[-] [email protected] 1 points 13 minutes ago

Project 2025 is just a marketing scheme to draw up more funding by both parties because their candidates suck.

Anyone who is actually scared by it isn't worth our time since they 'll call us ruZZian bots or xi spies anyway.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 41 minutes ago* (last edited 30 minutes ago)

I'm a big iffy on FUTO's Source First license. First of all, it is a nonfree license. It's proprietary software since it selectively applies use, modification and distribution rights based on commercial use.

From their website: (https://futo.org/about/what-is-futo/)

Capitalism only works when the winners compete with one another

That organization is FUTO, founded in 2021 by 18-year Silicon Valley veteran, programmer/founder of Yahoo! Games, and WhatsApp seed investor Eron Wolf.

cringe and I thought Stallman had gross libertarian vibes.

As it stands: source first licenses cannot be included in free operating systems without caveat. An easy example would be Debian and Fedora who only include free software (minus nonfree binary redistributables in the linux kernel).

More money in the free software space is great, but what they're doing ideologically isn't anything new or groundbreaking. GPLv3+ is a fine license and I wish people would stop trying to reinvent it all the time.

Free software is inherently revolutionary as it places control of computing in the hands of the whole proletariat.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 hour ago

"We just did a surgery to save your life, how do you feel?"

"You know... I think I regret this, can you put the tumor back in me?"

That's what I always think when I hear transphobes scaremonger about surgeries.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

latest the boys S04.E06I feel really weird that they're pushing depictions of BDSM in the show but it's literally just the most horrid shit imaginable. I think someone looked at the comics and thought the show wasn't doing enough and not that ignoring the SA as shock value in the comics made the show far better.

Like is there some kinkshamer in the writing room who's pulling something here because it's been 2 episodes so far of this shit. Also Tek Night stuff was so kkkracker brained. Like the Black butler only murders tek night because he's giving his private prisons to homelander like wot, that's ur breaking point???

The shows vibes are just off like all the time. Butcher hallucinating the CIA guy he left to die as the twist was great though. I think the whole super virus killing all the supes thing is really melodramatic. Like no lets just kill all the supes this isn't a hard decision. The show wants us to somehow care about supes but spends a lot of its runtime showing how fucked up their lives are as well as how compound V is what keeps vought in power.

Big "I wish to respect the limits of power" liberal moment.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

That's all right, as long as you aren't those weirdos that use nix-env madeline-sadeline

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The typos are accurate since everyone who uses Nix makes a typo once and the interpreter barks at them viciously.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 2 days ago

Can you put an archive.is link for this in the post. This is pretty old news.

Western leaders do not want North Korea to gain any soft power but the DPRK does anyway because more and more people are aware of the failure of capitalism.

Funny how internet videos have to be prefaced with "i dont support north korean dictatorship." Very freezepeach.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago

I really despise how MSM and the state department are now turning this into another green capitalism thing where you buy "uyghur cruelty free products." I especially despise the "there's a letter sewn into this product you bought from China how scary!"

Like if there was actually anything happening to even a tiny degree of what's happening in Gaza in Xinjiang I would still hate the US for its cynical campaigning.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

and I know that's kind of stupid because it's just dumb cape shit

Don't beat yourself up over that, The Boys is very much above cape shit (well, not above being lib but you get the point). I think with a show where someone is going to die each episode that they actually made this episode's subplot really land.

I think death in media has always disturbed me on some level, and it doesn't help when works are structured where a bunch of low level goons get killed/harmed horribly and no one stops to think about it (looking at every shooter game made in the last 20 years).

[-] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

brother is a conspiracy theorist, and I struggle to have the confidence that these lunatics

It's more of a lack of confidence, it's a fear response that leads to self-victimization and boatloads of nihilism and depression. This is also a feature of the USian system. They're not lunatics, they're incredibly, incredibly scared but have no theory nor understanding of history to help them.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

I think Nixon just wanted to retire early. Murdering millions of people is hard, honest work.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 3 days ago

I wouldn't take it because I'm eternally afraid of being a victim of being in a YouTube short where some bougie jackass records me and posts my face everywhere.

But yeah I wouldn't fault your friend for taking the money.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Linux Mint 22 BETA is out based on the most recent Ubuntu LTS 24.04.

Important Changes:

  • Linux Mint currently ships with the Linux 6.8 kernel. More importantly, Mint will now follow Ubuntu's Hardware Enablement (HWE) kernel series so Mint can work on the latest machines. This also removes the confusion of the "Edge ISO" as this affects all Mint 22 users.
  • Linux Mint uses Pipewire as its audio stack.
  • The Linux Mint team along with other communities in the "we forked off of GNOME when it became GNOME 3" have started the Xapp project which plans to continue GTK desktop app development sans libadwaita and GNOME specific technologies.
  • Mint now uses Matrix for community coordination and includes the Element webapp client preinstalled.
  • Cinnamon 6.2 and various UX improvements.


