[-] Demigodrick 2 points 3 days ago

Bandle #687 2/6
Found: 1/1 (100%)

[-] Demigodrick 2 points 3 days ago

Wordle 1,111 3/6*


[-] Demigodrick 1 points 4 days ago

Wordle 1,110 4/6


submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by Demigodrick to c/home

Hi all,

Welcome to the July edition of the server update! Let's take a look at how things went in June and might go in July.


Take a look at these new communities. If you enjoy them, give them a subscribe :)

There are also some existing communities that are looking for mods. Fancy trying out being a mod with a pre-existing community? Now is your chance!

Server Updates

Since the last update, we upgraded Lemmy to versions 0.19.4, then version 0.19.5 which fixed a few UI bugs. There is still a known issue with code blocks (text that looks like this) where if you're on the default theme on the website, the text displays with a white background. There should be a fix for this in 0.19.6.

The next Canvas event starts on Friday July 12th - we'll make a post with the details about this a bit closer to the time. Last year was great, the Lemmy.zip logo looked great on the board!

I'm thinking about adding another Admin or two to Lemmy.zip, with a focus on content creation and engagement. The time I have to dedicate to the site is rapidly decreasing, so if you're interested, drop me a message here or on matrix and we can have a chat!

Interaction reminder (help support the instance!)

If you’re new to Lemmy.zip - WELCOME! I hope you’re enjoying your time here :)

I am sure that long term readers are bored of reading this now, but it is really is true that the easiest way you can support Lemmy.zip is to actively engage with content here: upvoting content you enjoy, sharing your thoughts through posts and comments, sparking meaningful discussions, or even creating new communities that resonate with your interests.

It’s natural to see fluctuations in user activity over time, and we’ve seen this over the wider lemmy-verse for some time now. However, if you’ve found a home here and love this space, now is the perfect opportunity to help us thrive.

If you want to support us in a different way than financially, then actively interacting with the instance helps us out loads.

Please don't be a lurker! :)


Lemmy.zip only continues to exist because of the generous donations of its users. The operating cost of Lemmy.zip is over 50 euros a month ($54, Β£43) and is mostly funded by the community!

We keep all the details around donations on our OpenCollective page, with full transparency around income and expenditure.

If you're enjoying Lemmy.zip, please check out the OpenCollective page, we have a selection of one-off or recurring donation options. All funds go directly to hosting the site and keeping the virtual lights on.

We've also put up a link to our Ko-Fi page where you can donate via paypal instead of using a card. All Ko-Fi donations will be totalled up and added to OpenCollective each month for transparency. I've added a link in the sidebar, but you can also click the image below to go there:

We continue to have some really kind and generous donators and I can't express my thanks enough. You can see all the kind donators in the Thank You thread - you could get your name in there too!

Graph time!

Here's some screenshots to show the performance of the server over the last 30 days:

RAM usage:

Image storage:

Cloudflare overview:



Unique visitors:

Worldwide traffic:

That's it for now - as always, let me know if you have any questions or there any other metrics you want to see!



[-] Demigodrick 1 points 5 days ago

Wordle 1,109 5/6

That was hard :(

[-] Demigodrick 1 points 6 days ago

Wordle 1,108 5/6


[-] Demigodrick 3 points 1 week ago

Wordle 1,107 5/6


[-] Demigodrick 2 points 1 week ago

Wordle 1,106 3/6


[-] Demigodrick 3 points 1 week ago

Wordle 1,105 3/6


[-] Demigodrick 2 points 1 week ago

Wordle 1,104 5/6


[-] Demigodrick 1 points 1 week ago

Wordle 1,103 5/6


[-] Demigodrick 2 points 1 week ago

Wordle 1,102 5/6


::: spoiler spoiler There's a U missing. What a desecration of the English language.

[-] Demigodrick 2 points 1 week ago

#Rogule 2024-6-24
🧝 5xp β›© 210 πŸ‘£
streak: 2
βš” πŸ‘»πŸ¦‡πŸ—πŸ—πŸ—

Canvas in 30 days πŸ‘€ (canvas.fediverse.events)
submitted 3 weeks ago by Demigodrick to c/announcements

cross-posted from: https://toast.ooo/post/3740832

turns out I did my math wrong, so it’s a little less than 30 days

July 12th, 2024 @ midnight EDT


✨ this year’s event also supports the entire fediverse not just Lemmy!

(you have to be able to make/receive text posts, like mastodon, lemmy, pixelfed, etc) (peertube accounts will not work)

you can get update announcements on other fedi platforms with @[email protected] link

chat about Canvas on Matrix or Discord (they’re bridged)

Lemmy.zip Turns One! (yearone.lemmy.zip)
submitted 3 weeks ago by Demigodrick to c/home

Hey all,

Today, 10th June 2024, marks Lemmy.zip's first birthday.

