submitted 11 hours ago by Hammerjack to c/cyberpunk
submitted 1 week ago by Hammerjack to c/cyberpunk

I've mentioned this before, but I'm a fan of the Watch_Dogs series. And I can't believe they're actually making a movie for it. I have no doubt this movie will be terrible but that won't stop me from seeing it in the theater. Can't wait!

submitted 1 week ago by Hammerjack to c/cyberpunk
[-] Hammerjack 2 points 1 week ago

I have the default comment sorting set to "Top". In this latest build it seems to be ordering them by "New" instead, even though the icon at the top still shows "Top". If I change the sorting type to something else and then change it back to "Top" the sort appears to be correct. So it looks like the default sorting type isn't used when first entering the post but the sorting algorithms themselves still work.

[-] Hammerjack 13 points 2 weeks ago
[-] Hammerjack 2 points 2 weeks ago

I've been wanting to watch this show but it's never available for streaming in the US. 😞

submitted 3 weeks ago by Hammerjack to c/cyberpunk

Released in 1995 (the same year as Hackers and The Net!) and I've never heard of this movie. I think it was direct-to-video though, and there are plenty of terrible direct-to-video movies from that time.

Here's a description of the movie from someone's review on imdb:

An evil billionaire develops a weapon that will entrap its victims in a catatonic state of virtual reality. His girlfriend steals the disk (back when DVD discs were considered a big deal) that creates the software for the weapon and amazingly, it's the only copy. She makes friends with a sailor who helps her escape, and they put the software in a tattoo on his back.

Here's a trailer. If you think you can stomach it, the entire movie has been posted to youtube. For what it's worth, one of the reviews says there's a lot of nudity in the movie but I guess it isn't enough to trigger youtube's algorithm for removal. I think it's a little too low-budget even for my tastes so I haven't tried watching but maybe someone here might be interested.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Hammerjack to c/cyberpunk

I happened to stumble upon this today and wanted to talk about it. Bujji & Bhairava is an animated 2-episode mini-series (15 minutes each) prelude to one of the most expensive Indian movies ever made, Kalki 2898 AD.

Now, as far as I can tell from the trailer, Kalki 2898 AD doesn't actually look cyberpunk to me. It looks more like Stargate or Gods of Egypt, where "the gods" have glowy futuristic technology but the humans are just living regular (non-scifi) lives. Yet this 2-episode animated prelude absolutely takes place in an Indian version of a cyberpunk city. The main character is a high-tech low-life bounty hunter who finds an android head and installs into a car to help him capture bounties. He's trying to make enough money so he can enter The Complex. Although I can't tell if The Complex is where all the rich people live (which would be even more cyberpunk) or if it's where "the gods" live (which I'd call less cyberpunk).

Anyway, these two 15-minute episodes are available on Amazon Prime. And the movie they're leading up to, Kalki 2898 AD, releases on June 27.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Hammerjack to c/cyberpunk

Nivalis is a life sim set to be released in spring of 2025, from the makers of Cloudpunk.

[-] Hammerjack 2 points 4 weeks ago

Awesome, thanks!

[-] Hammerjack 1 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Wow, this whole post looks weird in Raccoon. I embedded two images in the post body and those images are overlapping and covering the text. Also, I put a dollar sign in between parentheses in both the title and post body and both characters are missing, just like in my screenshots.

submitted 4 weeks ago by Hammerjack to c/[email protected]

I've been confused lately why so many headlines have only used numbers when referring to money without the dollar sign ($) present. Turns out it's actually a defect in Raccoon.

Post in Raccoon:

Exact same post in Jerboa:

[-] Hammerjack 3 points 1 month ago

Also, it'd be nice if that community list was sorted. I believe it's sorting each individual page as that page is fetched, but not sorting the full list of communities.

submitted 1 month ago by Hammerjack to c/cyberpunk
submitted 1 month ago by Hammerjack to c/cyberpunk
submitted 1 month ago by Hammerjack to c/cyberpunk

I posted the reveal trailer for this game a couple months ago but at that time all you could tell was that the game was set in a cyberpunk world. Now there's a gameplay trailer and it looks a lot like Observer to me. That is, as far as I can tell, it's a walking simulator (no combat) about a detective investigating a crime.

[-] Hammerjack 3 points 1 month ago

Also, if there are multiple top-level comments without any replies next to each other, clicking the down arrow will skip past all of them and jump to the next thread that does have comments and puts that last comment from the previous thread at the top to show the next top-level comment below that thread.

It took me a while to figure out what was happening for this one. It can jump really far if there are lots of top-level comments with no replies.

submitted 1 month ago by Hammerjack to c/[email protected]

The navigation buttons on the post screen work for the most part but I have a minor complaint. If I click the down arrow to move to the next top-level comment, it'll jump to the post before that comment. Now, most of the time this isn't really an issue because it puts the next top-level comment more in the middle of the screen (the last comment from the previous thread is visible above it). However, if that last previous comment is a giant rambling mess that takes up more than a screen's worth of text then the next top-level comment (which I was trying to move to) isn't visible at all.

I don't know if this is an off-by-one defect or if you were intentionally trying to put the next top-level comment closer to the middle of the screen, but I'd rather jump to having that next top-level comment at the top of the screen so i don't need to see the last comment of the previous thread at all. Does that make since? Did I explain it clearly?

submitted 1 month ago by Hammerjack to c/cyberpunk

I don't think the original Perfect Dark was cyberpunk (it was mostly about aliens, right?) and this new Perfect Dark doesn't really look cyberpunk either so I probably shouldn't be posting it here. But something about the gameplay/setting looks like a solarpunk version of the Adam Jensen Deus Ex games so I still wanted to share it with this group.

I don't know. I'm not sold on this new reboot, but I'm intrigued.

[-] Hammerjack 2 points 1 month ago

Works great, thanks!

[-] Hammerjack 2 points 1 month ago

But it’s so complicated to do manually I won’t ask you to do so, don’t worry.

Here's the error: 😄

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Key d4.w:currentScreen was used multiple times 
	at D.m.a(Unknown Source:1293)
	at O.z.a(Unknown Source:4)
	at B2.b.q(Unknown Source:130)
	at O.t.g(Unknown Source:61)
	at O.t.f(Unknown Source:5)
	at O.o0.a(Unknown Source:203)
	at v0.T.doFrame(Unknown Source:6)
	at v0.Q.doFrame(Unknown Source:47)
	at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1397)
	at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1408)
	at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:1008)
	at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:934)
	at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:1382)
	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:959)
	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100)
	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:232)
	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:317)
	at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8532)
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
	at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552)
	at com.android.internal.os.ExecInit.main(ExecInit.java:50)
	at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit.nativeFinishInit(Native Method)
	at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit.main(RuntimeInit.java:359)
	Suppressed: t9.g: [O.c0@70a4e90, v0.r0@6b38389, x0{Cancelling}@178ef8e, S@f4f73af]
[-] Hammerjack 2 points 1 month ago

Also, Crash Reporting is enabled in my settings but i don't know if you're actually receiving them.

[-] Hammerjack 2 points 1 month ago

Default feed type works fine. Also, changing the sort of posts or comments will crash the app whether I'm changing the default in settings or if i try changing my current sort order in the main part of the app. It's like there's some invalid/unexpected sort type that the app can't display in the dropdown.

[-] Hammerjack 2 points 1 month ago

If I try changing the default post or comment sort type, the app crashes. I just reinstalled the app and it's still crashing when I click that setting so I don't think it's anything I'm doing wrong.

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