[-] [email protected] 14 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Then, in the aftermath of October 7th, he decided to deny the pretty credible evidence of Hamas’s mass r*pe.

4 . He is clueless when it comes to his public image, denying credible evidence of mass r*pe, pulling a fire alarm to stop a funding bill he didn’t like, and being very Hamas-friendly in a predominantly Jewish district.

“There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or r*ped women. But they still keep using that lie [for] propaganda.” This is the exact quote that Bowman said in November. The quote doubt claims made by the Israel government, which has been known to frequently lie.

So the article says Jamaal Bowman lost because he pulled a fire alarm, doubted claims made by the Israeli government, and has sympathies for Hamas (which is currently the main liberation force for Palestinians)? So he lost because he was too fucking cool? Does he also ride a skateboard? Can he also do a kick flip?

Pulling a fire alarm is honestly one of the coolest things that anyone can do. Anyone who thinks pulling a fire alarm is not cool is a nerd who should not be trusted. I'm not saying you should pull a fire alarm. Just for one second, imagine the coolest guy in a 80s college movie. He's wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket, he's smoking a cigarette in one hand while pulling the fire alarm with the other hand so that his friends get out of class early.

[-] [email protected] 104 points 6 days ago

Roe V Wade was overturned before the midterm. This jackass had more than half of his Presidential term to do anything about Roe V Wade. He was the vice president for Obama for 8 years and Obama promised to codify Roe V Wade into law in 2008. The reality is that he doesn't support Roe V Wade or abortion access. He's just lying.

Then, reiterating his position on Roe, he said, “I’ve never been supportive of, you know, ‘It’s my body, I can do what I want with it.’ But I have been supportive of the notion that this is probably the most rational allocation of responsibility that all the major religions have signed on and debated over the last thousand years.”

Biden says that he doesn't support bodily autonomy and that he thinks that religions have authority over abortion access.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 6 days ago

say-the-line-bart-2 In a 6-3 decision

[-] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Also during Trump's presidency he did many things which hurt Palestinians and helped Israel, such as the Abraham Accords and moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He also cut funding to Palestinian aid groups, stopped funding to UNRWA. There's also speculation that his assassination of Qassem Soleimani was on behalf of Israel.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Despite his bold talk, however, Fain has not yet made an organized attempt to spread the idea.

This is an absolute lie. Shawn Fain promised a general strike after the UAW negotiated their 5 year contract in 2023. The UAW did not have to promise this at all. The UAW also shortened their contract so that they could strike on May 1, 2028. The UAW also said that it was their goal to have unionized 2 or 3 additional car manufacturers by 2028. The UAW is typically known for having unionized the "Big Three" car companies, which is GM, Ford, and Stellantis (fka Fiat-Chrysler). However in April 2024, the UAW unionized the Volkswagen factory in Chattanooga TN. That is evidence that UAW is in fact trying to do their plan. The UAW is also in the process of trying to organize other non-union plants in the US such as Toyota.

Besides that, the article has a naive understanding of the purpose of general strike. The article should ask "Why strike before 2028?". The purpose of a strike is a bargaining tool. The union already got the best contract that they've had in decades, why would they strike before the contract expires? That makes no sense unless you have the brain of a redditor. A strike is supposed to be a threat. Nobody wants to actually go on strike to have their demands met. Firstly it costs a lot money to go on strike, which is why unions need to save up strike funds prior to the strike. Secondly, everyone hopes that the capitalist concede to the demands of the union before a strike happens. The ideal scenario is that the capitalists concede and then the workers don't have to strike.

The strike is planned for 2028 because that is when the contract ends. The UAW offered to strike with other unions in 2028 so that all unions involved in the general strike would have greater collective bargaining power. Let's say hypothetically the Teamsters agree to the proposed general strike arrangement with the UAW. What would that mean? That would mean that the UAW and Teamsters negotiate contracts at the same time, with the threat that if the companies don't concede to their demands, then both unions would go on strike. The hope is that this greater pressure will make the companies more likely to concede so that a strike won't actually happen, but the worker's demands will be met.

