RemindMe! when we're heroes again.
They knew.... (maybe, idk, but I would've left you to enjoy the time as long as you didn't have a shark in the room again)
Iowa dairy, amirite?!
Wait, you're telling me the galaxy brains over at big-ag, who say that factory farms are actually good for the world, because caging up animals lowers land requirements... they lied to me?
What if you're currently using a working coffee machine that's the same model of the broken one, keeping it 'just in case' the other one breaks 'in a different way' and you now have the part? Umm, asking for a friend...
This is after step one, cut a hole in the box.
Two can keep a secret...
I'm assuming you think a replacement to Hitler would have stopped the war. First, is that what you believe?
Second, would a more effective leader of Nazi Germany ultimately cause more deaths?
I'm guessing it's a reference to civil war
I've come to understand that when people say, "I wish I could do that" or "I could live a life like that"... they're just admiring a thing that is mildly interesting or fashionable.
Most people hear "you can do it too" as a challenge to their current choices and not an invitation to a happier life. I don't take it personal...
As for how you're living, I find it really inspiring! I've tried to work out how I can make some changes and it's great to hear that others are doing it well.
The bribe wasn't paid in advance, so it's a totally cool and legal gratuity. -U.S. Supreme Court
I do the same by sorting by 'orders' and looking for better reviews. Also I usually select 'choice' shipping, so I don't have to play so many games with x seller has a price of $6 with shipping for $3, while y has a price of $4 with shipping for $7.