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[–] tree 17 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Periodically preemptively block all the posters on lemmy who link mediabiasfactcheck to people so I don't lose anymore brain cells than I already have posting, but one slipped through the cracks today.

I can't grapple with the urge of people to not engage with the article in front of them and instead go to the site of some asshole who identifies as a "non affiliated voter who values evidence-based reporting" who did half of a comms degree before switching to a physiology degree and working in "Occupational Rehabilitation" as their career and nothing even close to the media.

Glad that a physical therapist from North Carolina has a stranglehold on what every redditor/lemmy liberal thinks of a website instead of actually clicking on it and looking at it.

[–] tree 6 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

LemmyFactCheck: @quindraco is a very low quality commenter, we at lemmyfactcheck rate them as really fucking annoying for linking mediapoopeefartcheck, avoid at all costs


The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers – including three Britons – using a UK-made drone. The news only serves to increase pressure on the Tories to ban arms exports to Israel.

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A Palestinian teacher describes being targeted by Zionist groups with doxing and public harassment. He urges the New York City Chancellor of Education to take action before it turns violent.

On January 31, 2024, a billboard truck, a box truck covered in LED screens that publicly advertise or display information, drove around downtown New York City defaming me as part of a Zionist rally. On February 14, a billboard truck harassed teachers and the overall school community at an elementary school in Brooklyn for their pro-Palestinian views. Similar trucks have been used to harass students and staff at Columbia, Harvard, University of California at Berkley, and various City University of New York campuses where students have spoken out against the “Israeli” genocide of Palestinians (in using quotes when discussing “Israel” I reject the premise of the entity – the a settler-colonial project invented through the forced displacement, dispossession, ethnic cleansing, and incremental genocide of the native Palestinians – and instead recognize the entirety of the region as my homeland, Palestine).

On February 28, I was harassed at the school where I teach by a billboard truck. The truck drove around our school building for hours, defaming me as “New York City’s Leading Anti-Semite,” disrupting education and intimidating the community. Later that day, my family and I were harassed at our home by that same truck and menaced by a camera crew pretending to be journalists.

Billboard trucks have been weaponized as tools for harassment and doxing on college campuses, at schools, accompanying rallies, and for menacing in general public spaces. This isn’t the first time I’d been doxed by Zionists, but it was the first time it occurred in person. It was the first time they terrorized me at my home. Make no mistake, I was targeted because of my identity and convictions; I was doxed because I am a Muslim Palestinian. I am not the first person to fall victim to these serial abusers, and I won’t be the last.

In their campaign to terrorize, silence, and kill the opposition, Zionists have added doxing to their arsenal. No one is safe from this public attack. It is so easy to look up a person’s private information with the intent to terrorize them virtually and in public. Bad actors have used doxing to harass people for years now. These people have gotten better at public harassment in ways that avoid accountability in recent years. They are better at terrorizing others and getting away with it. Their doxing to harass has extended to the abuse of students, public school teachers, and school community members. I am a New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) teacher. In New York City, Chancellor David Banks has done nothing to protect the NYCPS staff and community from public doxing and retaliation by Zionist staff members and their external affiliates other than offer hollow platitudes and engage in viewpoint discrimination. His inaction has compromised the safety and security of NYCPS staff and community members who are targeted by Zionists.

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The UN Human Rights Council passed its first ever resolution on Thursday 4 April over tackling discrimination against intersex people, despite opposition from several countries to the terminology used. The resolution passed in the 47-member council with 24 votes in favour, none against and 23 abstentions.

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Ahead of June’s European elections, the French left is divided over Gaza. Rima Hassan, a Franco-Palestinian jurist and activist standing for France Insoumise, tells Jacobin why it's shameful for left-wingers to fail to defend Palestinians' rights.

"I | want to be a defender of human rights that takes the letter of international law seriously.” Rima Hassan is clear about how she’ll differ from most members of the European Parliament. A Franco-Palestinian jurist and activist, she is running on the left-wing France Insoumise list for June’s EU elections.

Born stateless in the al-Nayrab camp for Palestinian refugees in Syria, Hassan moved to France in the early 2000s before acquiring French nationality in 2010 at the age of eighteen. Her master’s thesis at the Sorbonne was a comparative study on how international law has treated apartheid South Africa and Israel. She founded the Observatory of Refugee Camps in 2019 and then the Action Palestine collective in the wake of the October 7 attacks and Israel’s ensuing invasion of Gaza.

Hassan sat down with Jacobin’s Harrison Stetler for an extended conversation on the European elections, the current war, and how Israel can be held to account.

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The allegation that the revered Kenyan author used to beat his wife should start a new conversation on tradition, patriarchy and women’s rights on the continent.

On March 12, Mukoma wa Ngugi, the Kenyan American poet and author, who is the son of Ngugi wa Thiong’o, the famed writer widely seen as a giant of African literature, took to X, formerly Twitter, to allege that his father was an abusive husband.

“My father Ngugi wa Thiong’o physically abused my late mother. He would beat her up. Some of my earliest memories are of me going to visit her at my grandmother’s where she would seek refuge.”

