
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (2 children)

Reddit's such a weird place. I wasn't doing well last night and found /r/S*icideWatch and wrote a post looking for help and advice. I woke up this morning to zero comments and my post was downvoted, lmao. (edit: I know going to that site in the first place wasn't a good idea, but I naively thought that a community specifically for people struggling with ideation would be a safe space)

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago

I'm getting bloodwork done on Monday because I've been experiencing some symptoms that may or may not be related to heart failure. Pretty freaky at 34 and not knowing what's going on with me. It sucks that we don't take covid seriously and that our healthcare system is a business instead of common service.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Based, of course, but why my boy look like he just walked out of Goldeneye 007 on the Nintendo 64?

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I started a decent job in the receiving department at an automotive plant about 3 weeks ago, which has been cool. gangster-spongebob

The amount of pro-Trump, anti-union, transphobic comments I have to hear every day has not been cool, however. unsure

[–] [email protected] 79 points 5 days ago (11 children)

I'm just struggling with the feeling that we're living in Bizarro World when it comes to Israel. They've been starving and massacring Palestine nonstop for coming up on a year, Lebanon starts attacking in solidarity with Gaza, and now Israel is invading Lebanon like they're the victim and need to defend themselves. Meanwhile Syria and Iran are potentially in Israel's sights, and us Westerners are supposed to support Israel? It's so blatantly obvious that they are the aggressors and main destabilizing force in the region, and all of this is completely their fault. Yet you talk to any lib or turn on the TV, and Israel is just the smol lil bean who's encircled by enemies on all sides. I fucking hate all of it.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 1 week ago

Hezbollah has said Nasrallah wasn't hurt. So Israel just carpet bombed a densely-packed neighborhood full of civilians and didn't even get the guy they were "targeting."

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I have ADHD, autism, and major depression, and meditation has been a fairly powerful tool for me (when I can will myself to use it) when it comes to straightening out my thoughts so my brain isn't a big bowl of stressful spaghetti.

What's worked for me is just allowing the thoughts to race, but not allow myself to interact with them. Eventually, they'll run their course and settle down.

In practice, it kind of looks like this: I'll focus on my breathing, but I won't worry too much about quieting my mind. I only meditate when I'm extremely distraught about something. So naturally, the worries will rise to the surface and try to take over. While I'm focusing on breathing and settling down, the thoughts will come. Money issues, loneliness, responsibilities I'm avoiding, depression, dissatisfaction, etc. I'll allow the thoughts to come into the forefront, and I'll "look" at them. I'll acknowledge them, I'll allow them their space. But I won't let myself to bring them into focus and give them any type of thought. I won't engage with them. I'll just...let them be. Objectively. Once I observe the thought, it'll usually pass by and make room for the next stressful worry to show up.

EVENTUALLY, the majority of the things that are bothering me will have made an appearance. I'll observe each one, and let it pass by. After years of practice, I've learned that the thoughts and worries will run their course and I'll finally have the space to truly focus on my breathing and decompress. After all is said and done, I'm usually left with relatively organized thoughts and I am able to think clearly, without everything swimming around in my head, simultaneously trying to scream at me.

[–] [email protected] 39 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Civil protection officials said they believe the ship was struck by a tornado over the water, known as a waterspout, and sank quickly.

Big ups to my homie, God, for specifically targeting this guy.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

Gone Home, Cassette Beasts, Breath of the Wild, and Red Dead Redemption are my favorites.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The Pinocchios line comes from a WaPo writer who would rate how misleading a statement was by rewarding it 1-4 Pinocchios lol. The less factual a statement was, the more Pinocchios it would receive. I think the guys on Chapo parody that sometimes.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago

That's really blowing my mind lol.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just wanted to vent about an online interaction I had with people in my local community.

I lost my pharmacy technician job last month because the company is going bankrupt, and I had an eviction hearing this week because I haven't found a new job yet and have no income to pay rent. Somebody in a local FB group today made a post about how they're happy that place went out of business because she found a new pharmacy that treats her better, and it kind of made me mad. I was salty and commented, "I'm glad you're happy hundreds of people lost their jobs (including me)."

Then I got bombarded with comments that included this gem from some white boomer lady: "Maybe if you had any discernible skills, you wouldn't have lost your job." That really pissed me off. Not only did the business going under have nothing to do with me or my alleged lack of skills, but I had just started training to become a certified pharmacy tech. I felt like I finally found a job that I was good at and enjoyed. It was one of the most tough and thankless jobs I've ever had, but I was genuinely good at it and received a lot of positive feedback from my manager and customers. It was such a good fit, that I want to try to continue doing this type of work.

I've been applying at a bunch of pharmacies hoping that I can find another opportunity to receive on-the-job training, but nothing has panned out yet. Now I'm staring down the barrel of eviction, and something about seeing a bunch of people ridicule my situation because I challenged the OP's post just makes me kind of upset.