Back on the 10th June 2023, I was as disillusioned with Reddit as many others here were, and wanted somewhere I could go where mods and users weren't treated like an end product.

At the time I had been messing with a lot of home server stuff (think Jellyfin and the *arr suite - usenet is great πŸ˜‰) and figured I could spin up a docker container or two, how hard could it be right?

I'd never even heard of ansible, never changed an nginx config file, hell I'd never had more than one other person use something I'd spun up before. But after a couple of hours, there it was - Lemmy.zip. And suddenly, people were actually joining, posting, and making content. It felt unreal.

Since then, and with an awful lot of help and support from Sami and the community, I feel like we've got a really good, solid, stable and active Lemmy instance, our own corner of the internet where we can't be abused for corporate greed. In this first year, I have spent an awful lot of time learning how to run a so-called "social media" site, how to protect the backend, and how to build a bot to do all the boring stuff.

Linked in this post is a very brief overview of the last year - yearone.lemmy.zip - which gives some detail on how things unfolded at the start.

I am insanely thankful for all the lemmy.zip users, even the ones who only visited briefly. You're all brilliant (yes, even the lurkers 😘 ) and I hope you all continue to enjoy Lemmy.zip for many more years.

Running your own Lemmy server has its ups and downs. Days like today, when I can debug various issues without stressing, push new code to ZippyBot like its second nature, and have the ability to celebrate massive milestones like this, make all the bad times worth it.

I remember about a month or two in to the sites operation, and we'd just upgraded to the latest lemmy version - there was a period of about 5 or 6 hours continuous downtime and nothing I tried was getting the site working again. I was sat with my head in my hands, completely out of ideas, ready to give up. But thanks to the guidance of some fantastic people in the wider Lemmy community, eventually the site came back to life. Many mistakes have been made (many server backups have been restored πŸ™ƒ) but we've continued to learn and grow, and I think the site is all the better for it.

We've got over 2,500 signed up users, we've recently tipped over 500 active users a month, we're in the top 20 lemmy instances - and in reality, that's all thanks to the mods and users of lemmy.zip. Without you, there wouldn't be any point to the site!

(Interesting fact - our longest serving user is Firestorm Druid - I don't have any medals yet sorry, but you deserve one!)

Looking forward to the next 12 months, I'm hoping we can continue to grow and continue to be a Lemmy instance for everyone. With the increasing enshittification of Reddit (and the wider "traditional" social media sites), I hope many people can escape and make their way over here. The Lemmy of today is a much different place to what it was 12 months ago. Even from purely a technical standpoint, federation is infinitely more reliable, and there are many long-standing servers to choose from now.

So once again I say a massive thank you to everyone. To the mods, you're the backbone of creating content across the whole lemmy network. Its often a thankless job, but here's hoping this goes a little way to expressing the gratitude we all have for you.

To everyone that has donated - I'm still humbled by your generosity. Thank you, you keep the lights on and the bits flowing.

And to the users of Lemmy.zip - thank you for being here. You make this whole thing worthwhile :)

Happy Birthday Lemmy.zip 🍻

Demigodrick ❀️

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Demigodrick to c/home

Hello all!

To celebrate Lemmy.zip turning a whole 1 year old, we're hosting a small giveaway to say thank you for being here ❀️

We're giving away 3 prizes to 3 lucky winners. This will be 1 x Β£25 Steam giftcard, and 2 x Β£10 Steam giftcards.

The giveaway will be open for 48 hours from 19:00 UTC on the 9th June, to 19:00 UTC on the 11th June, which nicely covers our Birthday on the 10th :)

You can enter by making a comment in this very thread! Your comment can say or be absolutely anything you want (within reason!)

Once you've made a comment, you should get a message back from ZippyBot confirming you've entered and a ticket number. For transparency, at the end of this we'll publish the entry list and ticket numbers.

You must be a Lemmy.zip user to enter (comments from anyone else will be ignored!) and you will need a Steam account and be happy to send me your username so I can gift you the value via Steam. Your Lemmy.zip account must have been created before the 5th June 2024.

At the end of the giveaway, I'll lock the thread and Zippy will pull three random entries. The first username pulled will win the first prize (Β£25), and the other two users will win the other prizes (Β£10).

I've put a few FAQs in this spoiler tag if you want to know more:


  • Q) Can anyone enter?
  • A) You must be a lemmy.zip user, have a steam account, and your lemmy.zip account must have been created before 5th June 2024

  • Q) Can I have a giftcard for a different platform, i.e. xbox or playstation?
  • A) Unfortunately not. Those platforms (to my knowledge) don't allow me to purchase a giftcard in the UK and you activate it anywhere in the world. Steam allows currency conversion on gifts.

