
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

263rd Rule of Acquisition: “ Never allow doubt to tarnish your lust for latinum.”

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

“We don’t need guns we need fire extinguishers.”

A quote that will live on longer than most Palestinians.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago (4 children)

And don’t forget, not only are they focused on oil but also lithium.

Because they know their goose is cooked but that won’t stop them double dipping in all of those Government hand outs.

[–] [email protected] 41 points 6 months ago (7 children)

Oh don't even get me started. Hall effect has been known since 1879, those JoyCons didn't use it because it was cheaper to use shitty graphite. They literally went the cheap ass route because they didn't even care.

[–] [email protected] 191 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (13 children)

“Nintendo sues” oh look it’s a day that ends in Y. The only person Nintendo isn’t dead set on suing is Nintendo.

Here’s you 937th remake of Super Mario Bros 2 that you can only rent, have a nice day.

And our online service is absolute trash but you’ll pay anyway to have a legal emulator until we also discontinue that for Super other garbage online service!

[–] [email protected] 146 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (5 children)

Yes I saw some shit the other day about, “such and such reporting that sales are drastically down since blah blah blah. Where did it all go wrong?”

Or “Gen whatever is choosing to part ways with blah blah blah. Here’s our guesses as to why!”

And it’s just, NOBODY HAS FUCKING MONEY!!! That’s it. That’s all it is. There’s no preference. There’s no secret wokeness. There’s no underlying meaning. We are all just fucking broke!

They took all the money, they refuse to give it back in wages, they jacked up the price, and we are tapping out. HOW THE FUCK IS THIS STILL A GODDAMN MYSTERY?!?!?!

The only way someone can still be confused about what’s going on is if they’re on purpose being ignorant about it because, “mah market indicators!”

We are all broke. That’s it, that’s the answer. Media needs to stop with the bullshit. The headline every day needs to be “The world is on fire by rich asshats and the rest of us are too fucking broke to do anything. We are all going to die painfully because of those rich asshats.” And that should be all that’s on the news every hour on the hour. The end.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago

And just so we're clear, I'm not saying everything Leah said is golden. Humans are human and say things that don't jive 100% of the time. It's entirely possible for something to have both folks handle a situation in a manner that is less than ideal. All I'm indicating is for you to step back for a second. It will absolutely help you out here.

Ideally you can perhaps look at this from Leah's point of view. But that's solely up to you. Best thing for you though is to just bring it down a notch. That's the only thing that I'm pretty sure is a good idea right now. What's past that, I think only you can best determine that. But I honestly think some deep breaths are what's immediately needed.

I'm pretty sure post that you'll have it handled. And I don't know how old you are but I'll say that panicked hyping a situation only gets worse as you age. So developing ways to deal with it is just part of growing up for 30 to 50 year olds. This notion that we're done "growing" at some magical number is bunk.

I had my car start stuttering on the highway once and thought for sure that I was going to die. My brain just spiraled a situation where I needed to just pull over and see what was wrong into a flight or fight response. Ultimately, it was just a loose hose and I fixed it. But for a moment there I was panicking myself way past a point of being reasonable.

It just happens and sometimes we just need to force ourselves to take a pause. That's all the advice I think I can give you here. I think once you chill for a bit, you're smart enough to figure out the what's next part.

[–] [email protected] 56 points 6 months ago (2 children)

when I was really just frustrated

Buddy that all reads as harassing. The IRC logs are especially a bad look for you, because you said:

im looking to add this board to my resume

And now that entire chat log is tied to it.

I'm not sure why you thought hounding someone and harping about it for nearly eight hours on IRC was a good idea. But now you've come to the Fediverse to find some absolution or something.

You can be frustrated, that's fine, but when that frustration turns into that long of a hanging on the bell that's evident in that chat log and then two hours later you came here with this, that is past frustration.

Leah also indicated:

if i give in to you now, you will try to harass/abuse me again in the future.

And Leah has a point. You've shown no sign of taking a moment to collect yourself. I get you are upset. Sometimes the best way to handle upset is to just shut up for a day or two. And trust me, I struggle with doing that myself.

Like everything you've done in your frustration, I've been down that road. And I'm pretty sure in your head you are telling yourself, but the difference is that...... because that's exactly what I'd say to someone telling me this. That my situation is different somehow and that I must rectify this injustice immediately!

and if it was bullying, I apologize then.