Windows 10 goes End of Life in October 2025.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

But my heart is like a claw machine, its only function is to reach, it can't hold on to anything

I'm going to make a post about this movie, both positive and negative thoughts right now. This movie is so transgender it hurts.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

TL;DW: Apple Intelligence is Apple training their models locally on your personal Apple product data (aka anything you do on an iPhone, Mac, iPad or your Apple ID) using their Apple Silicon chips as well as building a Apple Siri voice assistant client for OpenAI's ChatGPT. The features seem gatekept to newer Apple products and they claim it's opt-in.

It looks like "AI" is here to stay as capitalists have placed it in most supply chains and industries. Goes without saying, but don't buy Apple, you're just buying yourself a one-way trip to a digital jail where the walls are made out of "seamless apple ecosystem" and "shiny metal devices that are cold to the touch."

Especially don't buy anything from the Apple Store because that's trashy Global North treat brain behavior.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Wait, you're telling me that I can use an OS that:

  • Doesn't require you to pay an arbitrary $100+ license fee to activate?
  • Installer is simple and to the point and allows you to test the OS before installing it?
  • Desktop UI looks modern while also being simple to use?
  • Can be dual booted with Windows in case I need to use Windows only software?
  • Can use programs like Steam, Bottles, Lutris and more to play my video games/run Windows software?
  • Receives major upgrades every two years and point releases every few months, but changes are always conservative?
  • Is constantly improving based on user experience and feedback and is entirely funded by donations and sponsorships instead of adware and rent-seeking practices?
  • Is built on GNU/Linux and free software from around the world made by activists and volunteers, one of the fastest growing operating systems in terms of features and utility?
  • Is customizable without feeling too overwhelming or feeling like you changed too much?
  • All it takes is a free afternoon and a USB stick with at least 4 GBs of space?
  • Has no Microsoft crapware, shitware, spyware and plain malware that everyone treats as normal?

Are you crazy? Is there really a third way? (yes, it isn't perfect, but it will be yours)


submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

kim-cool: People making fun of RedStar OS and then tell you they need Windows to install rootkits on their computer to play a shitty knockoff of Fortnite.

I wonder what creeps and stalkers are going to do with this, especially considering there's findings that it isn't actually encrypted. Get phished once and they have a profile of your entire identity both online and offline.

Windows should be beaten to death with a stick before it bites more people. kim-blood

2025 is going to be the year of the Linux desktop tux-shining


submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

NixOS is a GNU/Linux distribution based on declarative builds using the functional Nix package manager. It boasts the most amount of available software on any Linux distribution as well as configuration options for various programs. There are more than 100,000 packages on nixpkgs as well as more than 10,000 options for system configuration.

Nix resources:

NixOS is a great way to learn how GNU/Linux works as well as to build a system configuration that you can take anywhere, anytime.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/2639980

Discord is proprietary spyware. Using it means endorsing and legitimizing it.

Discord relies on its reputation to lure its victims. Despite just starting out as a way for freeze-gamer to mingle in chatrooms and VoIP rooms, Discord has now expanded to any sort of purpose, even extending to schools where students will use Discord for clubs as well as online projects where communication is done over the platform.

The reliance on Discord is dangerous. Any thing you type or do in this program is recorded for the highest bidder (that be your government or private data brokers). The interface and UX is designed to keep you in the app for as long as possible.

There's no way to "smartly" or "responsibly" use Discord. One way or another, Discord will extract value from you. It's not just about you, but about everyone who uses the platform.


There are no "alternatives" to Discord. I'm not going to try to fool you by saying there's a magic bullet to defeat Discord's presence in western society (other than socialism and gamer-gulag). But that doesn't mean there aren't ways to help.

  • Matrix: A decentralized messaging protocol. It supports video conferencing on its main instance as well as support for the Discord "Server" functionality. Easiest solution for a drop-in replacement.

  • IRC: The one that came before Discord, community networks can be used if you need to communicate and is just as secure as Discord (public chat rooms with zero end-to-end encryption besides TLS)

  • GNU Jami: If there was a magic bullet, this would be it. Completely decentralized, peer-to-peer messaging network that is device based. It is a GNU package, possibly the most guarantee for freedom you can get in this world. The team is small, but if you need somewhere to host your leftist activities that will require more than a court order (or a simple bribe) to de-anonymize by state and non-state (those funded by other states) actors then this is it.


