
joined 1 year ago

As many have feared, western commitment to the brave Ukrainian cause has faltered in recent months, despite massive gains on the front, with the breakthrough in Kurx twice around the earth and halfway to Ladsock on its third run. And even major western publications like CNN and the WSJ have been pumping out suspiciously pro-russian defeatist articles. But what could possibly behind this sinister movement targeted at the very integrity of American knowledge itself?

We bring you now to Larry Pullman of the New York Times, a writer from eastern Europe who recently mysteriously joined the publication, stating his intention to ‘destabilize the west from in—uh, I mean, combat Russian propaganda.’ As we enter his office, he calmly closes a webpage in Cyrillic with three colors that mean… something that we’ve forgotten plastered over it.

Pullman greets us enthusiastically as we question him about the insignia portraying bears and framed Zs over his wall, to which he replies that he’s simply into symmetrically truncated sigma symbols and a wildlife guy. He invites us down and pours us each a glass of vodka while removing his ushanka, explaining the intricacies of his craft in a thick accent we can’t quite place.

“You see, these insidious Russians have been sending cybernetic hordes over the internet to hack our websites and replace our articles with Russian propaganda straight for the Kremlin. And worse, patriotic Americans may fall for this! We wouldn’t want that, would we?”

We voice our agreement and he continues with proposed measures.

"As we all know, Pullman says, “the best way to solve a problem is to throw money at it and ignore it, hoping it goes away. And that is just what we should do here—cyber propaganda is obviously the greatest threat to American democracy. We should transfer the entire defense budget to developing new methods of encryption. Actually, we should throw our entire budget at that. It’s a really good idea!”

Pullman continues with why patriotic Americans might be fooled by this propaganda. “The truth is, many have been brainwashed by Russian bots on twitter. The only way out of this is by engaging them in patriotic reeducation, and sending them to the front in Ukraine, which will surely awake their love for freedom.”

We thank him for his input and leave to petition his suggestions to the DoD as Pullman puts on a fake mustache and glasses while sneaking deviously into the AP office nextdoor.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Musk reminds me of the perpetual dictator from I, the Supreme, (which I have not read), except he's racist and stupid.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I can already see the redditors going 'this will make reddit just like China!!!!11!!1!1!'


Many of you probably know a little bit about the history of early modern China—the fall of the Qing dynasty, the civil war, and the foundation of today’s China. Yet there’s more to the story of China’s path to socialism.

Chinese warlords may be a familiar term for some, and for me as well, yet for the longest time I only knew that they existed, not much about who they were, or what they did. A while ago I finally decided to pick up a book written by Lai Xinxia on this period of history. He is a very reliable scholar—after participating in the Chinese revolution he was assigned to sorting the archives of the Beiyang era, and over fifty years gradually improved his draft until publishing the final edition of his book, “History of the Beiyang Warlords”, in 2004. I have made a summary of it here to educate more people, something I have not spent as much time doing as I should have.

First, a definition. The Chinese term for a single warlord group is 系, which can translate to system, line, etc. The generally accepted english translation for this is ‘clique’, which I will use here. The english translations for the clique names seem to be based on location (province names) rather than abbreviations commonly used in Chinese. I will be using the Chinese versions here since I’m too lazy to find the english translations for all of them.

After the opium wars, many Qing officials realized the importance of self-strengthening and creating a modern army. Li Hongzhan, one of the many han officials who rose to prominence in the last years of the Qing empire, created his own army, the Xiangjun, with modern equipment and training methods. Eventually this unit proved instrumental in defeating the Taiping rebellion, and for a time there was hope within the empire that expanding the ‘new army’ would lead to the empire being able to resist foreigners and establish its sovereignty. The Empire also created two foreign affairs departments, Beiyang (north sea) and Nanyang (south sea) respectively. As an important Beiyang civil servant, Li Hongzhang was the forerunner of the powerful warlords who would come to control vast portions of China in the first few decades of the coming century.

