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[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago (1 children)

You're who horny jail is built for, yikes lol

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Brah, if you try and root many phones, shit like Knox fucking bricks your phone out of spite. They've been putting anti-consummer shit into devices for decades now, let's not pretend that puts everyone in the same 99.9%.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

It actually has more to do with training and education. In developed nations, people get more education and the result is a larger void in the low skill labor force who are employed by them. Ironically, more education results in lower wages for white collar work and higher wages for blue collar work, haha. Unfortunately we rarely talk about education, economics and immigration in the same breath, so it's rarely addressed in politics.

Automation also adds a wrinkle, as low skill labor has been automated with technology. It's credited as one of the major contributions to the wage gap, as efficiency is a boon to the owning class, not the working class. But I digress...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

I've heard that criticism. The upside was they right have a damage report after every freaking attack, and the speed was a lot faster paced. Granted I like a simpler system since you can still optimize it (but good luck remembering ex combos lol).

Plus in the first one you can throw rotten bananas at people. Some of the cards were a little out there.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Historically, US actually was quite welcoming of immigration, including from Mexico. It tends to ebb and flow. I was taught by an economist that typically you open the flood gates when you want the labor, while restricting it when you don't. To him, labor works just like goods in supply/demand curves. Flooding a market can drive down value of labor, etc., which can be bad for local workers. Obviously it's a little more complex, but that's the jist.

The trouble is, with globalization, one must wonder if that S/D curve is still valid. I imagine it is in some sectors, but in others, those jobs have been outsourced. If this is a bigger strain on demand, then it's better to keep immigration on lock. That would at least help explain why it's so hostile currently, but I'm just thinking out loud. I don't necessarily agree with the economist approach.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I just finished and mastered the second Baten Kaitos game on GC. Every single Magnus, every side quest, every mix, etc., for retroachevements. It was brutal.

I did both games this past month and man to I want to talk about some of the twists but nobody knows what the fuck I'm talking about, haha.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 4 days ago

To clarify, Harris is being mindful of "the vibes" because it's something her predecessors neglected. Doom and gloom does discourage turn out, on both sides, and it seems to be working. This isn't zero sum with substance, and she has made clear some policy positions (and more at than Trump, unless you count Project 2025). You can do multiple approaches to appeal to multiple audiences.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The change could easily be statistical noise. My gut says she's doing well, but not because the polls but because of who they didn't poll. You're looking at a 2008 repeat if she keeps up the excitement with younger voters, for instance. 2008 and 2016 were both decided by unpolled, politically disengaged groups that decided that year was their year. Polls can't anticipate new voters very well because they're not "likely voters" (Plus who fucking answers their phone anyway).

But, it's September. There are a lot of things that can change. Polls also don't take into account voter restriction crap that's in place. In 2020 I don't think it could figure out COVIDs impact on voting, which likely helped Biden.

So as others say, vote. Hell, don't stop there, volunteer or donate or at the very least meme until you can't meme anymore. They're eating cats and dogs, people!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

I mean, 1 is more of a pledge as I understand so it wouldn't be guaranteed that they donate the full amount planned. I just suspect that they ultimately would, though, given it's their cause. But I agree that it is more of a gimmick to secure more funding.

Then again, so are walk-a-thons and other fund raising events. If you believe in a cause, it shouldn't matter. I once waited tables for a rich person's wine tasting fund raiser, and that was a gimmick too. Had raffles and entertainment, etc. Good cause for some kind of illness research, although I only volunteered my time because I had a crush on a girl. That was stupid, of course, but I was 18 so, yeah.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Guys talking out of his ass; the donation match is indeed rich people who agree ahead of time and ultimately plan on donating the whole amount anyway, or at least a chunk. Iirc, they sign away X amount of dollars and the campaign leverages that for the 4x or 8x and so forth. Usually it's a few hundred or even thousands of pledge donors, though

I think of it sort of like those walk-a-thon donations by the mile. You pledge knowing you'll probably be out a few miles but know it could be more or less... And usually when it's less, you donate a bit more later anyway.

That said, be mindful of scams. I saw one offering 20x pledge but the link looked phony.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I feel like the most viable path to a third party at this point:

  1. Ranked choice somehow becomes national law (and while we're at it, other election reform)

yes, already very unlikely here, although it'd help Dems with reelection so under them it's possible if they get rid of the filibuster. Gop would never. 2) Splinters make a better third party, I'm thinking the "RINO"s or MAGA folk. Maybe the progressive wing of Democrars. The current third parties are pretty bad as they are given they don't seem to target places they could actually win. 3) Said faction gets more traction and the model gets tested for a few elections until it's more normal. New paries emerge, etc.

It ain't happening mostly cause of 1, either because the political capital would be too expensive or because it's not ultimately in their interest. The only way 1 can happen is if it becomes a major issue and they've got much more lower hanging fruit, even in election rules (I'd be happy just having electrical college changed to popular vote).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Oh man... hey now I still voted for her! But boy was she out of touch with the youth vote compared to Obama. I've got much higher hopes for Harris, though!

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