This is a post for self crit. If the service is free of charge, then you're the product. Any leftist should take steps to eliminate their dependency on Discord and proprietary messaging programs. Also any leftist should spread this message and inform others about the risks of using proprietary software.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

TL;DR Discord loves to present itself as a company run by a few gamers just like you. The service aggressively advertises itself as "for gamers" with the hope that this "reputation" alone will propel Discord to the top. This has worked really well. The Discord team has refused, however, on multiple occasions to take certain steps to protect their userbase, described in more detail above such as adoption of E2E encryption or going open source. Instead, the Discord team states clearly in their privacy policy that they will gladly hoard a plethora of data about their users indefinitely, loosely claiming to only delete it when its no longer needed. The data they collect and store includes (but is not limited to) full chat logs, all chat media, a list of who you chat with, email address, IP address, device ID, behavioral analysis, activity tracking on the service, pulling info from social media accounts you link, and much more as stated above and in their Privacy Policy. Discord shares this same data with all of its partners, affiliates, agents, and "Related Companies" while lazily instructing you to check their privacy policy to find out what happened to your information, as its no longer any concern to Discord. In addition, Discord goes further to say "Developers using our SDK or API will have access to their end users’ information, including message content, message metadata, and voice metadata". Their very vague "information" wording allows Discord to send whatever they please while, of course, leaving it up to you to go check their privacy policy and figure out just where and to who Discord sloppily throws your data around. Discord continues to show little to no progress or effort in considering open source code, strong end-to-end encryption adoption, or even something as simple as allowing the deletion of an old account. It is important to note that while Discord allows the "deactivation" of an account, their support team will happily inform you that they do not delete your data and your account cannot be deleted. This data is again stored for an indefinite period of time.

Discord is proprietary spyware. Using it means endorsing and legitimizing it.

Discord relies on its reputation to lure its victims. Despite just starting out as a way for freeze-gamer to mingle in chatrooms and VoIP rooms, Discord has now expanded to any sort of purpose, even extending to schools where students will use Discord for clubs as well as online projects where communication is done over the platform.

The reliance on Discord is dangerous. Any thing you type or do in this program is recorded for the highest bidder (that be your government or private data brokers). The interface and UX is designed to keep you in the app for as long as possible.

There's no way to "smartly" or "responsibly" use Discord. One way or another, Discord will extract value from you. It's not just about you, but about everyone who uses the platform.


There are no "alternatives" to Discord. I'm not going to try to fool you by saying there's a magic bullet to defeat Discord's presence in western society (other than socialism and gamer-gulag). But that doesn't mean there aren't ways to help.

  • Matrix: A decentralized messaging protocol. It supports video conferencing on its main instance as well as support for the Discord "Server" functionality. Easiest solution for a drop-in replacement.

  • IRC: The one that came before Discord, community networks can be used if you need to communicate and is just as secure as Discord (public chat rooms with zero end-to-end encryption besides TLS)

  • GNU Jami: If there was a magic bullet, this would be it. Completely decentralized, peer-to-peer messaging network that is device based. It is a GNU package, possibly the most guarantee for freedom you can get in this world. The team is small, but if you need somewhere to host your leftist activities that will require more than a court order (or a simple bribe) to de-anonymize by state and non-state (those funded by other states) actors then this is it.


This is a post for self crit. If the service is free of charge, then you're the product. Any leftist should take steps to eliminate their dependency on Discord and proprietary messaging programs. Also any leftist should spread this message and inform others about the risks of using proprietary software.

We should also take Discord as a lesson in how to identify the dangers of proprietary programs and why it could make us vulnerable to abuse (which as we know in a capitalist society, is coming one way or the other). Discord isn't the lone offender, but an example of how nonfree software will always pose a threat to a free and democratic society and only benefits the bourgeoisie.

Let this be the last thing I have to say about this accursed program

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(Angrily taps foot)

I wanna play my fitgirl repacks minus all the stuttering but nvidia is transphobic :(((

Tried NVK but then realized that all my apps don't have it turned on yet because mesa 24.1 hasnt been released and so they default to OpenGL or don't run at all.

The wait is so excrutiating because it's right there. Just give me my nvidia 555 driver naowhhhh!!!

Anyone else feel like this?

Linux gaming >>> Windows gaming tho.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

However, as reported in Vietnam.net, it's possible Steam has been taken down in Vietnam after local game developers complained about the scope and size of Steam's vast portfolio of games, claiming Vietnamese devs cannot compete with Steam's releases given they are subject to government approval and thousands of international games on Steam are not.

Citing it as "an injustice to domestic publishers", Vietnamese studios reportedly say that local game development "will die" if Steam is able to keep releasing games without the same government scrutiny as domestic games.

Based Vietnam protecting its domestic games industry from American capitalists. :)

TLDR: the online game monopolies of Vietnam complains that they can't extort the market share our Lord and Savior Gabe Newell rightfully earned," said one unhappy Steam user.

Steam users are so fucking insufferable. They hate all capitalist game companies except this one which they will eagerly lick the boot of.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've got more COSMIC propaganda. This is a more in-depth overview of COSMIC DE by System76.

Another kicker: COSMIC uses hybrid graphics so your dedicated GPU is only used for certain applications which require it instead of your entire desktop. No more needing to switch between integrated and dedicated graphics on your laptop!

Kick #2: COSMIC apps work on both Linux and Windows operating systems (just like KDE apps).

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It's tiring to tell libs that its actually CPC instead of CCP.

  • CCP = Chinese China Party (???)
  • CPC = Chinese Party of China (correct)

I'm literally going to drop kick someone who gets it wrong!!!

Thoughts? Is it worthwhile to correct people on this?

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