[-] [email protected] 1 points 34 minutes ago* (last edited 33 minutes ago)

Ok, I misremembered it says "pay" for the aggregate results, not sell.

Our DAP deployment is jointly run by Mozilla and ISRG. Privacy is lost if the two organizations collude to reveal individual values. We safeguard against this in several ways: trust in both organizations, joint agreements, and operational practices.

A full solution will require that advertisers — or their delegated measurement provider — receive reports from browsers, select a service, submit a batch of reports, and pay for the aggregation results, choosing from a list of approved operators.

For the trial, the results for each task will be sent to Mozilla’s telemetry systems, which will be used to access aggregated statistics.

So it doesn't say ISRG is going sell data, but the "full solution" will have other operators that get payed, i.e. they're going to sell the aggregate data. Also, they envision multiple such operators, all of which it seems need to be "trusted".


[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Ah yes, the hypothetical second step, in which tracking is going to be outlawed (I'm not holding my breath), except, of course, for the third party services that do the aggregating, which will "sell" (literal quote) the aggregate data, so I guess these are by semantic sophistry not adtech companies but something else.

I'm so glad this genius "plan" can be used to justify Mozilla funneling data to adtech firms right now, because in some hypothetical future timeline this somehow can be construed with a bunch of hand-waving and misdirection to be in my interest.

How about instead we have a browser that only cares about the users, and not give a fuck about adtech? Its number one goal should be to treat adtech as hostile, and fight to ruin that whole industry.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 hour ago

The CTO of Mozilla and some other employee are posting on r/firefox defending this shit.

They say it is their job to help the adtech industry, by finding a compromise between my interests and Facebook & co's interest. Only they get 90% of their revenue from adtech, so their actual job is to sell me out.

This "plan" involves collecting additional data on behalf of adtech right now, and then there's a hypothetical second step, in which they will lobby to force this new system on everyone. Only (a) this second step is not going to happen, and (b) instead of being tracked by adtech companies, I'd now be tracked by "trusted third parties" or some shit which then sell my data, in aggregated form, to adtech companies. Wow. Great improvement this, we now have middlemen that are, uh, by semantic re-definition, not adtech companies.

So the actual second step is "???" and the third step is presumably "profit".

[-] [email protected] 13 points 2 hours ago

This does not prevent regular ad tracking, this provides additional data to advertisers. It also means Mozilla is now tracking me, and then Mozilla does this "anonymizing" on their servers. I do not trust Mozilla with this data, and I don't trust that no way can be found de-anonymize or combine this data with other data ad networks already collect.

This is not in my interest at all. This data should not be collected. The ad networks can suck it, why should I help them?


[-] [email protected] 5 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

This is a screenshot of window running a VM, so yes it is a window running a whole desktop. The top window decoration, menu bar, and the very bottom panel are not part of the old desktop, but rather from the modern host system.

I agree though, it is confusing. Main problem (and I remember this) is that this is Gnome with Enlightenment as a wm, and Enlightenment had aspirations to be more than a wm. So there's some duplication of effort there, and no integration/communication between the two projects (Gnome in the next version used sawfish/sawmill as wm, which was more coordinated with Gnome).

Enlightenment has/had its own toolkit, which you can see here in the DOX window, which is different from Gtk. Enlightenment also has a bunch of widgets, like the top bar and the stuff in the bottom corners, which are non-Gnome and clash with and are on top of the Gnome panel. The desktop icons are also zero pixels under the Enlightenment top bar, which suggest the people responsible weren't coordinating at all.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

This is how Bernie can still win!

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Palästinenser sind halt als Gruppe insgesamt zu homophob um sie nicht zu unterdrücken zu müssen. /s

Die IDF ermordet zwar jeden Tag Schwule, aber halt nicht weil sie schwul sind, sondern weil es Palästinenser sind. Manchmal machen sie dabei Fotos mit Regenbogenflagge. Das ist sehr fortschrittlich von denen.

Wenn man den Standard anlegt, dass Menschen erst einmal Teil einer Gesellschaft sein müssen, die sich selbst sämtlichen reaktionären Gedankenguts entledigt hat, bevor sie Hilfe und Solidarität vor Besatzung und Ermordung verdient haben, könnte man keine historische oder aktuelle Befreiungsbewegung unterstützen.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

I mean general advice with potential hardware issues is remove as much hardware as possible, and see if the problem still exists. If it does, swap components one-by-one until you find the faulty component.

Since this seems to a sporadic problem, it would probably help to try find a way to trigger the problem more reliably. Maybe write a script that writes random files constantly, or something like that.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Looking at someone being tortured and your first thought is "must have done something to deserve this". That's fucked up.

And then you immediately tell everybody else this thought. "This guy probably deserved it!" You did not take a couple of seconds to check whether your theory is contradicted by the article. You victimized the guy again with your baseless accusation, but you did not think or care about that.

Your excuse for this? Can't accept the IDF soldiers being ontologically evil. Yeah me neither pal, it's a childish concept. There are actual material reasons for the cruelty. If you want to steal someone's land, you need to drive them out, and being cruel is a tried and true method to achieve this. No need to invoke good and evil, and no need to invent your own reality.

