[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Yeah all that X can really do now for new features is roll out things that were half-built before Elon fired everyone.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

To be honest, I don't think Trump has the attention span to do any more than hold a bunch of gloating rallies. Ironically his own immunity may end up working against his desire for revenge, as some justice department lawyers will push back until Trump gets distracted by a squirrel or a coloring book or something.

That being said, I kinda dream of moving to Canada. Fun fact: the median Canadian wealth per capita is higher than in the US, meaning it may have a better claim to "land of opportunity" if we're talking about ordinary people instead of the richest few. Plus the people really do seem to be nicer. The mosquitoes though...Canadian mosquitoes are no joke.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 1 day ago

I wouldn't say it's ridiculous if it's once a year. If we did it every night...yeah. But people spend more money on a lot dumber stuff, like expensive purses and giant luxury trucks.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Yeah the thing I really can't understand is why did the voters pick Biden in 2016? Even on the moderate side of the party there were much better choices. The democratic voters who just seem to pick the name they're most familiar with - Clinton, Biden - those are the people who made Trump happen.

I think the majority of Democratic voters just assume the most familiar name is the most electable in the general, but as we've seen that's simply not the case. Ironically, if it feels like Democrats run the worst candidates against Trump, that's probably not an accident. Trump makes Democratic voters pick the "safest" candidate, who turns out to be the least electable.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Anybody but Biden. Kamala seems to be the expected replacement, that works. If not her, pretty much anyone else. Trump is a terrible candidate. While he has experience in show business, he's way past his prime and pretty much any person should be able to beat him in a debate at this point.

I was actually recently thinking through people I've known and whether they could've done a better job debating Trump than Biden did. Generally any adult with a functioning mind would do better. Adults I've known with a HS education could've crushed Trump in that debate. I'm actually not sure if a homeless guy I once debated on the street regarding the meaning of pi would do better or worse than Biden, he seemed to be at about Trump's level of sanity and if Trump won this last debate, well yeah even he'd do better than Biden. I can also think of some older teenage jocks I once knew, and while they were dumb as rocks their teenager swagger would've been more convincing than Biden's rambling failed attempts to remember rote speeches.

If I try to think of who is actually about at Biden's level, I think of myself at the age of 13, when I had a presentation in front of the class on an issue and for some reason I was struck by that early teenager nervousness, and haltingly tried to give a presentation as the class tried failingly to hide their laughter at how terribly it was going. It was probably the most embarrassing day of my life. That's Biden's level right there, because he sounded just like me back then giving that presentation. So any person in their late teens or older with a full grasp on sanity should be a much better candidate than Biden.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 3 days ago

Lots of people have a problem with Trump. All the more reason to want someone opposing him who can beat him.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago

Yeah there was definitely a something. Here's a link to the exact time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=qqG96G8YdcE&t=1h16m25s

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Given enough time, shitty Twitter hot takes pollute everything. Interesting implication that somehow Hillary might have a less pro-Israel policy than Biden.

Also: She's cray

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Exactly, and that's why you have your sidearm holster on the right. So the breakfast gun goes on the left to make dual-wielding easier, all while freeing your right hand to scoop eggs and bacon into your mouth.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I think what it all comes down to is most people don't really want rational debate, and don't participate in debates in the hope of learning or even to help others learn. Most people participate in debates to feel superior/"own" the other side. The result is debates that are typically lazy, uninformative, and downright mean.

I think all of us have a little bit of this desire for superiority in us and we need to consciously make an effort to suppress it.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 5 days ago

if you’re planning to kill the guy, what would you do with our cat?”

So...this makes no sense. If I had to guess, I'd imagine your girlfriend exhibits this kind of strange obsessive behavior inconsistently, has occasional bouts of depression, and is no older than 30. Regardless of whether I'm right (but especially if I am), you should consider whether your girlfriend is suffering from something that requires a psych evaluation and get her one.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This seems insane to me. I live in a city where maybe 50-60% of people have cars, and most don't drive them that much. Yet every grocery store I'm aware of with the sole exception of the expensive Whole Foods has a fuel rewards points program. Reasons this should be controversial enough to enable a low-cost alternative:

  1. Many people don't drive and therefore pay a little more for groceries because it includes a perk they don't use
  2. It seems like a very ardent pro-fossil fuel move that you'd think would cause some sort of negative attention from environment activists.
  3. The subsidy typically applies as an amount off per gallon, so you end up really subsidizing big vehicles with big gas tanks. Again, really makes some customers subsidize others and you'd think people (other than me) would be annoyed at this.

But yet, virtually every grocery store does this. Anyone know why? Does the fossil fuel industry somehow encourage this?

Text post (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is a text post

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have a vague idea to create a wiki for politics-related data. Basically, I'm annoyed with how low-effort, entirely un-researched content dominates modern politics. I think a big part of the problem is that modern political figures use social media platforms that are hostile to context and citing sources.

So my idea for a solution is to create a wiki where original research is not just allowed but encouraged. For example, you could have an article that's a breakdown of the relative costs to society of private vs public transportation, with calculations and sources and tables and whatnot. It wouldn't exactly be an argument, but all the data you'd need to make one. And like wikipedia, anyone can edit it, allowing otherwise massive research tasks to be broken up.

The problem is - who creates a wiki nowadays? It feels like getting such a site and community up and running would be hopeless in a landscape dominated by social media. Will this be a pointless waste of time? Is there a more modern way to do this? All thoughts welcome.

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