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Every year on April 5th, Palestinian Children's Day is observed, where Palestinian children have historically lived under extremely difficult conditions due to the occupation. Since the early years of the occupation of Palestinian territories until today, the occupation has targeted children through various means and methods directly, without any consideration for agreements guaranteeing their rights. Through its practices against children in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, the occupation considers targeting children as one of its main objectives in its war against the Palestinian people.

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Filmmaker Radu Jude’s Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World follows a production assistant on a long day’s drive to screen injured Romanian workers for a workplace safety video — painting a bleak, darkly funny portrait of a hollowed-out world.

**D |**o Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World, the latest film by Romanian writer and director Radu Jude, opens with a phone alarm going off at the ungodly hour of 5:50 a.m. As the overworked, underpaid film production assistant (PA) at the center of the story reaches out to silence the alarm, we see her nightstand, littered with the detritus of a hazy night in: an overturned beer bottle, a mostly empty glass of wine, and Marcel Proust’s In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower. Call it greeting the day with a grimace.

Throwing on a sequined dress, Angela Răducanu (Ilinca Manolache) stumbles to her van to start an unending day of driving around Bucharest. As is so often the case in the industry, the hours of driving will go on interminably, stretching well into the night. Jude himself was once a PA, and he has said that the death of a fellow PA in a car crash — a stunningly frequent occurrence in the industry — was part of the film’s inspiration.

Angela’s route is determined by a local production company that has been tasked with making a workplace safety film for an Austrian conglomerate that is seeking to polish its reputation and reduce its liability. The conglomerate wants to have a worker who was injured in its Romanian factory appear in the video, and Angela’s task is to prescreen the many candidates. She goes from one shabby apartment to another, filming the borderline-destitute disabled workers as they audition, hoping for the 500 euros that come with the role. Their desperation is palpable, the anxiety radiating off the thin walls. Some of the workers’ families plead with Angela to put in a good word, but the decision is up to the Austrians; after all, she’s just another worker being exploited by the wage differential between her country and that of the corporate overlords.

In crowded homes, workers recount their misfortunes for the screen. One fell off a platform in the factory, but because she had taken a sip of alcohol handed to her in celebration of a coworker’s birthday, the corporation claims it was her fault. Ditto for a worker with a disturbing facial scar who lost the ability to speak following his accident; Angela breaks the news that the corporation is unlikely to choose someone who is mute. Then there is Ovidiu (Ovidiu Pîrșan), the worker who the Austrians ultimately choose, a family man who was hit in the head with a rusty piece of metal being used as a barricade in the company parking lot: the impact put him in a coma, then paralyzed him from the waist down.

This is not a safety video; it’s pure propaganda. The conglomerate clearly shares some of the blame for the injuries, yet the most important part of the script, as Angela tells one worker, is when they implore employees to wear the company’s protective gear and not take irresponsible risks, as if it were their own mistakes that left them injured.

About half an hour into Jude’s film, it occurred to me that I was in for a nearly three-hour car ride with Angela. Claustrophobia threatened as I watched her listen to pounding club music and heavy metal, sucking down energy drinks to try to keep from falling asleep at the wheel. (“I can’t go on like this,” she tells a doorman at one point, to which he responds, “That’s what you think.”) That her driving is only ever interrupted by phone calls, usually from her employer, which her phone announces with the “Ode to Joy” (the European Union’s official anthem), only made the atmosphere ghastlier. Much like Jude’s 2021 Berlinale-winning Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn, Do Not Expect Much From the End of the World has some trying moments. Spending all day stuck in traffic does suck.

Thankfully, Angela’s deliriously scattered dialogue pulled me back down another rabbit hole before my dread could take hold. She’s a magpie, as familiar with Karl Marx and Jean-Luc Godard as she is with celebrity gossip and raunchy jokes (one story she tells, about a porn star who had to pull up PornHub on his phone mid-scene to stay hard, is especially memorable). The jumble of referents evokes social media: specifically TikTok, with its jump cuts and chaotic juxtapositions. And as it turns out, Angela is big on TikTok.

Or rather, her alter ego, Bobiţă — an Andrew Tate–like figure who tells ludicrously pornographic, deeply offensive anecdotes — is big on TikTok. Angela uses a filter to become Bobiţă, though she betrays no concern that her blond hair and body are often visible in frame, overrunning the bounds of the unsettling filter (at the press screening I attended, we received cutouts of Bobiţă’s face; when I texted a photo of the bald, bushy-browed visage to a friend, he informed me that he had immediately deleted the picture).

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OPB reporters unionize (
submitted 6 months ago by tree to c/[email protected]

Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) and KMHD Jazz Radio on March 22 voluntarily recognized SAG-AFTRA as the bargaining representative of about 65 on-air staff, hosts, reporters, and producers.

OPB is a public, nonprofit broadcasting network that covers most of Oregon and southern Washington. It includes five television stations and 20 radio stations. OPB also operates KMHD Jazz Radio in partnership with Mt. Hood Community College. The content creators at both organizations will be represented under a joint contract negotiated by SAG-AFTRA. (SEIU Local 503 already represented 26 other workers at OPB, including studio coordinators, help desk specialists, videographers, production techs, and maintenance engineers.)

