[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 hours ago

Glorious goose. Great lashes.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 3 hours ago
submitted 5 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The ruling class is PISSED that their Israel narrative was challenged. Thats why they're going hard against any sort of narrative they don't have complete and total control over. Even lukewarm shit like TikTok being considered a threat because the genocide of Palestinians got visible.

So here is an event that has given them a fucking gift-wrapped narrative for them. Clunky as it is for them to suddenly condemn all forms of violence while having a history of war and current genocide ties, they will push this "violent extremism is dividing our country" talk in order to excuse state violence against any form of protest of the status quo. It's going to be the 9/11 "security" increase on steroids. 9/11 was used as an excuse to normalise the end of privacy, since then we saw massive adoption of CCTV and mass servailence.

I dunno exactly what forms of oppression they're about to try and put forward, but I'm hoping the sheer hypocrisy of the Dems funding genocide and suddenly standing with Trump after calling him a threat to democracy will be enough to light a fire under people's asses. However history shows that Westerners are very quick to accept whatever their masters give them.

submitted 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]



Say hello to the world's largest owl, the Blackiston's Fish Owl. This fluffy motherfucker is native to Russia, China and Hokkaido Japan. But for some reason we use a name some English loser gave it in the 1800s even though I'm sure the cultures in Russia, China and Japan had already studied it. British imperialism is a shit.

Blakiston's fish owl is the largest living species of owl. A pair field study of the species showed males weighing from 2.95 to 3.6 kg (6.5 to 7.9 lb), while the female, at up to 2.95 to 4.6 kg (6.5 to 10.1 lb), is about 25% larger.

They also get fluffy as FUCK


These guys need big tree hollows and rivers that don't freeze completely in winter because these FAT FUCKS eat nothing but fish. That's why it's called a fish owl, stupid. They eat salmon, lamprey and even pikes, which is metal but not very vegan but I'll forgive them because owls have tiny brains and also it's the harsh frozen wild and you gotta do what you gotta do when you're tiny brained obligate carnivore. Sometimes they even eat frogs, crabs and crayfish, wow.

They are the largest bird that uses tree hollows so STOP CUTTING DOWN TREES YOU DICK.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

Worlds largest owl species, the Blackistons fish owl.

It's from Russia I think.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 7 hours ago

Great, thanks for ruining Jack Black for me

[-] [email protected] 43 points 7 hours ago

If it was America the tank would have run him over.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 8 hours ago
submitted 8 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


submitted 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

He wraps up my talons for fun, don't think too hard about it.

submitted 8 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 12 points 8 hours ago

Energy drinks.Those things are evil.

[-] [email protected] 34 points 8 hours ago

Not exactly the kind of people you want to bet on to keep trans people safe

[-] [email protected] 11 points 8 hours ago

I can't hate Jack Black, even when he's wearing a US flag

[-] [email protected] 1 points 8 hours ago

I'm planning to get a cheap used copy for Switch so I can use the online functions without too much fuss.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 8 hours ago

I started with Tri back in 2010 so the old games don't bother me!

submitted 16 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
  1. Unique design

  2. Smart implementation of a status inflicting monster.

  3. Him is big owl and him go hoot hoot

submitted 19 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 19 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Fucking dumb shithead

submitted 22 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It's the one mainline MH game I haven't played and I want to try it out because I hear it's like a "best of" tribute to the series.

However I also heard it's pretty long, and I have no idea how populated online is these days.

Apparently you can play as a Palico which sounds rad as fuck.

Is this game worth playing in 2024 or should I just stick with World and Rise for now?

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

With the libs in my life, the reaction to Trump being shot at has been "It's a shame they missed."

They have been hearing that Trump is a threat to democracy for the last 8 years, so hearing the so-called opposition to Trump suddenly support him has made them go "Huh?" and you can tell they're getting frustrated with them.

Now would be a good time to remind the anti-Trump people in your life that the Dems/Labour clearly won't protect them from Trump and fascism, and that an alternative exists.

The status quo is losing it's appeal. The important thing is to make sure people don't fall into the nihilist trend of "Both sides suck, there is nothing we can do. The world is terrible." A better way does exist and it will win. communism-will-win

People need guidance right now and communism can provide that.

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Their response to this has been hilarious. I don't think they realise how fucking crooked they sound (or don't care?) when they pretend Trump getting a hole in his ear is a bad thing.

Like, my brother's in Christ, you have been saying this man is a threat to our Democracy. You repeatedly have failed to stop him. He is one of the most openly hated people on Earth and yet here you are telling people that you're horrified that his ear got a booboo. You sit there pretending to be anti-violence when YOUR OWN COUNTRY HAS BEEN PROTESTING YOUR FUNDING OF VIOLENCE IN GAZA.

It's like the Dems are doing everything in their power to remind voters "Don't bother voting for us, we won't protect you and we will lie about literally everything."

If Trump wins it will be 100% the Dems fault.

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