Stupid article. The article is written by Trotskyists, as you might expect. The website is owned by "Revolutionary Communist Party of America" (RCA), which on their website says they support "genuine Marxism, represented by Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Trotsky." This leads me to believe that they don't support Stalin, Mao, and so on.

[-] [email protected] 58 points 6 days ago

The worst thing that Trump said during the debate was in the brief period when they were talking about Israel. Trump says that Biden should let Israel "finish the job" in Gaza. Trump said that Biden is a Palestinian. Trump uses the label Palestinian as a derogatory word.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 6 days ago

it was originally broadcast on rumble, which is like a more right wing version of youtube. it was also about an hour longer because rfk would pause the actual debate to give his own answers to the questions.

You can watch the full thing at the link below. warning that rumble is more right wing than youtube.


[-] [email protected] 80 points 6 days ago

Kamala was live on CNN about 30 minutes ago with Anderson Cooper. She was trying to save face and Anderson Cooper interrupted her. Anderson told Kamala that Biden's performance at the debate was a disaster and a train wreck.

I'm honestly surprised to see that CNN is negatively covering Biden.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 6 days ago

the debate is over. at peak we had 200 hexbears in chat. thank you everyone who came

[-] [email protected] 40 points 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

~~We're watching the Trump v Biden debate live on hextube. It starts in 20 minutes. 9pm EST~~ the debate is over. at peak we had 200 hexbears in chat. thank you everyone who came


[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

To be clear, Slasher cowrote the article. Slasher is Rod Breslau.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"Red Line" Touted by U.S. Is Banister for Murderers

Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- The U.S. moves to protect and encourage the Israeli army's massacre of Palestinians are touching off bitter anger of the international community.

On June 6, the Israeli army made an air raid on a school, run by an UN organization in the Gaza Strip, under the pretext of a "mopping-up operation against Hamas", causing the disaster in which dozens of civilians including 14 children and 9 women were killed. The army dropped GBU-39, a GPS guided bomb, offered by the U.S.

On May 26, Israel dropped the same bomb on a refugee camp in Rafah, killing more than 40 civilians.

The whole world is vehemently censuring Israel for its massacre in disregard of international law and humanitarian principle.

But this time, too, a spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State patronized the horrible massacre, claiming that Israel did not cross the "red line" set by the U.S.

According to his words, the "red line" set by Washington in connection with Israel's military operations means a "large-scale operation in Rafah" and it is the U.S. stand that it has not yet seen such large-scale operation.

His words mean that the death toll of innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip that has reached nearly 40 000 is not enough for the U.S. and Israel but scarce.

They are the reckless remarks that can be made by only rare murderers who regard massacre as a common practice and pleasure. They revealed who is a backer for Israel running amuck in disregard of the strong denunciation by the international society and that the "threat" and "warning" against Israel touted by the U.S. before the world are no more than hypocritical sophism.

World media say that the U.S. seems to make "diplomatic efforts" but is positively patronizing Israel's actions and driving the situation into a more dangerous phase by switching the "blue light" for the tragedy lasting in the Gaza Strip.

Even at this moment, Israel's massacre is growing in the Gaza Strip under the patronage of the U.S.

On June 8, 274 Palestinians were mercilessly killed and nearly 700 wounded by the Israel's military attack on the mid Gaza Strip, but the U.S. "red line" and its rulers remain unchanged.

The reality goes to clearly prove that the "red line" set by the U.S. is not a "check line" for defending the international justice and humanitarianism but a "banister" for its stooges and murderers.

The world is spitting at the disgusting entity called the U.S., the chieftain of aggression and massacre which is only committing all sorts of vicious acts while styling itself the "guardian of international order" and "apostle of justice and peace". -0-
www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.13.)

source http://kcna.kp/en/article/q/be7b31a7366d9787d0a293a494a92b1c.kcmsf
mirror https://kcnawatch.org/newstream/1718285562-389927540/red-line-touted-by-u-s-is-banister-for-murderers/

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Press Statement of Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK Kim Yo Jong

Pyongyang, June 10 (KCNA) -- Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, issued the following press statement on Sunday.

The ROK connived at the provocative act of scattering the political agitation rubbish across the border of the DPRK again on June 6 and 7 despite our repeated warning against the intemperate psychological warfare of the scum who defected from the DPRK, thus aggravating the situation.

