Not saying he is an anarchist, just that he wants anarchism. So he can become the new state.
You ask for anarchy without realizing that anarchy is what the rich fucks like elon really dream of. A world without governments where their exclusion from any obligations to society and legal responsibility can be institutionalized.
And then we have true, official neofeudalism.
I am german myself, citizen of Europe's capitalism capital. A country firmly in the grip of conservative impulses and the billionaires who play on them for their own gain. I still don't want to roll over.
Anyway, why do you not kill yourself then? Be done with it, do something good for the cosmos.
Or admit that you're just a fucking coward, too scared to keep on living and also too scared to just exit this plane of existence like your beliefs demand.
Ich habe deine posts in dieser Sache beiläufig verfolgt, und muss dir leider sagen dass ich von deinen Beschreibungen ausgehend nichts wirklich ungewöhnliches oder negatives in deinem Arbeitsumfeld wahrnehme. Für deine Kolleginnen und Kollegen ist der Arbeitsplatz offensichtlich auch soziales Umfeld, das damit einhergehende Getratsche und gelegentliche private Gespräche sind total normal in Deutschland.
Ich vermute aber auch dass deine Mentalität aneckt, da du deinen Arbeitsplatz in erster Linie als Wettkampf und Sprungbrett zu einer anderen Stelle zu betrachten scheinst und deine Kollegen eher als Konkurrenten wahrnimmst, was wahrscheinlich auch zur Folge hat dass du die anderen als kindisch und faul empfindest und ausgeschlossen wirst.
Letztendlich musst du es natürlich selbst wissen, wobei ich persönlich vorschlagen würde ein paar mehr Stellen auszuprobieren da du ja nach eigener Aussage stark nachgefragt bist und problemlos woanders unterkommen kannst. Auf diese Weise bekämst du Einblick in weitere Arbeitsplätze und die dortige Mentalität, und könntest besser beurteilen welche deiner Wahrnehmungen kulturelle Unterschiede, und welche tatsächlich problematisch sind.
I dont think i get your point, but for that matter I am not an american, I dont eat meat and I dont have a car, never mind an SUV lol. And the winning move here is to topple capitalism, not consent to die off.
So we should just roll over and die off peacefully? I think not
Only if you want your feed to be an echo chamber. In my opinion the best thing about the fediverse is that you can choose the rules and values you want to adhere to through your instance choice, without cutting off interaction with others unless you defederate their instances.
The frequent calls to blanket dismiss anyone on those instances are an unfortunate overreaction in my opinion.
I hate this so much as a leftist talking point. If the working class has no more kids all that happens is that we slowly phase out the peasants for the inevitable shift to fully automated labor, without even attempting revolution.
Just total submission to our neofeudal masters, allowing them to effectively kill us when we are no longer needed. Like cattle.
Have kids, if only so you have proper motivation to fight for a better tomorrow instead of this defeatist crap
Literally thousands of hours in stellaris and space engineers. Recently satisfactory as well.
When I was younger I also played a metric fuckton of world of Warcraft, though that thankfully is a lot less addictive nowadays.
As a fairly new Linux user, I haven't managed to run a single program through bottles. Just never works for me. Luckily I could get by so far with proton and auto generated lutris entries, but especially the latter I wasn't able to configure manually either.
This is a greentext. It must be fake and gay
Just for arguments sake, why is this not considered an act of war? Why is it not feasible to place navy in the area that is authorized to sink any foreign ships acting suspiciously? Chinussia will either have to admit they engage in covert ops against the west and NATO or have their assets destroyed without being able to complain about it.