[-] [email protected] 22 points 2 days ago

500 votes away from humiliating that creep.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Awake but not up. Despite the fact it's the middle of the morning here.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

£38m is chicken feed. Trump and Biden spent at least £11bn in 2020. Delusional.

[-] [email protected] 35 points 2 days ago



[-] [email protected] 22 points 2 days ago

To be fair, the entire media had to give 24/7 coverage to a distrubed guy who'd already been arrested for planning to kindap a daytime TV presenter.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 2 days ago

Do a livestream of him at a Blackpool casino to illustrate the strain on the average Anglo’s budget.

I'd support this if he was consined to a former hotel turned local council used B&B full of black mold and other issues, with an expenditure at the minimum of what he repeatedly voted for (against housing benefit, against welfare in general, against cost of living rises for people reciveing benefits, against disability benefit increases). And if he failed he faced the same consequences.

[-] [email protected] 36 points 2 days ago

Perhaps it's sematics, but I don't think she was ever really on the left (even in the US-centric online space) and she's spent the last couple of years entwined with the Democrats and punching left agains even mild US-soc dems. Even within an American politics online person capacity I'd argue she's already in her post-left pivot and will only go further.

"Red Scare or Amy Terese" should not be the benchmark.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 2 days ago

I'm not trying to be a dick, but who could have possibly predicted that?

And then naturally the move is to double down on a load of scratched lib shit and democrat punching left.

Personally, if I was fucked over by the machinery of a political party that I (somehow as a supposed leftist) didn't see coming, that might inspire oppositon in me rather than establishment media oppurtunity.

[-] [email protected] 45 points 2 days ago

True, but if only there was some way for her to realise that the Hollywood machinery of the Democratic party might use her... If only her naivety didn't force her to embrace that oppurtunity to be an apologist for the worst of the status quo and box her into being a post-left grifter. If only...

[-] [email protected] 14 points 3 days ago

And don't even get me fucking started on proximity locking. Absolute nightmare.

[-] [email protected] 40 points 3 days ago

"Islamo-Leftism" is the new Judeo-Bolshevism, originally propagated by open Neo-Nazis and fascists and now the mainstream belief in French and German politics.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Excellent verse that became w BobVylan track?

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

One of the hardest tunes of 2020. Because it's nothing but canny to real people. An alternative anthem in early 2020.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A pre-Covid tune about the miserable nature of working for the British state, wirtreb in early 2020 and it's only gotten my funding perfect. Whether you like alt-folk, prog-metal or really anything else you should do the Richard Dawson thing.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Honest words are the hardest to pronounce They stick in your throat and refuse to leave your mouth I lost sense of myself whilst hiding from the truth Lost fifteen years of my life whilst hiding love from you

"Love is a fickle thing", that's what you said to me "You know you could be happy if you wanted to be" Hand-me-down love letters from those I've loved before I keep them hidden, those words mean nothing to me anymore

Everybody's heart breaks in the same way The beginning and the end are one and the same You don't have love if you're not scared to lose it We keep these secrets until they're dead and faded away

I had to hide it from you You wouldn't expect it from me I couldn't give it to you If you'd asked me I had to hide it from you You wouldn't expect it from me I couldn't give it to you If you'd asked me

Everybody's heart breaks in the same way The beginning and the end are one and the same You don't have love if you're not scared to lose it We keep these secrets until they're dead and faded away You might also like Death Goals in Cursive Death Goals Loveless Death Goals Who The Fuck Is Sarah Tonin? Death Goals For what it's worth I'm sorry I kept it from you I was just so scared Of accepting my own truth

Our love for each other Is buried in those woods (x...)

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(Drums and badassery)

There's no love lost We hate your guts and you hate ours back We're not valid, we're not real But we have everything you lack

You're all pigs, ignorant, feral It's the year of the guillotine And these old gods are looking frail

You can't erase You can't erase our existence (x)

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

'Jews are predisposed to calling for genocide and it's part of our rich but often misunderstood quirky cultural heritage, but we can't actually do it, even when we are, because.... reasons' is one one hell of a take from a 'left' history professor and author:

As the author of ‘Jews and Words’, a book that celebrates the Jewish culture of debate and textuality, I must spell out something that the book didn’t mention, a negative aspect of our talkative legacy.

You may not like it, but here it is.

This morning’s proceedings in The Hague focus on genocidical talk in the Israeli public sphere. There are dozens of examples: ministers, Knesset members, influencers. Even the manipulative Netanyahu mentioned Amalek, the ancient people that the Bible singled out for eradication. Never mind that great rabbis have determined long ago that Amalek is obsolete, and the biblical verdict does not apply to any existing nation.