In the period between June 6 and 8, the despicable political agitation rubbish was discovered in Singye and Thosan counties of North Hwanghae Province, Jangphung County and Phanmun District of Kaesong Municipality, Kosan, Phyonggang and Cholwon counties of Kangwon Province and other areas of the DPRK near the border.

As already warned, the DPRK scattered 7.5 tons of waste paper with more than 1 400 balloons over the border of the ROK from the night of June 8 to the dawn of June 9.

As you will see, we have only scattered empty waste paper without any political agitation.

It is quite different from the provocative political agitation rubbish scattered by the scum of the ROK against the DPRK.

Our minimum reaction is only the just and reflective reaction at the very low level.

Our reaction was scheduled to end on June 9, but the situation has changed.

The reason was explained by the act of the ROK.

The loudspeaker broadcasting provocation started in the border area at last.

This is a prelude to a very dangerous situation.

Politicians of Seoul are trying hard to justify their stand with the only and strange deformed logic in the world that regulates and judges the "freedom of expression" and "provocation" in the windward direction. And they formalized their behavior just like a guilty filing the suit first that they have resumed the loudspeaker broadcasting smear campaign again against the DPRK's counteraction against their challengeable act, thus creating a new crisis.

We strongly denounce the despicable and childish behavior of the ROK and clarify our stand responding to it.

If the ROK simultaneously carries out the leaflet scattering and loudspeaker broadcasting provocation over the border, it will undoubtedly witness the new counteraction of the DPRK.

The ROK will suffer a bitter embarrassment of picking up waste paper without rest and it will be its daily work.

I sternly warn Seoul to stop at once the dangerous act of bringing the further confrontation crisis and discipline itself. -0-
www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.10.)

source http://kcna.kp/en/article/q/8ec19906a01596bdfc2ca10bf9f8d555.kcmsf
mirror https://kcnawatch.org/newstream/1717970498-881766479/press-statement-of-vice-department-director-of-c-c-wpk-kim-yo-jong


submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I get that CPUSA has some bad reputation. This clip is a part of a call-in show. It features 4-5 calls from American hogs and the CPUSA guy responds to their questions. I think that this interview was interesting at least. I will post more information in a comment.

video link

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The main post links to reuters, but also here is the article from DPRK.

Press Statement by Vice-Minister of National Defence of DPRK

Pyongyang, June 2 (KCNA) -- Kim Kang Il, vice-minister of National Defence of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, made public the following press statement on Sunday:

From the night of May 28 to the dawn of June 2, we scattered 15 tons of wastepaper, favorite toy of the human scum, over the border areas of the ROK and its capital region with more than 3 500 balloons of various sorts.

We made the ROK clans get enough experience of how much unpleasant they feel and how much effort is needed to remove the scattered wastepaper.

We are going to halt wastepaper scattering over the border temporarily as our action was a countermeasure from A to Z.

But, if the ROK clans resume anti-DPRK leaflet scattering, we will correspond to it by intensively scattering wastepaper and rubbish hundred times the amount of scattered leaflets and the number of cases, as we have already warned. -0-
www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.2.)

source: http://kcna.kp/en/article/q/0a00edca9a7b40989409da886de4e63b.kcmsf

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Rodong Sinmun is a newspaper within North Korea (DPRK). KCNA is a news website hosted by DPRK. The article does not specifically use the word "nuke" or "nuclear weapon". The article does mention that Israel has killed many children in the Gaza strip.

The article says "if a country fails to have enough military strength capable of defending itself, it cannot but be pressurized by the imperialists' military threat" and "the dignity and sovereignty of the state and happiness of its people and the future of its children can be guaranteed only when it has self-defensive capability enough to overwhelm any foe."

In my interpretation, "self-defensive capability enough to overwhelm any foe" can only mean nuclear weapons. DPRK possessing nuclear weapons is the main thing that prevents imperialist powers from invading the DPRK.

Full article below:

Only Power Can Defend Future of Children: Rodong Sinmun

Pyongyang, June 1 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Saturday in an article says as follows:

To ensure the rights of children is one of the most important matters related to the development of each country and nation and the future of mankind.

The present situation being created on the globe is so against common sense.

