
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

They had to change their venting and airflow system for that building after it formed a cloud and rained inside. When your room can have weather systems, I feel you've entered a whole new category of 'room' by definition.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

I got lucky at a conference. They got us a VIP tour of the Boeing Everett factory, which walked on the assembly floor. It was a phenomenal experience. The sheer scale of the operation, the size of the planes, and the detail work was astounding.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

I did.

I was there 5 months before heading back to grad school.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I had one interview where they literally got me to fix their Sendmail server while I was there.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago (2 children)

If you're a professor with a doctorate in Germany, the official way to refer to you is Professor Doctor [last name]. If you hold two doctorates it's Professor Doctor Doctor.

Professor is also a serious and registered title in Germany. You can't just start a school and start handing out professorships without oversight and approval.

[–] [email protected] 67 points 1 week ago (15 children)

I'm in the "be prepared" group where we usually have a couple weeks of food and water around. We also have two forms of heat for when the power goes out.

Will we survive WW3 on this? No, but it has been very helpful after big winter storms that took out the city power.

Having some supplies to use in the short term is good for everyone. Being ready to go out to help neighbors and get the community back on its feet is how we get through to the next good times.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (4 children)

For a loose definition of "me" and more "my parents when I was young" was a mid-70's Fiat. I have lots of memories where we waited in some parking lot or by the freeway for a tow truck or some other help to arrive.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Run as a right winger, especially an outright neo Nazi, in any EU or US country and they'll ship a briefcase of cash to your door.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

In LaTeX, a single hyphen is just - while getting a range hyphen (the longer one) is --. I got chewed out by my graduate advisor for getting that wrong in a research paper. The difference is visibly small, but it does matter for clarity.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 2 weeks ago

Moscow, ID is fighting to keep the city public while local cults try to buy everything up.

Churches with no tax burden have huge advantages when they start commercial enterprises and then use tax free money to help their parishioners start/buy business after business with cheap loans and local support. Eventually the town is owned (directory or by proxy) by the church/cult. Then they take over city council and it's a religious city by proxy.

Fun times for everyone else who are then abused by the cult for still living in the city and now joining their org.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 weeks ago

It's only illegal if someone enforces the law, a judge holds a trial, and an actual punishment is meted out.

Given how little taste our justice system has for holding rich people accountable, it starts to get fuzzy around what is illegal or not. As President GW Bush said: "The Constitution is just a piece of paper." While he's wrong about the material, he was correct that unless people believe in the ideals and rules laid down by the Constitution, then actually build a nation who follows and enforces their ideals, the Condition just sits there as a pile of material.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

There's tiny bits of real city around the US. It's usually leftover fragments that managed to survive through the carpocalypse of the 30' to today.

There are very few real city places larger than a 1/4 sq mile here.


Washington State Department of Transportation is starting to realize that we cannot afford to maintain the sheer volume of roads we build. The maintenance debt that we have built up is bankrupting our governments and it's only going to get worse year by year.

Civilization itself cannot afford to have so many car oriented roads long term.


The more car trips taken, regardless of how safe you try to make things, or how much you try to educate drivers, or how many 'be careful' street signs you put up, will always increase the chances of a crash.


This is kind of an open question for me: does any code coverage tool work in Java with Junit5? I'll admit that I'm no Java configuration specialist, so I find the complexity of XML-based configuration systems to be quite opaque. I've got a few simple Maven-based build projects on hand and I wanted to add code coverage to the test harnesses. Unfortunately, I have never managed to get one stood up and running. I do this all the time with Python pytest/coverage tools, but it's been elusive for Java projects.

Could someone here please point me to a working example of any Java project using Maven / Junit5 / [any code coverage system]?

My latest attempt to get a working example came from this howto:

But, it once again gave me the: [INFO]

jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.7:report (default-report) @ JUnit5Examples

[INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file.

As near as I can tell, JaCoCo just never runs. Ever. It's been very frustrating. I've read tutorials, followed suggestions on configuring surefire in various ways. I've pulled misc repo that claim to have it working. I've tried different computers with different OSes, versions of java, different maven installs, etc. There's something somewhere that I'm missing and after months of off and on attempts to get this working I'm at my wit's end.

Please help.


The measure to make vehicles weighing 1.6 tons and over pay 3x the parking rates for the first two hours has passed in Paris.

Now, let's get that in place for London and many other other places to help slow, and even reverse, this trend towards massive personal vehicles.


This video outlines some of the relationships between US commuting culture and the perspectives that it's engendered about the role of the city. The, when compared and contrasted to other nations' approach to city design and perspectives shows that it's possible to have a city core that's more than just a workplace.

My city is currently clinging to a small area of interesting downtown core. Everything else has either been bulldozed for parking lots, turned into office buildings with no store fronts, or plowed into wider roads. Every time I show the maps of the city with how car-focused we've made downtown to a city council member they recoil at the desolation, but it's so hard to get change happening.

We need fewer roads, cars, and non-human spaces in our city core areas. Making wider walking paths, biking roads, mass transit (not just busses!), and planting trees to make spaces more attractive will all continue to invite people to come downtown, not just someone desperate enough to drive there, park, hit one store and drive away.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The mayor of Hoboken, NJ came in with a vision of reducing traffic deaths to pedestrians and cyclists. He instituted several strategies of traffic calming, increasing pedestrian visibility, reducing city wide street speeds to 20 mph with schools and parks down to 15 mph. Within a few years of road improvements and redesigns their pedestrian traffic deaths to zero for several years.

The article does note that half of the streets have bike lanes, they've put buffers between pedestrians and cars, and continue to redesign intersections with a focus on safety instead of just focusing on car speed/throughput.


What I'm looking for is some kind of desktop tool that uses the OpenAI GPT web endpoint. I'd like something where I'm able to upload one or more documents (text files) and then include them as part of the conversation/query.

I have access to the GPT-4 API and I've been writing Python3 code against it for some various applications. I can see how I'd write a tool that takes in one or more documents to include in the total prompt history, but I'm hoping to not have to write it myself, mostly due to time constraints.

Is there some kind of application that has a similar feature set to this that I should look at? Or, is there a wiki/site that lists off the current tools available that I could look over?


I'm enjoying the wefwef feel, but I have a question about copy/paste with comment text: is it even possible?

When I click on a given comment it collapses. When I click and drag it swipes. Is it possible in the web browser (desktop) to highlight a comment's text at all? It's not rare that I want to copy/paste some text, especially Lemmy links lately, to search/work with them. I'll also want to copy/paste quotes or other material on occasion.

So: what's the trick or instructions, if they exist, to be able to copy/paste text in wefwef?


Given that it's June, my suggested book to read is "Monstrous Regiment" by Terry Pratchett. Yet another wonderful work by one of the best authors in the history of humanity.

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