[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

The left has been shitting over its best interests this whole election cycle so I guess you could argue they'd already fucked.up as much as they had the power to so are now unable to do anything but petulantly whine

[-] [email protected] 20 points 1 day ago

That's OK, they'll know not to mess with me.

Especially after the news cycles through hundreds of otherwise inexplicably brutal events like 'oil company boardroom welded shut full of heaters', 'bee killing pestocide.producer found locked in a room full of wasps', 'putin awakes in room full people he's been oppressing', 'guy who invented mobile game adverts could only leave his house after clicking on a very small button that's actual hit box is slightly off the graphic'

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

They they invented gmo and instead of doing anything useful created seeds resistant to roundup so that they can use even more of it!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Maybe if they saw it being used they'd learn it

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Seriously people are getting crazy with paranoid, it's funny though because they're like 'I'm gong to be murdered if this happes' so you suggest they go out and campaign for Biden or a senate democrat or something and they're like 'no, I don't really feel like doing anything like that..'

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

What country are you from?

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Absolutely, I think general people being able to participate with testing and design ideas would be a huge boost for those that design stuff, it's so difficult having to work out what to try and determining what works, also building information about the product, researching methods and comparing them, etc. I think it could be a really interesting system where there's useful work to be done at every level.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

I really think if you learned more about the world you'd be incredibly shocked at how crazy it is

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

The left deciding to eat itself just before such a vital election isn't surprising but it is weird

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

I don't live in the USA either but I'm here on lemmy where most news is American and all the social media is the same. Korea as one of.my examples has had a strimg of absolutely horrendous rape and abuse scandals which would rival epstine but they're pretty much unknown in western media and discourse. Australian politics likewise is a total dumpster fire that barely registers beside American and European news, some people vaguely know about the guy that got firebombed for reporting on corruption because he was a YouTuber but there's endless insanity going on which barely gets a mention in ozzy news let alone international news, and even if it did no one would read it or talk about it like we do with American news.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago

Absolutely it is and it's a growing movement, my 3d printer is old and cheap but it's already stopped me buying a whole class of products (i.e. small plastic fixings and cases) the newer technologies are incredibly cool especially some of the pick-and-place enabled multi toolhead models.

Since I first started following the reprap project home fabrication has increased in quality massively, there are a lot of sites with endless things you can download that have continually improved over the years. CAD and slicers have improved hugely, they're going to continue to at an increasing rate not only as more people use them but coding tools are getting better too - my projects have benefitted hugely from ai streamlining the coding process I'm sure CAD software writers are benefitting too.

We're not too far from ai gen CAD which will be a game changer, having chat gpt style ai help guide you through putting together open source projects will help users too - being able to say 'i need to upgrade the motor in my washing macjine' and ai can help select a range of options 'this motor and that controller or thia controller and that motor...' finding local companies that will fabricate the parts for you so they plug into the bits you fabricate at home, or local companies fabrication open source designs.

Collaborative design projects are the key, I've been working with a few people trying to find methods that make it easy for large amounts of people doing small things to make meaningful progress on big projects. I think it'll become common for most people to be involved in at least some form of collaborative project once people are used to using open source designed items fabricated in the way generics are.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 5 days ago

Korea has a huge problem with toxic masculinity and shame culture, it's started to come to a head as more Korean women grow up using tiktok and Twitter which gives them a more global perspective and makes them less likely to accept bullshit.

The rule for women has been 'we don't care what happens to you as long as no one finds out about it, and if they do its your fault' which is tied strongly to their very competitive culture. One 'stain' on your record snd you're ruined. Tiktok is spreading a more western expectation in Korean women and some Korean men which angers the traditionalist element and results in headlines like this.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Google is coming in for sharp criticism after video went viral of the Google Nest assistant refusing to answer basic questions about the Holocaust — but having no problem answer questions about the Nakba.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Google is coming in for sharp criticism after video went viral of the Google Nest assistant refusing to answer basic questions about the Holocaust — but having no problem answer questions about the Nakba.

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