Yet without changing society, the new armies soon fell to corruption, and by the time Japan declared the Jiawu war the Beiyang Fleet, a modernized fleet the Qing government had established, was largely corrupted, ineffectual, and quickly defeated by Japan despite strong patriotism and determined resistance by patriotic soldiers and officers alike.

Yuan Shikai was at this time only a minor officer, who at some point was stationed in Korea. Despite a minor incident in which he was reported to the government, many praised his effective training of his own army, with some westerners remarking that China would be saved if they had more units like his. Yet during the invasion of China by the eight powers, instead of going into battle he decided to withdraw to preserve his own strength, with the result that he took almost no losses while his sister units of the new army were completely crushed. After the ordeal, he then escorted Cixi back to the forbidden city, and won the affection of many in government with this action. One thing to note is that in 1895 Yuan Shikai began conducting military drills in Xiaozhan (little station) near Beijing, which many scholars consider to be the beginning of the Beiyang era.

In 1911 the Xinhai revolution erupted and the imperial system which had existed in China for millennia was overthrown. While this was a bourgeoisie revolution, it nonetheless pushed history forward greatly in China. Yet at this point many of the revolutionaries were politically naive, including Sun Zhongshan, the leader of the new Republic of China, and believed that their country could not succeed without existing figures of authority in government. This, combined with Sun’s own lack of political experience, led to the new government electing Yuan Shikai as its first official president. The Tongmenghui, Sun’s revolutionary party, decided to engage in parliamentary politics, and slowly began to lose its revolutionary characteristic.

Yuan was not content with merely being president and being constrained by the majority-tongmenghui (which around this time had rebranded itself as the Guomindang, ‘party of the national people’) parliament. So after a few years of rule and forcing through laws that increasingly gave him power, he finally declared himself emperor of the Chinese Empire and disbanded parliament. Before this, he had also secretly signed a humiliating treaty with Japan to win support secretly in 1915. This will become important later…

Yuan’s move was met with opposition from almost everyone in China, even including monarchists, who wanted the former Qing empire on the throne. His own subjects were also unhappy, as their potential position as Yuan’s successor was now only available to his children. After a few short months Yuan died from sickness, and democracy returned. Yet…

During Yuan’s monarchy, Sun Zhongshan had advocated for a Second Revolution. Working in the south and gathering the support of revolutionaries and local warlords, he managed to establish a southern government. Yet he controlled very few armies himself, with only a few fleets in the navy supporting him. Most of the armies fighting for the southern republic were warlords who only opposed Yuan for their own gain and cared little for progress in China.

In the North, after Yuan’s death splits began to appear in the previously cohesive Beiyang bloc. The Wan clique, led by Duan Qirui, and the Zhi clique, lead by Feng Guozhang. While Duan advocated for using force to unify China and defeat the southern government, Feng wanted a peaceful reunification, more because he was opposed to Duan than any other reason. To resolve their conflict, they appointed a third party, Li Yuanhong to take on the role of the president of China.

At this point, Zhang Xun, a staunch monarchist, led his army into Beijing with the pretext of mediating a negotiation between the Wan and Zhi cliques. Instead, he seized power with his ‘pigtail army’ and promptly reestablished the Qing empire, with the child emperor Puyi (who had been treated well and allowed to stay in the forbidden city by the revolutionaries) as its leader.

Of course this did not last long, with all the Beiyang warlords coming to oppose him. Duan Qirui gave himself the title of creating democarcy three times with his defeating of Zhang Xun, and the Wan clique at this point became the dominant player on the Beiyang stage. Yet the country was still divided into north and south, and tensions between the two cliques were growing more heated by the day.

(part 1 concluded)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Pretty much just patriarchy but with women, even worse in certain cases since it's mixed with imperialism to justify their extraction of resources.


In many ways the world of Muzhchina LA Mushina is about domination and subservience, both on a national level and on a gender level. But what I haven't talked about a lot here is the interpersonal level and the lives of those who inhabit this world.