  • Q) How quickly will I get my prize?
  • A) Steam requires that someone must be on a user's friend list for 3 days before giftcards can be sent, therefore I will share my Steam profile with the winners (or vice versa) and after 3 days of being friends on Steam, I will send the gift over. (Unless you live in the UK, in which case I can send you a code within 24 hours)

  • Q) I think my entry was valid, but I didn't get a reply from Zippybot with my ticket number. What do I do?
  • A) Send me a message asap! You can try commenting again too.

  • Q) Are Lemmy.zip user donations funding this?
  • A) No, just making it clear here that the donations to Lemmy.zip only ever go towards the server and Lemmy.zip infrastructure. The funds for this are coming from my wallet :)

  • Q) How does Zippy select the winners?
  • A) Zippy randomly shuffles the list of entrants in the DB. It then randomly shuffles the list again in Python. Then it randomly selects 3 winners from that double shuffled list. You can see the code for this here.

  • Q) What if something goes wrong?
  • A) If for any reason something goes wrong during the giveaway, it will be paused until it can be resumed. If too much time lapses, the giveaway will be restarted.

Congratulations to the winners! @monoboy (Β£25) @win95 (Β£10) @anothermember (Β£10)

Entry List1 fathix
2 mynamesnotrick
3 Grimm
4 Betawhat
5 v4ld1z
6 GeekFTW
7 Blablablabum
8 Keegen
9 Zamotic
10 catculation
11 Lumun
12 TacoEvent
13 McWizard
14 MrSoup
15 nasi_goreng
16 Dyskolos
17 Zinck
18 padge
19 monoboy
20 TheHobbyist
21 generic_computers
22 CluelessDude
23 siv9939
24 Blxter
25 BrikoX
26 possiblylinux127
27 moncharleskey
28 Cethin
29 Marty_TF
30 errror
31 locuester
32 oyenyaaow
33 Micromot
34 Nevloow
35 altima_neo
36 alp
37 Serotoninexe
38 TriLinder
39 Anonpony1
40 OpenPassageways
41 all4one
42 Omgboom
43 anti_antidote
44 velvetThunder
45 sunglocto
46 tar
47 bestonecrazy
48 Blisterexe
49 Vivendi
50 Osu
51 win95
52 Hathaway
53 tigeruppercut
54 TxzK
55 agr8lemon
56 gveltaine
57 Levsgetso
58 sudoroot
59 solarvector
60 mill_city
61 RedDoozer
62 unlogic
63 1Fuji2Taka3Nasubi
64 stargazingpenguin
65 NuXCOM_90Percent
66 Anxie
67 Zorcron
68 Sivilian
69 GregorGizeh
70 Poltergeist
71 regitseroms
72 felsiq
73 Nadaph
74 Chronographs
75 Sensitivezombie
76 rolofox
77 daudix
78 CaptainAmeristan
79 dch82
80 infrasoundxp
81 lazorne
82 HeavyRaptor
83 Crozekiel
84 Gingerino
85 Cxyz
86 Primer81
87 nebula42
88 Dempf
89 noli
90 lazyhazy
91 diminou
92 rayf
93 solsangraal
94 TranquilTurbulence
95 dabster291
96 arthur
97 WeirdAlex03
98 ristoril_zip
99 Water_Melon_boy
100 Cyro
101 Clandestine
102 Blizzard
103 Vlyn
104 tri_poloski
105 sarmale
106 Geologist
107 auzas_1337
108 sheev
109 Dulus_No
110 AlexPewMaster
111 anothermember
112 Eramidik

Thanks to everyone that entered and congrats to the winners!

submitted 4 weeks ago by Demigodrick to c/starfield
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by Demigodrick to c/announcements

With the release of Lemmy version 0.19.4 we'll look to upgrade ASAP (unless any issues pop up between now and then).

There is a DB upgrade so definitely going to be significant downtime during this window.

Please keep an eye on status.lemmy.zip during this time.

submitted 1 month ago by Demigodrick to c/home

Hi All!

This month marks the 1st birthday of Lemmy.zip. Originally intended as a side project, I think I've ended up spending more time on this site than my actual job.

June 10th is the official anniversary, and so we'll be doing a small giveaway on this day to celebrate.

In the meantime, lets have a look at how things went in May.


This month, I want to focus on the existing abandoned communities we have that have the potential to really grow.

If you fancy becoming a mod of one of these communities, please let me know.

We'll also be doing some form of community tidying up over the next couple of weeks, so we'll be checking with mods if they want to keep unused communities or if we can remove them/put them back out to other mods.

Server Updates

Other than a small bit of downtime caused by me, the server has been stable as a rock this past month, with most of the work being carried out on keeping the various services we use up to date.

