
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

I’d rather shit myself

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Thank you, I spent a decent amount of time on Twitter (or X) and after getting like 100+ porn bots in my comments I decided to stop logging on. Same w TikTok for the most part. I like the occasional Panda facts and funny vids, but nothing keeps me grounded in DialMat and class-consciousness consistently like Lemmygrad

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

Kid named finger:😳

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I had to go there recently for Milk at like midnight (My Dad is so odd lol, he drinks milk at the most random hours and NEEDS 2 gallons of milk in the fridge at all times) and not to sound judgmental or rude, but you see the strangest assortment of people there. They also typically have a cop car in their parking lot which is super weird. Lots of “surveillance cameras” that I hear from some people are not even powered. Half the cameras are empty just to scare you, some of them are real and they show you what’s being filmed to discourage theft. Anything for cost cutting measures. I suppose the threat of a camera is just as good as a physical camera, hell it worked on me, I didn’t steal anything.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 months ago

I have no anti-comm shirt in time for 4th of July!!!😡😤🤬Laterally 1967

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

The only reason I downloaded it was to watch vids that friends/fam sent me. Then I started following accounts I like (Adam Friedland,Chapo hosts,a few comedians and a few leftist party accounts) and eventually I started commenting and later posting. I get the appeal but now that Elon owns it, they have had a plague of porn bots that descend upon like 4 out of every 10 posts which is a huge problem ever since Elon fired like all of the content moderation team because of ThE WoKe ViRuS

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Wow that’s pretty cool, I never knew that but it makes sense. I can definitely use a better attention to detail, thanks for letting me know, I’ll try to force myself a bit more to focus, I appreciate it Comrade!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

I can definitely agree that too many Marxists don’t actually read the works 100% and I definitely agree that the good way of emphasizing that point is to explain small points and say “if you want a deeper dive, make sure to read X Book by Y Author” instead of telling people to shut up bc they read Economic Manuscripts of 1844 once 8 years ago.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I like TikTok bc I haven’t had a good attention span since 2019. I also just check Reddit posts every now and then but never post. Occasionally I comment but I usually confine my leftist views to my bookshelf rather than trying to act like the King of Communism on Twitter like a lot do. It’s exhausting

[–] [email protected] 16 points 4 months ago

I would ask what territories they control outside of their own borders. They have been barred from much of the international trade community and don’t have a powerful position or influence on the UN or the Security Commissions. The UN even mandated that DPRK citizens cannot leave the DPRK, not much of an Empire if you ask me

[–] [email protected] 30 points 4 months ago

I’m not that old so take this with a grain of salt, but this is the most Fascist that I’ve ever seen the USA domestically. The US gov is demonizing peaceful protesters while Biden says on Press Night that a free press and free speech must be respected and protected. Not to mention the teachers and staff being arrested or the students being doxxed or beaten by police. I certainly won’t vote for Trump but I’ve never wanted to see Biden lose so bad before. I genuinely believe he’ll die in office if he wins a second term.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 4 months ago (7 children)

So glad to have the day off today (by coincidence) lol. I kinda want to read more about the Haymarket uprising in Chicago that started May Day, does anyone have any good articles or book suggestions on said topic? Thank you in advance!


I was thinking to myself earlier that many people have dietary restrictions of SOME sort. Whether that be self-imposed or pre-determined. Plenty of people have allergies or take medications that don’t allow them to have certain foods, Grapefruit is (or was idk) not good for people on Blood Pressure medication I hear firsthand. Then there’s the religious exemptions, like avoiding Pork or alcohol or Beef. Then there’s also the ideological exemptions; Vegetarianism, Pescatarianism, Veganism, I could go on. TL;DR: Do you have a dietary restriction and if so, why?


I watched this movie earlier today and enjoyed it far more than I thought I would. We start in Baltimore 1914, with the Patriarch of the Jewish-Pole Krichinsky family, Sam, arriving in Baltimore on July 4th, the spectacle all around him encapsulates his excitement for new life and opportunity. We see his life as a wallpaper presser in his newfound home in America. Over time, the years pass by, into the 1940s and 50s and eventually to the early 70s at the end of the film. He marries and has a large family. His son and nephew go into business together, he helps to raise his grandson, he battles verbally with his wife and his brother and deals with old age and with loss in its many different forms, biological, financial or otherwise. I don’t want to give spoilers but oddly enough, even if I did, it wouldn’t fundamentally change much of your viewing. The movie isn’t about a huge plot-twist, or a gigantic action scene that kills multiple characters or anything. I would describe it as a Slice of Life, and the pain-staking detail that Barry Levinson-Gould went through in directing this movie to be accurate to the times is more than admirable. Every car and piece of furniture is spectacularly curated. The scenes that are supposed to feel happy and exciting look bright and vibrant, kinetic in a way. The scenes of dispair, of agony in some sort, feel so slow and dark that you feel like you yourself are there, begging for the moment to pass. (in a good way, not saying the scenes are boring and drag on too long) There are also many small comedic moments, nothing that will get you flying off your seat, dying laughing, but small little cultural/linguistic things, like the difference between “Can I?” and “May I?” or how they pronounce Turkey or Furnace (Toykey, Foynace). I really loved this movie, if you have a chance to stream it or check it out from your local library I would highly suggest it. It was a great movie and I feel like (as cringe as it sounds to say) I lived through a period of the 50s watching this movie. My big caveat is that it sorta puts Rose-Tinted glasses on and drifts past issues of racism or abuse by only focusing on this one particular Jewish family. Besides that, I really liked this movie, I related to it on a very personal level (except I’m not Jewish) with some of their plot points and characters that appear, it really touched me at certain points. I would probably put this in my top 30 movies, watch it if possible. That’s all Folks!


