
joined 1 year ago
[–] GregorGizeh 4 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) (1 children)

Personally i don't mind the communism as much (I share many of its beliefs and goals) as the tankieism.

No, China and Russia are not role models but hostile actors. No, their imperialist bullshit and human rights violations or straight up war crimes aren't justified because the west did a thing that one time and it was also evil. No, the russian kleptocracy and chinese state capitalism are not socialism or communism.

[–] GregorGizeh 8 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Acshully, the emperor is a perpetual that has guided mankind since the stone age in one form or another. Supposedly he has at times acted in the background and sometimes taken on the role of famous leaders. He also can appear as he chooses, iirc most people just saw their own idealized version of the perfect human when looking at him due to his psychic powers.

In short, dude is "immortal" and for all intents and purposes a god with god like powers. Looks like he wants, or even like you subconsciously want.

[–] GregorGizeh 2 points 11 hours ago

Let me preach you the gospel of sleeping twice a day for 4-5 hours. I used to have a real slump around (after)noon to the point that i would fall asleep sitting in a chair, naturally resulting in back/neck pain. Now i just take a nice long nap whenever i feel like it, waking up to a refreshed mind.

[–] GregorGizeh 15 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

I honestly believe the closest thing to real world cyberpunk is the anti corporate / foss / selfhosted digital sovereignty "ideology" that lemmy coincidentally is a part of. For the rest, like cyberdecks and body augmentation we just have to wait a bit.

[–] GregorGizeh 8 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Probably because they killed her changed mindset with it and now she is worried of falling back into old habits

[–] GregorGizeh 51 points 1 day ago

... are there?

[–] GregorGizeh 71 points 3 days ago (1 children)

No, back pain is a woke hoax

[–] GregorGizeh 5 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Personally i am torn on the arc. It is certainly one of the stronger plots in voyager, but at the same time it is also time travel bs and ultimately irrelevant because the successful resolution of the arc just means it never happened and the normal story continues.

[–] GregorGizeh 8 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Can't god like, put a cup over it or something?

[–] GregorGizeh -1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

How so? Would you actually argue that the time and resources of two people are not more effective than those of just one? Or that any child needs both male and female role models and people of trust in their lives?

[–] GregorGizeh -3 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Thats possibly the dumbest and most irresponsible thing ive read all week. Children need two caretakers of ideally different genders, or otherwise role models actively involved in their development to compensate, to develop into truly well rounded and emotionally stable and healthy people. That is a proven fact.

The nucleus family model evidently achieves better results than any variant of single parenting, simply because there are two caretakers instead of one. You make it sound like in vitro fertilization of single women is some sort of yass queen feminist shortcut to having a well adjusted child, it definitely is not.

And a woman in that situation should seriously ask herself if a deliberately fatherless child in their life is actually for that not yet existing kid, or an act of vanity and inability to emotionally connect to a potential father.

[–] GregorGizeh 2 points 6 days ago (2 children)

I've been watching the 40k gameplay and it looks just gorgeous aesthetically, but the gameplay loop seemed incredibly repetitive even after just a few minutes, forcing the player into finisher juggling.

If the StarCraft shooter can make the universe come to life similarly and also manage to not be as restrictive in gameplay I'd probably grab that.


Hey guys, I am trying to get rid of my old Facebook accounts. I have not been using them for years, in fact I dont know their login data and for one i dont even have access to the email address any more.

I am a EU citizen and attempted to instruct them to close the accounts per email, since logging in requires me to consent to them using my data or pay money (probably illegal here too).

They sent me a quick response basically to go fuck myself, even after I offered to provide personal identification to verify I am the account owner and reminded them that I am an EU citizen and that my data is subject to those laws.

How can i force these fuckers to comply with my request for deletion of the accounts and associated data?


Hey guys, I made the switch to Linux about a week ago and have mo complaints so far. Except maybe this: I can't seem to find a way in Linux to get proper loudness equalization like I got on windows.

My issue is that I have a bunch of media, especially shows and movies, that are suffering from way too loud gunshots, explosions, music and so forth and really quiet dialogue. I know this is because sound engineers make the audio fit for cinemas and not my living room, it is a problem nonetheless.

Under windows there is a simple toggle in even the most basic sound cards and settings called loudness equalization, that corrects those perceived differences quite effectively, which Linux is lacking. A bit of web search led me to the term ReplayGain, which seems to be the proper name for it, and I enabled it for my media from within the player apps. However it doesn't really work like i am used to.

Sounds and language constantly change volume mid sentence, which is very irritating to me. ReplayGain also doesn't really help avoiding those sudden bursts of loudness, I still blast awake my neighbors on accident when watching a move later at night.

Is there some way to get at that windows audio codec or whatever they use, that works so much better?

Thanks for reading


Hey guys, so i just now pulled the trigger, formatted my windows installation and installed Linux for the first time. I went with bazzite, which seems very gaming friendly and idiot proof with its rollback functionality.

Now to the issue: I have 3 drives in my computer, one 500gb SSD which i used for the OS. This one can be accessed fine as expected. The other two, a 2tb SSD and 1tb HDD however, dont. I cant seem to find a way to access them, and i have all my media on there / want to install games onto them.

How can i access them, and tell the OS that these two are also part of its system?


Hey guys, I am somewhat new to android (went straight to grapheneos) and am a bit annoyed with this widget.

It looks good, but the skip buttons are tiny and my gorilla fingers have trouble hitting them reliably. Is there a way to change to a different layout with bigger buttons or even gesture support?