As recognized by the world, the Gaza Strip of Palestine has been reduced into a "tomb of children".

Many countries are bitterly denouncing Israel, but this is not enough to stop the bloodshed in the Gaza Strip.

A country should have strong military power to defend the destiny of its children from the imperialists' moves. It is the law of the world that if a country fails to have enough military strength capable of defending itself, it cannot but be pressurized by the imperialists' military threat and be forced to suffer misfortune and, furthermore, even the existence of its state, people and children cannot be maintained.

This is more important under the situation where the imperialists, the permanent source of war and the main force of aggression and war, remain on the globe and their moves are getting more vicious.

The DPRK has proved in practice that the dignity and sovereignty of the state and happiness of its people and the future of its children can be guaranteed only when it has self-defensive capability enough to overwhelm any foe.

By further strengthening its defence capabilities, the DPRK clearly showed the U.S.-led imperialists how it defends the laughter of its children and its socialist system.

It is necessary to be strong even for the posterity. First of all, we have to become strong. Only then we can more certainly protect the safety of our country and people and the rosy future of our children by dint of further increased strength and perfected strategic force. This is the firm will and faith of our people. -0- www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.1.)

source: http://kcna.kp/en/article/q/8b565cac0a1802bbd73efc2383d4837f.kcmsf
mirror: https://kcnawatch.org/newstream/1717234354-105784164/only-power-can-defend-future-of-children-rodong-sinmun/

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


On Thursday, the Canadian-Palestinian rapper released the nine-track album 96 Miles From Bethlehem as an ode to Palestine amid the Israel-Hamas war, featuring appearances from Elyanna, Saint Levant, and MC Abdul.

Belly opens the album with “Metal Birds” about the Israeli airstrikes that have killed thousands of innocent Palestinians

“Jenin’s Song” is dedicated to the refugee camp of the same name, while Saint Levant joins on “Baroudeh” and Palestinian-Chilean star Elyanna‘s vocals are featured on “Maktub,” with both artists singing in Arabic.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


I saw his image posted on hexbear yesterday portrayed as an upset Trump supporter. I was tricked.


submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Some highlights:
at 24m: Hasan says that Trump's policies in Israel such as moving the capital to Jerusalem and Abraham Accords caused Oct 7 to happen. AOC seemingly agrees and nods along.
at 29m: Hasan brings up the point that Democrats don't pass enough regulations to combat inflation. AOC talks about targeting Ticketmaster.
at 32m: Hasan criticizes the Democrats for adopting Trump's border policy. He says that Democrats should not accept the right wing framing of the border. He says that Democrats are legitimizing the Republicans. They spend like 10 minutes talking about how immigrants need an easier path to citizenship and how undocumented labor is used a tier system to suppress wages of all workers.
at 43m: Hasan criticizes Trump for throwing out the Iran de-nuclearization agreement.
at 47m: Hasan criticizes Joe Biden for running on reversing Trump's border policies and then never doing it. AOC seemingly agrees and says we can't beat Trump by using his polices and that Democrats need their own vision of a border policy.
at 54m: Donald Trump pauses his speech because someone in the crowd at the Trump rally is having a medical emergency. Hasan calls it a "massive L" to have a medical emergency at a Trump rally.
at 73m: Hasan criticizes the Democrats for accepting the right wing framing on the crime panic during the mid term election. He says that police lied about being defunded and were never defunded. AOC brings up Walgreens. Hasan talks about how the Walgreens CFO lied by saying that Walgreens locations had to be shutdown because of shoplifting. He says that Democrats accepting right wing framing is always devastating.
at 87m: AOC says that she is out of time and has to leave. What is surprising here is that she doesn't try to promote Joe Biden or Democrats at all. Never says vote for Biden. I thought she would. She does say that she wants to help Hasan raise money for Palestinian aid. Hasan mentions a fundraising campaign called "Creators for Palestine".

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In a 6-3 decision say-the-line-bart-2

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Republican supporters of the ban said it would help police crack down on protesters who wear masks

House Bill 237 would ban everyone, not just protesters, from wearing masks in public for medical reasons if it becomes law. It passed 30-15, with every Republican in favor and every Democrat opposed.

view more: ‹ prev next ›


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