something tells me the artist agonized over the triangular folds in the tablecloths and i just appreciate that a lot
are they any good?
one of my intern cohorts upon seeing a bunch of starch granules in an algal TEM: "are these cells kinda... fat?"
supervisor: basically yes
(makes sense as we cultured them under blazing 24/7 LED lights in rich growth media)
Ellen McLain is a legend
my mom calls this "reindeer" since the legs positions resemble prancing reindeer in Christmas art
Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!
"I want to get off MR BONES WILD RIDE"
Don’t look, now! I’m not going to stick my butt out or anything like that, though.
A woman's place is in the garage, fixing cars!
Oh. It's you.
You will pay for this in time.
that's not very sugoi what a baka sensei
my middle/high school banned words would have been something like:
- epic
- lulz lelz, etc.
- le [thing]
- teh
- rofl
- weegee
- derp
- [Mario noises]
- hypnotoad
cornichons! my favorite!
And those police officers who are supposed to check never say anything.
unless you look not white and/or housed enough to them
isn't when you're high exactly the time you'd want the fridge to come to you? lol
I came to upvote the TC link comment and my mission was a success