I too like my butt to be securely held while I eat breakfast. It is just the thoughtful thing to do when someone is eating
To be fair it was something like plankton and kelp salad, I can see how one might yearn for some taters instead
People got depressed with the constant (us) politics barrage and jumped on a cat picture post, then started to post their own cats.
Also, cats are possibly the only thing on the Internet that rivals porn in popularity, so lots of upvotes and OC posts going around
On the other hand, I know (of) at least two women who prefer a male gynecologist because apparently the women are a lot less gentle, while men dont have the first hand experience and sort of have more respect for the matter. It works both ways I suppose
You see, if you fix the chainsaw ripcord to the bazooka and then fire it you can use the propulsion pull to also start the chainsaw during launch
I agree with most of what you said, but your example could probably serve as a textbook definition for "pushing an agenda". A still very controversial real life topic that you must engage with and can only respond to in one way.
I think it would have been more elegant if the player can choose to treat the trans person negatively, with negative story impact down the line as a penalty for being a dick. Much better way to get the point across without feeling like a lecture.
The point isnt that it is illegal to do, but the criticism expressed towards many societal issues and capitalism. The fact that it is often done clandestinely is more an indication for a desire for his personal privacy and/or safety I would guess, albeit I admit that it meshes well with the anti system message.
Ich hoffe ich muss nie mit dir in einem geschlossenen Raum sein 🤧
I am concerned that most users won't understand that either
Ist doch gerade wieder im kommen. Erst Faschismus und Diktatur, dann mittelfristig Monarchie und Adel.
I know it is one of those odd american pizzas but this looks like tomato soup in a bread bowl. Or perhaps some sort of not sweet pie
It isn't that you can't say things, just certain parts of "the message" are illegal. You can't deny the holocaust for example or call to sterilize immigrants