[-] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

but it makes my back ache kitty-cri

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago

Teach me your ways, placid people

you just have to realise that nothing really matters, the vast majority of life is basically random, and you can't change shit. when everything is bleak and pointless and grimdark to the point of being fucking comical, it suddenly becomes incredibly easy to be laidback agony-deep

i think the term is "learned helplessness" - i'm sure this approach is extremely healthy and people should follow my example /s

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago
[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

literally. the fact that they got some random actor to play the war doctor in the 50th special rather than you know, the dude that actually played the doctor that fought the time war was such a slap in the face wtf. mcgann day of the doctor is canon to me angery

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

the doctor who tv movie. fuck you it slaps. its the campest thing in an incredibly camp series, nobody involved knew wtf they were doing, they were so busy desperately trying to appeal to americans audiences that they accidentally appealed to fucking nobody, and they wildly fucked up the lore in way that every single medium has been trying to retcon ever since

its phenomenal, the main guy is hot, and it lead to certain novels and audiodramas that are, hands down, the best parts of the entire franchise. eighth doctor best doctor

[-] [email protected] 23 points 2 weeks ago

i always saw it spelt "gunner"

... have i accidentally been gooning all of my life stress

[-] [email protected] 40 points 3 weeks ago

scammers who never paid rent


[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

you could pass the mountain on top of the name off as a design choise pretty easily, honestly i kind of like it. you'd just need to re-paint some of the wobbley sun lines. realistically, no one is looking too closely at a beer logo

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

aw i saw shitposts about this and thought it looked pretty fun, like stock trading but without the cruelty and capitalism and crushing horror. like the real stock market sucks shit but i'm baller at the cookie clicker stock market mini game.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

yeah, thats what switched me from using it occasionally to never.

the odd occasion i go one some craft subreddit and have to turn my fucking vpn off for embroidery resources i radicalize all over again

[-] [email protected] 30 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

theres a guy at my work who's been incredibly helpful to me and has taken up all of the training that this bullshit company neglected to give me. he is lowkey the reason i still have a job. he has a bit of shaky grasp of the english language and i try to be patient with that and give him a hand, i don't think the rest of the team really talks to him because of his hit-or-miss english. sometimes we'll stay on a call even after work hours have ended to chat about football.

and then, a few days ago, he tells me whats going on in fr*nch politics. this then rapidly progessed into open racism. he complained about immigrants not integrating, and the whole "there are parts of paris that the police are afraid to go to. because of the woke.", and how some socialist freaks don't like isreal and are clashing with police (BASED), and how all arabs are violent; its just innate, its their culture. he, not speaking good english in an english language company, had the gall to bitch about immigrants not knowing french

he even tried to bond with me by being like "don't you guys have the whole knife crime thing? because of the violent immegrants?" FUCK OFF CLAUDE, KNIFECRIME IS OUR NATIONAL FUCKING SPORT ALL ON OUR OWN ukkk france-cool

the whiplash from the only person in this company who has ever been decent to me (and is also my boss' boss) turning out to be a rabid reactionary is incredibly unsettling. i don't know what to do, or if i could even keep my job if i mention this to anyone. it was unrecorded, outside of work hours, and hes my only source of support in this bullshit fucking job. so yeah, don't ask, but they might tell you anyway doomjak

[-] [email protected] 8 points 4 weeks ago

was that not the implication? i mean, certainly some of it probably happened, but i did just assume that johhny (drunk madman) was not having the greatest times regardless of whatever he might say.

i figured that the sickening, unnerving, body-horror esq way that the woman with the Pekinese was described was closer to what was actually going on. i figured all these girls were somewhere between absolutely average and just having the worst times of their lives, like johnny, but we were getting his tilted/exagerated perspective - only one of these encounters was actually confirmed to have happened (as much as anything is ever confirmed in this book lol).

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