Hey comrades, it sucks being in this position. I lost my job at the end of February, struggled with finding employment until May, found a job I really liked, and then they closed after working there for less than a month. So I've been without an income again for a few weeks, and I'm still looking for work.

Unfortunately, I fell behind on my utilities and woke up to my power being shut off. I need $350 to restore it, so I'm trying to gather money from different sources to try to make that happen. Anything towards that helps! Feel free to comment or PM me for any additional info you might want from me.

Thank you so much for reading. heart-sickle

Edit: So I was able to get my power restored by making a partial payment of $50 and committing to on-time payments of $50 for the next 12 months. So, the immediate crisis has been avoided. Now I just need to keep trying to find a job so it doesn't get shut off again next month lol.


Lmao, today got even funnier. Also, fuck Joe Manchin.


I just got home from work, and she immediately greeted me at the door and led me to her food bowl so I could watch her eat. She was born feral, so she needs me to watch over her while she eats because she's concerned about predators.

When she was finished eating, she sped off across the apartment and into the bedroom, so I chased her in there. She's really weird and loves butt spanks, so she was waiting with her butt up in the air, lmao. So after I slapped her back and forth with my hands a few times, I ran away from her towards the living room. I hid behind the coffee table, and after a five second delay, I heard her run at full speed to me. When she found me, she slapped me on the forehead. Then she took off to the kitchen, where she was waiting for more butt slaps.

This is a game of tag that we play with each other almost every night when I get home, and it's one of the highlights of my day, lol. She's bizarre, and I love her.


After shifting my understanding of gender to viewing it as a spectrum and not as a binary matter, I've grown more comfortable with my identity. But I'm having a tough time figuring out where I fit. I'm a dude, I guess. Like, I have a beard, my voice is on the deeper side, and I've always identified as one. But I've never liked having to fit a stereotypical male role. Living in a binary society, I've always been made fun of or ridiculed for being, "girly."

And that leads to the first part of my questions. How do I describe the masculine and feminine parts of my personality without being misogynistic? We want to break down gender stereotypes, but how do we talk about masculinity or femininity without being guilty of what we're trying to end?

I'm going to attempt to describe how I feel about my gender identity at the risk of reinforcing these ideas, but I'm coming from a place where I want to understand. So please correct me where appropriate.

I've had at least two dozen people in my life ask if I was or accuse me of being gay. I've had both men and women call me a little b**ch. My family has made fun of me because I don't like getting dirty or doing hard manual labor. This has caused a lot of pain for me over the years.

There's really nothing that masculine about me. I'm a petite and pretty delicate person. I don't have much arm or leg hair, and my hands are the size of a 13-year-old girl's. I have a strong sense of empathy and I'm very aware of my emotions.

I would much rather feel small and cute versus manly or handsome. When cuddling with someone, I like being the little spoon and feeling comforted and safe. I like more feminine body washes and deodorants. I'd like to take a stab at wearing mascara to accentuate my eyelashes, and foundation to have a more even-looking skintone.

Thinking about embracing my femininity makes me feel super cozy inside. I would LOVE to not have to live life as a "guy", where I'm expected to "man up", be tough, and crush down my emotions and sensitivity. After thinking about these things for the past few weeks, I've realized that I was at my most toxic behavior when I was trying to be what I thought a man was. Putting myself first at the expense of others, constantly having to find sexual conquests, trying to be the "man" in a hetero relationship. It just isn't me, and it's not a good way to live.

So, I don't know if I'm non-binary, or if I'm just a feminine man. I really don't think I fit into the male gender box, but I'm positive that I'm not a female. Am I NB, or am I just looking for a way to justify being a soft and gentle man? I could use some advice and I'd love to hear from other AMABs who've realized they were NB.


Some takeaways:

  1. Trump is the most pro-life, anti baby-murder president we've ever had, and it's a demonic plot that stole the election from him. The communist Democrats are hell-bent on killing as many babies as possible to show their allegiance to Satan.

  2. Then they showed a clip of a Muslim devotional video which claimed Allah was the one true god. After the clip ended, they started praising Trump for keeping the borders closed. If he let the Muslims in, rampant evil would spread across our great nation the likes of which has never been seen, collapsing our institutions to enact Sharia Law.

  3. They then showed protesters at an ICE detention camp, holding signs such as, "Family Has No Borders", "Close the Camps", and "Abolish ICE". They began to harangue the protesters, calling them Marxist actors who want to let as many illegal drug dealers and traffickers into our country as possible, in order to weaken our amazing president's administration.

This was all within ten minutes, lol. TV Christianity is literally just state propaganda of the Republican party. Nothing that they spoke about had anything to do with God or Christ.

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