Helene Batova is a slightly above average Burgunian who suffers under their political system. She's obviously very proud, but also cold to those around her. She thinks of herself as very mature yet often acts rashly, like when Pierre was grating on her with his enthusiasm for aviation. Deep down she did not really believe Andre's accusations against him, yet she cut off all contacts with him anyways. As she matures she constantly believes herself to have finally become a responsible adult, yet constantly learns that she's still far from grown.

In what has to be one of the least kinky aspects of MLM she eventually keeps Andre, now her lover, on a leash, as if to secure her control over him. She is only fooling herself and doing a poor job of it; Andre's power over her and the abuse he inflicts gradually breaks her in the years following her disconnection with Pierre. She could move to the Orenland occupation areas to find a life where she would be respected for her sex, yet her blind nationalism without being able to see through class relations chains her to Burgune. Even so she eventually manages to build her prototype of an aircraft, but ends up crushing both of her legs on her test flight due to sabotage that was aimed at Pierre, no less. Even when he takes care of her during her recovery, she can't find it within herself to love him because of what she's driven between them herself.

In contrast Zhigao is a much happier woman, from Xibei, which is basically China. While her entire family is dead, and she's heavily injured when she barely escapes to Burgune with the skin on her back, she's happy. According to her philosophy, as long as she's done the best she could, then there's no reason for her to lament her fate. And she still has plenty of loved ones to cling to: Fang Zheng (her boyfriend, still in Xibei and alive due to smoothened relations between the NPA and monarchy), and Pierre as well as his friends. Of course, she's a very sloppy person in her daily life, though determined (seen through the handkerchief she sewed with Zheng's name that Pierre finds while she's semi-conscious off the train), and she semi-secretly desires to be taken care of. And the young men and women she organizes with are truly her friends who would (and did, when she first was ordered to escape to Burgune due to her age) die for her, while many of Helene's 'friends' are quick to abandon her, if not outright manipulative.

At least during the first half of MLM, the culture within the NPA is much more open, with outright revolutionary factors flourishing, while Burgune is a typical conservative monarchy with a heavily oppressive society, weak to outsiders but harsh to its own citizens. Just through these two women alone, it's easy to see how big of an influence where you've grown affects the characters.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

Hey, sorry for taking so long to see this! Anyways the world is split into two continents, a 1850-90~ patriarchal continent and a 1900-20~ matriarchal one, which for magic lore reasons did not invade the less advanced one upon recently, after which they established a puppet state where they tried to instill their values. This sort of worked, although less well on the periphery, where after the puppet's inevitable collapse they ended up with TNO-esque ideologies like femboy fascism on the periphery, where their indoctrination was less intense.

It's also worth noting the commission was only part of Lindsen itself, much of the rest of the country is various warlords who are still patriarchal. By this point though most of them have been unified under a communist warlord who is preparing for a Great Trial against the invaders, for nationalist rather than gender reason

[–] [email protected] 22 points 4 months ago

They should unironically change the US anthem to the skibidi toilet song

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago

Good now play hoi4 to improve your knowledge fur----

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Kaiserreich reference?

Lindsen book (pls read) (
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This one takes place in Burgune, which I don't think I've written about here, but you'll enjoy the expanded lore and story (I hope) anyways.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 months ago (1 children)

No more baguettes folks

[–] [email protected] 12 points 7 months ago

Yuan was Chinese.

However COVID-19 was not a 'bacteriological attack' it's a fucking virus moron

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

It's pretty weird compared to the other two, but I loved it anyways because it was just so goofy

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

Old post but damn this hits different. Kinda reminds me of those TNO post apocalyptic events.


I've tried many websites to download this but they all don't work. If it's possible, could somebody with HOI4 on steam download it and send the file to me? Thanks.

Sorry if this isn't allowed or anything, I'll delete this if that's the case.


