The superhero genre emphasizes the idea that problems are solved by a single powerful individual rather than collective action. This is reactionary thinking.
Superheros often get their powers from genetic superiority. This is another right wing theme. Other superheroes get their power from being wealthy (iron man, batman) or being a nationalist (captain america, wonderwoman).
The supervillains are often portrayed as mentally ill or petty criminals or sometimes even activists.
Superheros never try to improve society, they only uphold the status quo. The most common plot of superheros is beating up petty criminals. The superhero plot revolves around stopping the villain and not actually trying to improve material conditions of working people. Superhero plots even sometimes value protecting property over human life.
The supervillains often try to change society. Villains are often portrayed in that they want to fix a problem, but are going about it in a wrong way.
With these 2 things in mind, we are given the narrative that trying to change the world is bad, but trying to prevent change is good.