What stands on trial today is the ancient Jewish habit of speaking to each other as if no one else is listening. The Jewish habit of making extreme statements irresponsibly, unthoughtfully, without expecting any payback.

For so many centuries we have exercised a wild freedom of speech among ourselves, in our own languages, relying on our own argumentative balance mechanism: extremism and moderation may clash, and moderation usually triumphs. The House of Shammai is legitimate, but the House of Hillel, the moderates, usually wins. Israeli verbal culture inherited this freedom. But Israel is also a liberal democracy and member of the global community. Most of the loudmouths crying Genocide and Amalek are not aware of the profound dissonance, the huge damage, the justified outrage. Some don’t care.

Only a small minority wants actual genocide in Gaza and are morally crippled enough to carry it through: the extreme national-religious right. The fact that Netanyahu allowed these thugs into his government and echoes their discourse is an eternal blot on Jewish history.

Our disputative, wordy culture deserves to be celebrated, but it must denounce its dangerous outcrop of inciters to blind violence. Their Amalekite speech has become too viable to bear. Too doable.

No, Israel is not conducting genocide. But its ongoing rant about “flattening Gaza” is no longer a quaint side effect of our argumentative heritage.

It is a crime, a travesty and a harrowing blow to the best of Jewish traditions.

Later, from her responses:

This horrific, dirty, ugly war is not genocide. If that was our intention, Gaza would cease to exist on 8/10 and 500 of our soldiers would still be alive.

Ah yes, genocide has to be the instantaneous Thanos-like removal of a population just like it was in Germany during the... errrr.... monke-beepboop

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In news that won't surprise people paying attention at the time but has finally been 'noticed' by news reporting (the way British media usually operates), the funds for Starmer's leadership election including illegal donations, breaches of electoral law, and a shady slush fund from shady interests.

I linked the Novara article as the Sunday Times original is behind a paywall, plus there's some other links for context.

What's interesting to me is why this is reaching the surface of the British media now. The press hedging it's bets in case the dissent in the Tory party does take down Rishi? Plausible deniability as they grow uncomfortable with Labour's massive polling lead? A warning shot for some perceive recent sleight?

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Julie Sweet, CEO of Accenture, has a strange reaction to a student at a 'fireside chat' recruitment even standing up and saying her name. She's then asked about Accenture's investments in fossil fuels and arms companies supporting Israel. But the questionnaire how scared and paranoid are these people in general? What are they being told by advisors and private security?

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The BBC ran a story about a Muslim family who upped sticks from the city and bought a farm in rural Wales, and how they're encouraging more diverse people from cities to enjoy the outdoors. You can read it here.

The headline now reads Muslim farmer wants more diverse rural visitors. But it didn't when they posted it as evidenced by the Tweet linked in this post, as they can't change that.

For anyone who can't follow the Twitter link (Nitter couldn't find it even with a link, sorry) the original headline was this:

Muslim farmer wants more ethnicity in rural Wales

A headline that very deliberately baited a massive number of racists who predictably used it to tout great replacement theory.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

David Mencer, who was the director of Labour Friends of Isreal before recently moving there, had an extremely normal one when invited on to discuss the growing calls for Labour (and others) to back a genuine ceasefire.

Seriously, it has to be seen to be believed; from his total lack of self-control, absurd rhetoric, and the worst case of long-Corbyn derrangement sysndrome I've ever seen.

Keep in mind that TalkTV is an explicitly right-wing Rupert Murdoch funded news channel here and the host feels compelled to warn, repudiate, lower and eventually cut Mercer's mic in favour of a left-wing Labour activist with a pro-Palestine view.

(Posted here as it seemed most fitting, if it shouldn't be then just let me know - edited with Nitter link)

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

George Grosz was a fascinating and viceral painter, deeply scarred and influenced by his experience serving in the first world war, before he was discharged and left with psychiatric problems and a serious drinking problem. Many of his paintings from that period deal explictly with the horrors of war and the human cost juxtaposed against societal conflict.

His later work saw him fined by the German government and some of his collections ordered destroyed as they became more satrical and focused upon what he saw as the hypocracy of those that advocate for such violence - things like preachers vomiting grenades and Jesus being forced into conscription.

He also went to Russia in the 1920s, where he was initially detained as a spy, but released when proven not to be and even met Lenin. He lived in the US for most of his life after the '30s but eventually returned to Berlin, where he died falling down the stairs one night drunk.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


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