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After a 16-year-old boy lost both legs last June in a preventable workplace accident in La Center, a follow-up investigation by Washington Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) found that his employer Rotschy LLC has committed dozens of child labor law violations.

Rotschy is a non-union construction excavation company based in Southwest Washington. In December, L&I fined the company more than $156,000 — the maximum penalty — for allowing a minor to operate equipment without appropriate training or experience. The boy was dragged beneath the blade of a walk-behind trencher he was using to dig a channel for fence posts — while participating in a work-based learning program that allows students to earn class credit for jobs outside the classroom. His injuries were so severe that both legs had to be amputated.

Rotschy appealed the fine. The decision on whether to overturn the fine lies with the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals, which has set a mediation conference for April 8. If the conference does not result in a settlement, the board will forward the case to a hearings judge for a trial.

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[–] tree 2 points 6 months ago

2nd and counting

[–] tree 12 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (10 children)

You should probably read a book about how uranium mining has historically devastated native communities, especially in the Southwest, but start here. And I don't know who gave you the authority to give "passes", I would probably avoid using that kind of language.

“They never told us uranium was dangerous. We washed our faces in it. We drank in it. We ate in it. It was sweet,” explained Cecilia Joe, an 85-year-old Navajo woman, in a recent interview. Joe’s experience illustrates the under-researched but extremely pervasive problem of environmental injustice on Native American reservations.

Due to decades of harmful environmental policy and exploitation by private companies, Native communities have been disproportionately subjected to toxic waste, pollution and other health risks — leading to what some activists describe as “environmental genocide.” Out of all the ethnic groups in the United States, Native Americans are the most at risk of toxic exposure, a fact that reflects broader realities about the continued oppression of Native communities and has galvanized Native activists into seeking justice.

While the word “reservation” may invoke ideas of protection or sanctuary, historically, Native American reservations have systematically been targeted as sites for toxic waste disposal, and the U.S. government has historically been indifferent towards this. Companies “hoping to take advantage of the devastating chronic unemployment, pervasive poverty, and sovereign status of Indian nations” offer millions of dollars to Native American tribes in exchange for the ability to dispose of toxic waste, according to Bradley Angel in a report for the environmental organization Greenpeace.

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They still haven't even cleaned up the past Uranium mines they used and poisoned people and the land with.

more info:

two book options: Wastelanding: Legacies of Uranium Mining in Navajo Country, Yellow Dirt: An American Story of a Poisoned Land and a People Betrayed

[–] tree 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

You're probably right, I definitely could have misunderstood, but making 5 figures a month on patreon adds up, still quite a lot of money for what it was.

[–] tree 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (3 children)

It's wild that they had 2 million+ dollars, like maybe these people were treating it like a job, which is the only way I can rationalize them needing even close to that amount of money, but goes to show even though they were open source devs, they were trusting patreon and discord not to just hand over their personal information, and I'm guessing that's exactly what ended up happening.

The Ryujinx devs also have a patreon that's making a fair amount of money per month, so I wouldn't be surprised if they get got as well. I'm not a big crypto person, but isn't this the exact use case for it? Why in the world would you use Patreon when you're doing something tangential to piracy that will put you in a gigantic company's crosshairs.

[–] tree 12 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (3 children)

I do wonder if this is specifically what got them, would probably take a lemmy lawyer to unpack it, but I would have to imagine if they didn't have a patreon and basically a company, it would have been much harder for Nintendo to do anything about them. And I would also imagine in retrospect whatever money they got was not worth it when it ends like this.

I always assume when people operate services like this, that they host it in a country like Russia that's less likely to care about takedowns by western corpos and done anonymously as possible. Even though it's just an emulator, you would think they wouldn't be so brazen as to have a patreon which I'm sure requires someone's identity/billing info. They probably still could have been tracked down if they took crypto donations or something like that, but you would think that would be the first choice over putting a giant target on their backs. Patreon is obviously just gonna hand over whatever info they are asked to give when served a warrent, and so is Discord for that matter if they had any personal info on there too.

[–] tree 7 points 7 months ago (2 children)

47* states*, most of Arizona has no DST although some of the reservations observe it

[–] tree 1 points 7 months ago
[–] tree 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

they have not blocked it and they probably won't block it bc it involves signing in with your twitter and since it's just an android app it's not gonna get as big as nitter, I don't think it's really helpful to tell people to "just accept it" as an individual you're not gonna be able to successfully lobby everything you follow to change to bluesky (which I think you can get rss feeds from) or masto (which you can get rss feeds from), like for example your city's local government/services only posts on facebook and twitter, no rss, this is still useful for things like that

[–] tree 7 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

I think even worse is how the cops assumed they were trying to damage the embassy/ sent the bomb squad to their apartment as if someone doing this is likely to have anything more dangerous than petrol and a lighter.Treating them like a suicide-bomber in both cases.

[–] tree 6 points 7 months ago

I would probably not post articles directly from the nypost, if no other source is reporting on it, odds are it's fake/stretching the truth, can't really trust a tabloid with something that's serious.

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