
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago (4 children)

or I could just hit the block button, debate nerd

like literally what are you even on "name one form" like, again, what, I need a catalogue of misandric events to satisfy you, because otherwise you cannot conceive of anyone being a bigot who just hates men? debate nerdmaxxing

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

that's what i mean, it's wasted, I saw a chinese library posted on here where they used the same outward building as the building went up to give every level a clear view of everything, it was p. cool

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

now you don't have your gear.


I hate respawning halfway across the map with my quasar cannon on cooldown because I'm essentially useless without it

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (10 children)

someone hating men for the fact of their male nature, the literal definition of the word? saying "this can exist" doesn't mean, like half this website seems to take it to mean, that that statement is an endorsement of the idea that it is widespread or "just as bad as [whatever]" or whatever other projections seem to be getting made on me when I get called "a repugnant troll" for saying this

what am I supposed to have a catalogue of Acts of Misandry for you like it's something i keep track of?

I'll never understand why some people want to just play pretend that nobody can just be a bigot that hates men without there being some Misandry Pope or cadre of Misandry Police backing them up or what purpose they think is being served by going like "Systemic misandry is misandry and if it's not systemic it cannot exist" like that's actually helpful in some way. yes we're going to defeat institutionalized misogyny by telling people it's impossible to be sexist against men, ever, under any circumstances

and I'll never understand why it's impossible to talk about this without nerds projecting shit onto me like I'm some mens' rights activist dipshit instead of some nerd who's mad about words, like god forbid someone just be bothered by the fact that they consider it fucking moronic to not distinguish at all between systemic and non systemic forms of bigotry

if misandry requires institutional backing to exist then literally what do you call it when a person hates men for being men? it's absurd to believe that the number of people worldwide that fall under that is 0, so, what do you call them if not misandrists?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 months ago

some nerd cries about me picking mundo bot lane because he ignored my pings that my HP was low, proceeded to gank, died despite my involvement, and called me a troll

game ended with a loss, fun, but I did 18k damage, everyone else did 12k or lower

but yes ADC MUNDO LOST THE GAME!!! lol

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago (12 children)

cool story, but "misandry" isn't "the oppression of men"

literally half this website just making up definitions for shit for the other half to get mad about and going HUH WHY'S THERE 100 COMMENTS every time it happens

because you don't need a constitution enshrining bigotry for the concept of bigotry to be real (this comes off as very lib parliamentarian rules type shit to me honestly) but I guess you disagree so my comments get removed and I get called a racist reactionary divorce dad or wtf ever

[–] [email protected] 24 points 4 months ago

how fucking stupid could a person be jfc

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 months ago (2 children)

why bother having a building build outward like that and not have windows on that side to maximize the view

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago

hey fam, gonna see you down at The Function?




it's not like I got a happy may day, fellow worker! from her!


that's bullshit they should have banned me for brigading from hexbear angery


why are these people even here, how did this even happen?? I would be less confused if the truck were facing the water but they like backed up to it?????


take your beans and chop em how you want em, whether that's Not At All if you're some kinda freak who likes Long Beans, cutting them in half like my lazy ass does, or doing some weird biased french cut bullshit, give them that slice

now take some oil (or butter) and grease those bad boys up. Throw in some minced garlic, some onion powder, some garlic powder because you can't have too much garlic, some salt and pepper, and maybe a little thyme

now go roast those fuckers at 400 degrees for like idk 10 minutes before you check on them. They should be wilted, browning, starting to char in some spots. If not, wait a little longer until they are

this is how you roast a green bean

I'm telling you this because apparently I roast a pretty mean green bean, since these college kids will eat like 10Ib of them when I make them (versus <5Ib when the other cooks make them) so I guess I have some sort of Special Knowledge here

all my apes ;_; (scontent-iad3-2.xx.fbcdn.net)


post (hexbear.net)

My brother sent me this today, I only skimmed it but i guess the reason google REALLY sucks now is the guy who built their search engine got replaced by a managerial ratfucker whose previous experience was being head of yahoo search (lol)


Hey so like I have literally 0 connection with this person other than that I just stumbled on their Reddit posts, and they seem to be a trans woman facing imminent eviction, or might be getting evicted today I guess since the post is 4 days old

idk I just thought I should maybe share their post here? since I can't imagine anywhere else on the internet being more willing to help them? idk.

again, I don't know this person but their account is like 14 years old so I imagine they're probably a real person very much in need

here's their post regarding their imminent eviction

copy pasting my comment from the trans megathread b/c I'm lazy


fucking liberals

p.s. if you're wondering Who's That Flag I'm Venezuela and I just enacted council republic, cookin' up cooperative ownership r/n

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