The extended downtime during the maintenance window (and extension of said maintenance window) was due to the backup process not correctly handling old snapshots. All the backups were safe and offsite, but a lock on the repo wasn't cleared and so the process the server normally follows where it cleans up old snapshots wasn't firing, causing extra storage space to be used up. In order to clear it, the server needed some time where files weren't being altered, so I temporarily took lemmy offline in order to let the tool do its thing, which lasted for about 40 minutes. Thankfully that shouldn't happen again, and wasn't technically the end of the world either as we were still getting daily offsite backups, but was very inconvenient!

We're waiting a lot on the next version of Lemmy to be released (0.19.4) which should hopefully be soon. In the meantime, I've been going back over Zippybot's code, tidying up various bits and pieces and trying out different things we can add to make Lemmy a better overall experience. For example, we now send a rejection message if we decline an account, unlike the default experience which is just to ghost the user. Thankfully we don't need to do this much, but hopefully it guides genuine new users to get in touch if they feel we've made a mistake (which we might do, we're only human!)

We're also exploring making bans more transparent. We really don't issue many bans to our own users at all, as you can see from the mod log. When we do though, there isn't really a way for that person to know why they were banned if they're not aware of the log. So we want to use the same technology as we use for sending application rejections and also send emails to let someone know why and for how long they were banned, and most importantly how to appeal. Again, we really don't issue that many bans to our users, but I feel people need a clear and simple way to get in touch if they don't think we've been fair.

We have also put up some new front ends that people can use if they fancy trying something new:

  • t.lemmy.zip - Tesseract - This is a fork of Photon (which is our current mobile site) except that it has quite a few extra features built in. Take a look if you're primarily on mobile!
  • a.lemmy.zip - Alexandrite - An alternative Lemmy desktop experience.

If there are any other front ends you'd like to see, let us know!

Interaction reminder (help support the instance!)

If you’re new to Lemmy.zip - WELCOME! I hope you’re enjoying your time here :)

I am sure that long term readers are bored of reading this now, but it is really is true that the easiest way you can support Lemmy.zip is to actively engage with content here: upvoting content you enjoy, sharing your thoughts through posts and comments, sparking meaningful discussions, or even creating new communities that resonate with your interests.

It’s natural to see fluctuations in user activity over time, and we’ve seen this over the wider lemmy-verse for some time now. However, if you’ve found a home here and love this space, now is the perfect opportunity to help us thrive.

If you want to support us in a different way than financially, then actively interacting with the instance helps us out loads.

Please don't be a lurker! :)


Lemmy.zip only continues to exist because of the generous donations of its users. The operating cost of Lemmy.zip is over 50 euros a month ($54, Β£43) and is mostly funded by the community!

We keep all the details around donations on our OpenCollective page, with full transparency around income and expenditure.

If you're enjoying Lemmy.zip, please check out the OpenCollective page, we have a selection of one-off or recurring donation options. All funds go directly to hosting the site and keeping the virtual lights on.

We continue to have some really kind and generous donators and I can't express my thanks enough. You can see all the kind donators in the Thank You thread - you could get your name in there too!

I am also looking at future fundraiser ideas (fundraiser committee anyone!) - if you have any ideas please let me know either in the comments, via PM, or on Matrix.

Graph time!

Here are some graphs from the server and from cloudflare etc. This paints a picture of server usage and traffic to Lemmy.zip.

CPU Usage over the last 30 days:

RAM usage over 30 days: (PS this is perfectly fine, the drop is where the server was offline during the update, the fluctuation is normal)

Image storage:

Cloudflare overview:



Unique visitors: (this is an increase on last month)

Global traffic:

Another relatively stable month (other than a slightly funky maintenance window) - maybe this will be the norm now!

Remember to check back in on the 10th June to celebrate our 1st birthday :)



submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Demigodrick to c/announcements

After much unexpected delay, the updates to the server have been completed. Apologies for the downtime!

Important edit: This is still ongoing, so the window is extended to 13:30 UTC. Sorry for the downtime. Please expect more downtime.

Time to update the server again. While I don't expect loads of downtime, there will be a 1 hour window where things might be offline. Please keep an eye on status.lemmy.zip if you're likely to be browsing the site during this time.

submitted 1 month ago by Demigodrick to c/interestingshare
submitted 1 month ago by Demigodrick to c/globalnews
submitted 1 month ago by Demigodrick to c/apple

This community is looking for a mod!

If you think that would be something you'd like to try (you don't need to be a lemmy.zip user either!) drop me a message or let me know below.

submitted 2 months ago by Demigodrick to c/playstation

This poor community was abandoned - if you fancy looking after it just let me know :)

view more: next β€Ί


joined 1 year ago