joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Jeez, I forgot about that. Truly one of the most inane takes I've ever heard

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 days ago

Read a book a while back called Monsters of The Market that was pretty cool. Delved into all the monster language from Marx

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

There's an excellent local burger place near me that has a ghost pepper chicken sandwhich. I've ordered it three times now and it never reaches the level of a particularly angry jalapeno, and yet every time I am warned repeatedly

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago (6 children)

I don't understand the kelly slop. Is his work supposed to be satire? am I missing something or just stupid? His stuff gets posted all the time and I dont know why anyone likes it.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 days ago

fuck it man, speedrun the collapse I guess.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

I'm not a doctor, but after some light googling, i'm almost 100% certain that charcoal doesn't work for inhaled poisons.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I completely forgot about them because it doesn't really change the gameplay, lol.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago (3 children)

after you've played the first two missions of sm2, you've already seen everything it has to offer.

I also don't think it looks that impressive? Its definitely not bad looking, but nothing has touched Alan Wake 2 in the looks department yet so

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago

lmao, this "perfect output" thing is just what i need. My printer and my software fighting over what is an intended graphic

[–] [email protected] 34 points 6 days ago

I'm glad I dont know a single thing about sports so I can't be tricked into blowing all my cash on the Buccs

[–] [email protected] 14 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Well I was gonna vote PSL here in georgia but looks like i can't.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 6 days ago

A lot of time I real some lib shit article and think something along the lines of "what world does this guy live in" but this is something special.


fitgirl has it. gameplay feels kinda dated, but with some nice additions. Looks pretty good, and the horde engine is cool, lots of baddies to shoot. Unless the pvp and online coop modes are amazing, I can't imagine it being worth 60$, but for the price of free, i'm digging it.


My personal computer refuses to keep me logged in anymore, even if i just navigate away from the site and dont close the box, but work pc and evreything else keeps me in. am i stupid? i tried clearing my cache and all that. firefox, btw


Cuz its fucking killing me.

I'm an educator, and every day I go in and try to help people at their lowest points turn things around. And every day I have to watch them be abused by the pigs and admin, or get shortchanged by our schools need for higher numbers of graduates. I thought I fuckin hated cops before. As a tankie, I thought I was used to The Weight of Being Objectively Correct All The Time. Lemme tell ya, you don't know the half of it.

The Inmates haven't had AC or Heat in their dorms for years. Nobody is exactly sure when it died, but the nicest estimate is 3 years. Interestingly, its the same for the education building. If you go up to admin though, well, that's a perfect 71 degrees, every day of the year. There was money set aside to fix it early this year. Somehow that got spent on cutting down all the nearby trees, right before summer. They said it was because it was too easy to hide contraband, but it just so happened to make things quite a bit warmer all around the facility. A coincidence, I'm sure.

Bugs and other vermin also had quite an uptick recently. Surely it had nothing to do with the fact their homes (the trees) are gone. Just keep a fly swatter nearby, and if a snake gets through the cracks, well you can always call security.

Luckily! We've got a top-notch lab, at least as far as prisons go. Photoshop 7! Adobe Acrobat! And....computers. They exist. They're not really good enough for the decade old programs, but technically they do run. And! its only twice a month when they'll do an unannounced "refresh" of a random computer, without warning. All that means is that they're going to wipe windows, do a fresh install, refuse to install the things we actually need (like PS7) and also not save any of the students' work. Sure hope I'm caught up on grades.

Don't worry though, I've got all day to teach. Unless there's a lockdown for unspecified reasons. Yeah, sure, those unspecified reasons usually end up being "Captain [REDACTED] didn't want to walk outside more than once", and yes, sometimes that means they cut my class short because of it, but other than that. Its not like I have to hear them talking about which inmates they'd fuck, or hear them curse an inmate out to their face for an untucked shirt, or watch these pigs get walked out in handcuffs when they eventually do fuck (rape) an inmate or bring in drugs, or see the black eyes of my students who said the wrong thing. Did my student sleep in? Or are they in medical with bruised lungs? Who fuckin knows.

I nailed the interview for this job because I told a story about teaching my daughter. I wasn't even really "teaching" as much as I was just playing with her, totally absorbed in her current interests (dinosaurs, of course). Her love of the subject meant I didn't really need to do anything. Just be there, as she told me "tee tops. three horns on head. steg-so-saurus, spikey tail!" She makes things so easy. My students here are the same way. They have a drive. They want to be there, every day, and most days they have to literally fight a cop to do it.

So I guess I'll be there too.

At least until it kills me.


Looking through and reading the banger removal/ban comments from my comrades is one of the best parts of this community, and I wish I could let everyone else know how much I appreciate them


Like, you mean I gotta do this once a week?!


Just based on his first round of presidency, i figured it would be more rhetoric and tough guy talk, with maybe like, a token investigation into some dems or something. Obviously we're moving that direction, but I figured it would be someone after Trump, who actually has the, you know, plan for it.

But after this, I dunno, comrades. I don't think this is gonna go unchecked.


cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/2921694

He's done.


He's done.


Couldn't have happened to a better guy.


Couldn't have happened to a better guy.


I dont want to get too high on copium but is this the fall of Isreal and the West I've been hearing so much about?


This definitely happened, right? I haven't been sleeping correctly for a while but I'm pretty sure this wasn't a fever dream

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