20year minimum, really? Isnt that also for murder?
Thanks, liftoff may be gone, but want all the 0.19 features
Every time i use headphones
What was your email host?
Think Romaia can also be occupational, as popa means priest
Yeah I know words change over time, but wood meaning that was probably to avoid saying penis or something like that, They couldve adopted a different flag, like they did with the trans one. Now maybe they could chose this to avoid censorship, not sure, that makes sense
When people saw a rainbow they didnt think of LGBT, Probably did not word it right
The rainbow, the natural phenomenon
Im not lol, Im just thinking a separate flag would reduce confusion, like the trans flag.
Edit-for-clarity:Im not saying the trans flag should replace the rainbow one
They probably had a lot of choiches to make tho, That idea makes me think too but its not like they were predestined or something
"just" feels weird here, idk why