I am aware that most music apps come with a widget for the home screen but I specifically need the one shown on the lock screen and pulldown menu to change.

Thanks in advance!


I hope this is the proper place to ask, though probably only indirectly on topic for this community.

What I am looking for is a way or tool to extract from a YouTube playlist the information which of my saved videos (usually very niche music from about a decade ago) are no longer available in it (so that I might procure them elsewhere).

With google being google, and the condensed information of "x videos are no longer available" that is displayed, I am fairly sure the information isnt gone gone, just hidden from the user.

Is there a way to get at that info?

Thanks in advance


Hallo, ich hoffe das Thema passt hier mit rein, auch wenn es nur angrenzt an das Privatsphäre-Bewusstsein. Also folgendes:

Ich habe kürzlich einen RSS reader installiert, und mir einige feeds abonniert, in erster Linie Nachrichten, um die elenden daten-oder-geld-banner welche auf vielen seiten heutzutage verwendet werden, zu vermeiden.

Leider musste ich nach langem zusammenklauben der feeds feststellen dass der Großteil der Anbieter den feed nur als Weiterleitung auf deren Website behandelt, was den Sinn des ganzen ja komplett verfehlt.

Die einzigen die ich fand, welche tatsächlich auch information darüber verbreiten und zumindest halbwegs seriös sind, sind die Tagesschau und n-tv.

Das ist aber leider recht mager, kennt jemand hier vielleicht noch andere gute feeds, welche auch tatsächlich feeds sind und nicht nur links mit clickbait Überschrift?

Interessieren würden mich allgemeine (globale) Nachrichten, innenpolitisches, und allgemein zeitgenössisches linkes bzw. progressives Gedankengut. Meinungsmache aber nicht, journalistische Mindeststandards und eine gewisse Neutralität sollten schon eingehalten werden.

Erwähnte feeds:

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by GregorGizeh to c/[email protected]

The civics were a tossup between shadow council and police state but I really couldn't justify not using one of the other two, they fit so well.


So i recently got my first android phone after having been an iphone user for years. So far i am really happy and especially enjoy finding foss alternatives to as many apps as possible.

However i cant seem to find a gameboy emulator, one oft the things i missed on ios all those years. Mostly for gba games, maybe gbc too. Does someone here have a recommendation? All the ones i found on fdroid were incompatible.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by GregorGizeh to c/[email protected]

Hallo, nach meinem vorigen post von vor ein paar Wochen ( bin ich jetzt dabei mein leben insgesamt von so vielen Konzernen wie möglich zu befreien (das schlimmste bisher war der Wechsel von spotify zurück zu lokalen Dateien die mir gehören, man findet fast nichts mehr außer mainstream releases).

Klappt soweit ganz gut, allerdings scheint es keine wirkliche alternative zu Google oder Apple maps zu geben. Alle Dienste welche ich mir angesehen habe waren leider zu unzuverlässig oder unvollständig.

Ich muss auch endlich mal meinen Gmail-account wechseln (habe ich seit bald 20 Jahren, wird sicher spaßig die Adresse überall zu wechseln). Gibt es da etwas empfehlenswertes? Ich habe proton ein paar mal in Kommentaren gelesen. Bin ich damit gut beraten?

Dann gibt's noch „Nischen-Apps" wie die banking apps meiner Sparkasse oder das digitale busticket welches in meiner Region verwendet wird, beide sind im Grunde alternativlos, aber nicht notwendigerweise sparsam mit der Datenerhebung.

Letztendlich sind da dann noch die verbleibenden messenger (telegram und discord) welche ich auch gern los wäre, ist aber leider komplett abhängig davon was alle anderen benutzen. Besonders discord missfällt mir, die sind fast so schlimm wie facebook mit der schnüffelei. Ich habe aber mal bei oberflächlicher websuche einige alternativ Clients entdeckt, vielleicht tut sich da ja was auf.

Vielleicht hat hier ja jemand ein paar tips?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by GregorGizeh to c/[email protected]

I was wondering if you could add alternate icon support for the Android version, so it can be themed properly.

Obviously this is purely cosmetic, but it would be a very nice addition

Update for future readers: the functionality actually already exists, choose one of the themed icons for voyager from the list.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by GregorGizeh to c/[email protected]

So it just occurred to me that during the TNG production era there is a shift in ship nomenclature:

  • TNG: The Enterprise
  • DS9: The Defiant/Yukon/Danube/etc.
  • VOY: ~~The~~ Voyager
  • (ENT): "Ennurprais" is all that’s left.

Seems towards the later shows they stopped referring to the ship as a, well, ship and just addressed it as a character? Why?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by GregorGizeh to c/[email protected]

Hey, ich bin momentan auf der Suche nach einem neuen Smartphone und würde gern so "offline" wie möglich sein:

möglichst kein OS / keine Software von den großen tech-Konzernen, kein Tracking, Login, telemetrie etc. Wo es nur geht. AI Features finde ich grundsätzlich interessant, möchte aber wenn dann nur lokal laufende (offline) Funktionalitäten.

Ich hab mich bisher eher wenig mit meinem Datenschutz auf dem Handy befasst und bin daher noch recht planlos was das Ganze angeht. Empfehlungen oder allgemeine Anregungen sind gern gesehen 👀

Edit: danke für die guten infos, ich hab mich jetzt für ein Pixel + grapheneOS entschieden.

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