But of course, you do not afford the same to Hamas. No elaborate theory-crafting in this instance. There you have no problem declaring them just plain evil.

What flavor evil are you?

[-] [email protected] 128 points 3 weeks ago

trustworthy AI

Our initial offering will include ChatGPT, Google Gemini, HuggingChat, and Le Chat Mistral


[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago

Isn't it TSMC that's building a factory in Arizona?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What Hofreiter is suggesting is that Olaf Scholz is acting in Russia's interests.

It is a blatant, actually outrageous insinuation, it surpasses everything Hofreiter said about Scholz in the previous two days. Not even Friedrich Merz would accuse the Chancellor of that.

The moderator leaves it at that, he doesn't follow up, but Hofreiter reiterates the sentence: "That's what people who are involved in this say. That this is the real hidden agenda."

And no one in the room disagrees.

Stab in the back myth here we go! Even the Spiegel author thinks this guy is nuts.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Am 25.03.2024 wurde unser Konto bei der Berliner Sparkasse mit sofortiger Wirkung gesperrt. In einem Schreiben teilt uns die Sparkasse mit, dass sie diesen Schritt vorsorglich unternommen hat und wir zur Aktualisierung unserer Kundendaten zahlreiche Vereinsunterlagen bis zum 05.04. einreichen sollen. Die Sparkasse ist als Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts an das öffentliche Recht gebunden und darf nicht willkürlich Konten sperren ohne es zu begründen, was sie nicht getan hat. Außergewöhnlich ist auch, dass zu den geforderten Unterlagen eine Liste unserer Mitglieder mit vollständigen Namen und Anschriften gehört.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

On 25 March 2024, our account with the Berliner Sparkasse was frozen with immediate effect. In a letter, the Sparkasse informed us that it had taken this step as a precautionary measure and that we should submit numerous internal documents by 5 April to update our customer data. As a public corporation, the bank is bound by public law and may therefore not arbitrarily freeze accounts without providing an explanation, which it did not. It is also highly unusual that the required documents include a list of our members with their full names and addresses.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Angesichts der Angriffspläne auf Rafah muss die militärische und moralische Unterstützung Israels an konkrete Bedingungen geknüpft werden. Kritik allein reicht nicht.

Langsam kommt etwas Realität auch in den deutschen Medien an, was da Israel eigentlich so macht.

Kommentarspalte ist aber übel. Da wird Israel jegliche Verantwortung abgesprochen. Solange sich die Hamas nicht ergibt geht das Morden weiter, und die Hetzer halten das für absolut gerechtfertigt.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Palästinensische Quellen melden den Tod eines Mädchens, das mit seinen Verwandten auf der Flucht aus Gaza-Stadt unter Beschuss geraten war. In einem dramatischen Notruf hatte sie zuvor um Rettung gefleht.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Giftige PFAS reichern sich in der Umwelt an und belasten die Gesundheit. Nun sollen sie schrittweise verboten und ersetzt werden

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In ihrem Koalitionsvertrag hatten sich SPD, Grüne und FDP darauf geeinigt, biometrische Erkennung im öffentlichen Raum europarechtlich auszuschließen.

Grüne warnen vor unregulierter KI

Dennoch plädierten inzwischen mehrere Grünen-Politiker dafür, der Verordnung auf EU-Ebene zuzustimmen. So sagte der Bundestagsabgeordnete Tobias Bacherle auf Anfrage von Golem.de: "Statt jetzt den AI Act auszubremsen und aufs Spiel zu setzen, muss die Bundesregierung ihrer Verantwortung nachkommen und sich klar für eine Verabschiedung des AI Act einsetzen. Nach jahrelangen Verhandlungen alles aufzuknöpfen, führt nicht zu einer besseren Verordnung. Es führt lediglich dazu, dass wir bei der dringend notwendigen Regulierung von KI sehr viel Zeit verlieren."

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Curtailing aid to Ukraine will only prolong the war, Mr Zelensky argues. And it would create risks for the West in its own backyard. There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very grateful” to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a “good story” for Europe if it were to “drive these people into a corner”.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Now, the words and figures "with the exception of articles 2-c, 4-c, 5-c, 12-c, 13-c, 14-c, 17-c, 21-c and 22-c" have been removed from the Regulation, i.e. everyone will be recognised as fit under the "controversial" articles:

  • 2-c – clinically treated tuberculosis;
  • 4-c – viral hepatitis with minor functional impairment;
  • 5-c – asymptomatic HIV carrier;
  • 12-c - slowly progressive and non-progressive with minor functional impairment and rare exacerbations of anaemia, blood clotting disorders, purpura, haemorrhagic conditions, other diseases of the blood and haematopoietic organs, and some disorders involving the immune mechanism;
  • 13-c - diseases of the endocrine system with minor functional disorders;
  • 14-c - mild, short-term, painful manifestations of mental disorders;
  • 17-c - neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders with moderate or short-term manifestations, with an asthenic state;
  • 21-c – slowly progressive diseases of the central nervous system with minor functional disorders;
  • 22-c – episodic and paroxysmal disorders, except for epilepsy, with minor impairment of organ and system functions.
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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