What you need to do is two things. One, learn from this so that in the future you can do... Two, chill out. I think you'll find in more professional environments sorry is okay, but I have learned from my mistakes and will do better is more preferred.

This whole thing could have been max three messages on IRC. "Why wasn't I credited? What was wrong with my submission? How do I improve going forward?" The end.

I think the biggest thing here for me is that in open projects, leads are fielding multiple people and working on their stuff. Every message you send is "Hey stop what you are doing and pay attention to me!" So you really want to be respectful of their time by really trying to be succinct on whatever is bugging you.

And you are on the contrib page.

All round good guy, an honest and loyal fan.

And I think you're wondering how "testing" vs "developed" looks on your resume? But that chat log is now going to be front and center no matter what's said on the contrib page. It really doesn't matter if you got "developed" pasted on the contrib page.

All of this Mastodon interactions and IRC logs isn't a good look. It's not the end of the world. I think everyone has felt frustration like this before, like there's some magical set of words to say that'll fix everything. But you've got to let it go. You're just digging down with posts like this. And you don't have to let it go forever, just you've really added a lot of friction to have this go surface of the sun warm. You need to let it cool, come back refreshed, and maybe see if you can repair the relationship you have with the team.

But you've got to understand. Your post here paints one picture and your interactions with Leah on Mastodon and IRC are something else. And that difference between the is especially not good as it comes off as a lot of sour and bitterness on this "slight" that you perceived as such an injustice.

And hell's bells. If you sit on this for seventy-two hours and you still feel massively wronged, go fork you a project and call it FOSSITboot or whatever and show everyone your prowess. If you've got skills to pay the bills, then if you build it they will come.

Lots of love for you, but just take a moment from everything. I assure you, it'll do you wonders to decompress.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Wild days ahead where we're trading Wendy's delivery futures on Robinhood.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Remember the go old days when teachers…

checks notes

Taught classes?

[–] [email protected] 15 points 6 months ago

Self-immolation. To set oneself ablaze, usually in protest.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I just want to note here for those about to journey into this conversation, there's a major hiccup that didn't exist before. The Supreme Court placed an new expansive interpretation of the Second Amendment in the 2008 Heller case. This has significantly altered how the second amendment is read in the United States. So what may seem like "brain dead easy" things to do, likely cannot be done as they would be unconstitutional.

I say this because the question posed simply indicates "Present + Congress" which seems to imply, "which laws would you pass to fix gun control issues" and post-2008 that is no longer a thing. Any discussion needs to include at this point a conversation about the Supreme Court, the new understanding of the 2nd Amendment, and that the Justices currently on the bench will likely enforce their new expansive interpretation for their term on the court (which is a lifetime appointment).

We are now at a point that we cannot fix this issue without a Constitutional Amendment, a reorganization of the Supreme Court (packing, impeachment, etc), an incredibly careful tip-toe around this new understanding of the second amendment, and/or talking about the underlying issues that surround gun reform (economic and societal issues).

And we are seeing the consequences of Heller in things like 2022 Bruen which SCOTUS indicated that a "historic standard" should be applied to new gun regulation. This has lead to US v Rahimi where the Court of Appeals for 5th Circuit has removed the Federal protection that folks charged with domestic violence can still obtain a gun as "domestic violence" had no historical standard on which to base on. Which is an absolute astonishing level of logic there.

We are no longer at a phase where legislation alone along the strict lines of "just gun reform", this new understanding of the second amendment has forever (or at least as long as those Justices sit the bench) altered how we can approach this issue. We cannot just simply say, "let us figure out ways to regulate gun ownership in itself" that is no longer allowed. We can approach the issue indirectly: how do we increase the cost of Interstate gun ownership, how do we regulate the the dissemination of ammunition, how do we address the various issues that draw people into violent crime, how do we address the issue of school shootings at an societal level. But we have been cut off from direct approaches that regulate guns themselves except in the most extreme cases and even then, advocates are continually being handed new tools by the Supreme Court to bring about new challenges for those.

Any meaningful debate about gun control needs to include the Supreme Court. Because given the current Court's propensity to expand gun rights and the understanding of the second amendment, any law that might get introduced to fix the issue today, could and very likely would be overturned by the court. This has become a new chess piece in this game to be considered since 2008, prior yes this could have been a Congress and President issue alone, but post-2008, the Courts must be considered in the discussion. The Supreme Court too strongly embraces the new understanding of the second amendment to let any direct law be allowed to go unchallenged.

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