Do you have any pet peeves (small things that piss you tf off) that don’t seem rational really? I definitely do. People that cut lines seem like an obvious one, had that happen earlier today and I reinforced the rule and went ahead of the line-cutter, I felt good about myself😃, but I digress, my #1 Pet Peeve is people talking to me at the urinal. My dick is out, can you not make convo rn?? Maybe it’s just me but in my most vulnerable state, I want some privacy, save your analysis of the weather for when I’m washing my hands at the very least. Sorry, needed to vent a bit bc it happens a lot, what pet peeves do yall have?


I’ve been a cinephile for a while now, I have tons of movies on my watchlist, and they are all very different in their own way. I’m basically asking: what movies would yall be interested to hear about? Only movies I refuse to review are most RomComs, (few exceptions) tiny-budget movies that are tough to find, (I don’t doubt some of those are great films, I just don’t wanna search thru 30 websites of pure malware to find a 1hr 27 min 70s Dutch Crime Thriller) history documentaries (I would consider those educational films rather than cinema to be reviewed) and maybe stuff that’s too overtly grotesque (I ain’t watching Saw movies or anything similar, all other horror is still on the table). Besides that, I would love to watch basically any film people are interested in, Old Soviet films, Cringe-inducing Right-wing movies, Liberal Utopias, hell, even classic films that could really use a lefty perspective on it like Forrest Gump or Full Metal Jacket. Any movie suggestions are not only welcome but appreciated. Thanks in advance everybody, I look forward to watching these movies and subsequently reviewing them for you all to read.


I understand that nothing can be done to remedy the disgusting behavior that Chauvin did, but goddamn does it feel nice to see something like this. Chauvin spent a lot of his career tossing people into prison and was made an infamous part of US history in the 21st century when he brutally beat, chokes and murdered George Floyd. The 2 had worked together in the past, if Chauvin’s crime on its own wasn’t already 1st degree murder, that fact puts it over the top. To see someone like that in prison, and to know that he’s getting stabbed and living in fear, like the people he terrorized, well it doesn’t right any wrongs, but it’s something that you love to hear.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I’ve only learned about her today, and I found [https://apnews.com/article/germany-politics-wagenknecht-new-party-4afbec16f56bbacc46629771263398b8](this article, which despite being liberal, doesn’t do a good job of making her sound scary and evil.) (a lil outdated tho)Are there good resources of her policies and political stances, everything I look up just says she’s “leftist” and I’m wondering what kind. It sounds positive because people are calling her “authoritarian left” aka actual functional left

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I know that Chiang Kai Shek ran away to Taiwan to continue the reactionary policies of the ROC. Although I admit that I don’t know as much about Taiwan and their connection with China as I would like. Has Taiwan always been a part of China? Do leftists in Taiwan care to join China or make their own communist state? Or is Taiwan independence mostly astroturfed? Sorry that I have so many questions, I want to learn more and searching for answers about Taiwan (especially about hypothetical independence scenarios) brings up “China, yay, 4000 years of history… Before IT , the unspeakable, happened!” Ok I’m exaggerating a bit lol but yk what I mean. Any answers are more than appreciated🫂🤗


Obviously we support AES countries as well as Palestine. Which other countries are worth supporting? (critically, of course)


I’ve heard a mixed bag of takes on him. Maybe I had a bad intro to him, but I don’t really like him. Ik that he’s been on The Deprogram (I haven’t heard the ep yet) and that he’s lefty, well better than being a liberal. The reason I don’t like him is because he was shitting on BayArea415 for supporting Deng Xiaoping. Basically BE was saying “Read Parenti” bc Parenti was not very positive about Deng. He really tried to rip BA415 a new one on that topic. I feel that it’s fine to recognize Deng’s faults but to say he was a capitalist roader or something is a bit much while also recognizing that Parenti may have simplified a bit. I’m open to criticism on that also, to be clear. BE’s Palestine takes are decent, hell he probably has quite a few good takes but I haven’t watched him enough,what do yall think?


Idk if this has been posted on the ‘grad already, but this thread is great stuff. Its quite long, but you can skip ahead or read from the beginning, can’t recommend this enough.


Let’s gooooo

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