Let's face it: ppb is stupid and no longer funny. All people are gonna do when they see it is shake their heads and think we're idiots clinging to a dead meme nobody ever thought was funny. They're not gonna magically become tankies because they saw an emoji of a fucking pig pooping on its testicles.

Know what's really devastating? What'll really throw them for a loop and send them crying back to their fascist hidey-holes? Skibidi fucking toilet, that's what. Imagine. We could be called 'hexskibidi' and our logo would be like the hexagonal bear but with skibidi toilet. We could just call everybody 'fellow ohio skibidi sigma rizzlers' and all the taglines could be changed to just 'SKIBIDI SKIBIDI SKIBIDI SKIBIDI' repeated over and over again like a trot insisting that THIS issue is totally gonna bring about the world revolution!

Then we could post pigskibidiballs and all the libs will be devastated, they'll cry and scream and not be very sigma when they see some five year old watching skibidi toilet on their ipad like they're being mind controlled by aliens and scream "NOOO SKIBIDI TOILET IS TANKIE!1!1!1!!!!1111!!!111" And then the republican campaign would be Donald Trump promising to bomb skibidi toilet to own the woke homosexual communists.

This is what we could have. This is what we're missing out on.


We know all about the edgy 'manosphere' bullshit that teenage males basically get shoved down their throats these days and gladly suck up since they don't see any alternatives, but what about women?


I used to be a very normal guy, kind of a nerd really, in a good way. I knew all kinds of stuff and people would ask me questions and stuff and I generally felt good about myself.

Then there was lockdown and suddenly I was terminally online with virtual school and all. Not long after, I started browsing social media often----namely, reddit.

I was no longer normal. My previous life was cast out the window. I now could experience things like participating in comment chains of people saying 'nice' any time the number 69 was mentioned (I didn't know it was karmafarming back then, I just thought it was funny and neat) and staring at a hentai gif for ten seconds straight in shock before I realized what I was seeing. Worse, I was so poisoned with irony I haven't gotten over it to this day and jreg is still my favorite youtuber, in a meta-post-ironic way.

Now all I do is say among us memes. When among us was no longer popular I switched to skibidi toilet. Here's something I find funny: skibidi toilet ohio fortnite rizzler fanum tax sigma og pizza tower undertale gyatt digital circus mr. beast sussy imposter in ohio.

Don't do reddit, kids. That stuff could ruin your life.


Despite recent rumors circulating that valiant IDF soldiers supposedly killed innocent hostages, daring investigations by CBT journalists have found that these are in fact lies being propagated by the Hamas regime.

“It’s important to realize the extent that Hamas controls the global attitudes,” says one anonymous source. “Many choose to believe whatever they say, despite Israel clearly being the oppressed side here. It’s sad to see how many young people have been brainwashed by those brown terrorist savages. I mean, I hate jews too, but I hate brown people more. At least for now.”

Indeed, many prominent news forces have been secretly controlled by global Hamas cabals who strongly influence the narrative against Israel. As one innocent Israeli civilian says “We’ve always lived here until those evil terrorists came to steal our land!”

The solution is clear: the Hamas menace must be eliminated (we hate Hamas not the people). So go onto the street with your guns, and shoot up all the brown people you see because they’re probably Hamas spies. Then shoot all the yellow (removed to comply with local censorship policy) because they support genocide xae and Hamas. Then shoot all the slavics you see because they support putler and also hamas. You know what, just shoot everybody who’s not white.

Claim your free gun to shoot up minorities now


brrrr skibidi dop dop dop yes yes ohio pizza tower undertale og sigma backrooms fortnite digital circus rizzler gyatt among us sussy imposter sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler HOLY FUCKING SHIT IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKERING TNO REFERENCE r/unexpectedtno r/expectedtno perfectly balanced as all things should be r/unexpectedthanos r/expectedthanos


I used to think Thomas Sankara was an anthropologist, and The Upright Man was a book about early humans.

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