I used to LOVE space. Facts about planets, about missions, the thin veneer of cooperation we told ourselves about when working with the USSR and then Russia.
Now it seems like Outer Orbit Life will never be possible. Like Gundam’s notion that it’ll lead to wars is truer by the day, that scifi classifying it as a libertarian hellscape where people are worked to death for profits instead of for the betterment for all in the shining blue pearl.
Space used to hold an optimism for me. Now they put a ticketbooth in front of it, abandoned it and put a 15 ft fence around the very idea.
It is easier to imagine abandoning the earth for all the evils we brought upon it, but as time goes on you only get to imagine 7 people on that ship. The rest left to die. So far from that turn-of-the-century optimism we were so full of.