommendation? Or maybe a chair which doesn't heat up so much or cools down quickly?

(I currently have a gaming chair... worst purchase I've ever made for my back)

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I want to have something similar to a google's nest hub to display different type of information, like weather, bus times, my own services information, photo gallery, etc.

It's not a problem if I have to manually write plugins for custom integrations.
It'll be better if it's meant to be shown in a web browser.

I remember there were some related to a screen for a digital mirror, or a kiosk screen, but I can't find a good one to selfhost and extends to my needs.

The ones I've found are focused on showing stats of deployed services and quick links to them.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Je jusqu'ai vu un rebais de 40% chez bureau en gros pour une chaise, mais je suis pas sure si cette rebais est suffisamment bon par comparaison à toute autre que pourrait être ca jour.

Vous vous y attendiez?
Ou je fais trop confiance à cette journée?

(J'ai pas l'habitude des rebais de ce journée, alor je sais pas à que m'attendre)

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.pe1uca.dev/post/317214

I'm cross-posting it here to check if you guys know or if you have an idea which would be the best community to ask.

I'm trying to add the audio of a video to another one so I can have multiple tracks for my media service (Jellyfin).

The issue is the new track doesn't have any sound, it's just there with the proper metadata but it's just mute.
I tried playing it with Jellyfin and with VLC.
The original audio tracks play fine.

This is my command.

ffmpeg -i .\3.english.mkv -i .\3.french.mp4 -c copy -map 0 -map 1:a:0 -y .\3.mix.mkv

I also already tried adding -c:a:1 ac3 since this is the format of the audio in the mkv file.

The data of the original audio of the mkv is

Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), fltp, 384 kb/s
      title           : English
      BPS-eng         : 384000
      DURATION-eng    : 02:21:42.176000000
      NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng: 265693
      NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng: 408104448
      _STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng: mkvmerge v25.0.0 ('Prog Noir') 64-bit
      _STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng: 2018-07-23 09:18:58

The data of the file I'm trying to inject from the mp4 is

Stream #0:1[0x2](fre): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 189 kb/s (default)
      creation_time   : 2014-04-17T18:14:55.000000Z
      handler_name    : movie.track_2.aac
      vendor_id       : [0][0][0][0]

do you guys have any idea of what might be the issue?

I also tried extracting the audio to a file and the aac file works fine, it's just when adding it to the mkv which doesn't work.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm trying to add the audio of a video to another one so I can have multiple tracks for my media service (Jellyfin).

The issue is the new track doesn't have any sound, it's just there with the proper metadata but it's just mute.
I tried playing it with Jellyfin and with VLC.
The original audio tracks play fine.

This is my command.

ffmpeg -i .\3.english.mkv -i .\3.french.mp4 -c copy -map 0 -map 1:a:0 -y .\3.mix.mkv

I also already tried adding -c:a:1 ac3 since this is the format of the audio in the mkv file.

The data of the original audio of the mkv is

Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), fltp, 384 kb/s
      title           : English
      BPS-eng         : 384000
      DURATION-eng    : 02:21:42.176000000
      NUMBER_OF_FRAMES-eng: 265693
      NUMBER_OF_BYTES-eng: 408104448
      _STATISTICS_WRITING_APP-eng: mkvmerge v25.0.0 ('Prog Noir') 64-bit
      _STATISTICS_WRITING_DATE_UTC-eng: 2018-07-23 09:18:58

The data of the file I'm trying to inject from the mp4 is

Stream #0:1[0x2](fre): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 189 kb/s (default)
      creation_time   : 2014-04-17T18:14:55.000000Z
      handler_name    : movie.track_2.aac
      vendor_id       : [0][0][0][0]

do you guys have any idea of what might be the issue?

I also tried extracting the audio to a file and the aac file works fine, it's just when adding it to the mkv which doesn't work.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've seen a lot of people mentioning EQ bank to have the emergency save since it offers 2.5% interest.

Just recently knew about wealthsimple with 4% https://www.wealthsimple.com/en-ca/spend

So I'm wondering if you guys know any drawback on saving in wealthsimple instead of EQ.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Est-ce que c'est CEHI en français ? Désolé, j'ai encore besoin d'utilizer un traducteur.

La banque EQ semble être la meilleure avec 2,5 %.
Mais WS donne 4%
Alors, je me demande pourquoi il n'y a pas plus de gens qui recommandent WS et recommande toujours le QE.

Y a-t-il quelque chose que je ne vois pas dans le WS? Dans la section "X", on peut lire "Remarque : Wealthsimple n'est ni une banque ni un membre de la SADC", cela pourrait-il être la raison?

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Je pense que J'ai un peu foiré en acceptant une augmentation de 4 % pour 2024.
J'ai lu ici les augmentations prévues pour cette année, mais l'entreprise a accepté mon offre immédiatement, ce qui me fait penser que cet article est erroné.
Maintenant, je pense que l'offre de 3,5 % pour 2025 qu'ils m'ont faite est peut-être plus élevée qu'elle ne devrait l'être.

Faut-il le rejeter maintenant et attendre l'année prochaine pour voir comment les choses se passent ? Devrais-je négocier moins ? Ou dois-je l'accepter ?

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

J'ai vu quelque part un 11,5 % mais je ne suis pas sûr

Contexte: Si je n'ai pas atteint le maximum de mon CELI, devrais-je y mettre mon argent pour les dépenses mensuelles?
Ou puis-je les conserver sur des comptes d'épargne normaux? Juste pour ne pas avoir à me soucier des droits de cotisation.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Is there any firefox extension to process SRT or WebVTT files to show subtitles in any page? Not just video streaming sites.

Context: I have some subtitle files for some podcasts, so the site is only playing audio. I'm using podverse.fm
It'll be great to have something similar to lyrics sections in some music players to follow along the audio while reading.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.pe1uca.dev/post/268601

Je l'affiche également ici au cas où quelqu'un connaîtrait une école en ligne même si je suis à Montréal.

J'ai étudié à Dawson, mais apparemment ils ont récemment changé le programme et les 6 niveaux qu'ils ont ne couvrent plus la moitié de ce qu'ils couvraient auparavant.

Quelle est une bonne école qui offre des cours de français?
Je ne sais pas si les résultats de Google auront le même problème et si je finirai par payer pour un cours mal conçu.
Si elle propose un cours en ligne, ce serait mieux.

Ou pour ceux qui connaissent les nouveaux cours de Dawson, sont-ils suffisants pour passer les examens de français au Québec?

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