
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

some ppl were talking about it over here on the hexbear bulletin the other day

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Your posts in this thread have been very helpful! thank you!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

We're in Hell is funny...its like pop media criticism

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

i have largely cut myself off from such media as well, only this is a new thing for me. I worry that some of the things I have seen through films, television, video games, etc, over my lifetime will haunt me forever! I worry that I will age and remember random horrific scenes from a movie or something, and forget that it isn't a real memory of my own.

Ever since I stopped...I've come to develop the opinion that the world will never be free until they cease poisoning our brains from cradle to's disgusting what capitalism has done with the help of media technology. we wonder why our friends and family are absolutely helpless in the face of modern media. it has warped all our brains, imo, and I wish that I had had the sense to try what you did earlier on.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago (1 children)

extremely useful, thank you!!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

welll done!!!! bird parents are hilarious

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

that fish is so cute

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 months ago (1 children)

honeywell...the honeywell that makes my air purifier?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 months ago

i feel the same way, a lot.

in conversation, you could always fall back on your media experiences. So SO many people just talk about movies and music, games too.

also, did you know that when you read interesting things from interesting people, those interesting ideas become part of you? that's how I enjoy thinking of it. so if you read interesting things from interesting and obscure people, especially historical people, then you will have things to talk about (often very shocking things), and also become wise. In many ways, those experiences have become yours. that's what i tell myself, when i get sad about how little i've done with my life so far...

also refocusing your mindset. dont think about how interesting or uninteresting you might seem to the person you're talking to. think about how interesting THEY are!


I need advice. Please be gentle and know that every decision I’ve made along the way to this predicament was because I wanted to help struggling urban wildlife.

I live in a two story apartment building in a fairly big city. I have a very small patio situation, which I dont really use besides for feeding birds and giving them water via a bird bath. Many birds live here year-long and visit my patio throughout the day. I see lots of migrating birds too at certain times of year. Autumn and winter especially are popular seasons, but I see plenty of baby birds during the spring too.

These past few weeks, when I open my door to restock the feeder, birds literally come greet me!

Well, squirrels come here too, and very rarely have I been able to prevent them from raiding the feeder. Often I just accept that there’s nothing to do about it, especially since there are ground feeding birds that can’t eat from my feeder. It’s gotten to the point however, that the ground feeding birds are forced to not only compete with the squirrels, but ultimately must relinquish the lion’s share to them.

But it’s worse than that—the squirrels now definitely associate me with the delicious seeds that I dispense every day. They crowd by the door and climb along the windows, looking for me. Now they’ve even located my second-story bedroom window and climb around on the window screen, loudly. It’s very loud and disturbing.

I’m distraught and I can’t even feed the birds now, because the squirrels just wait around. I feel bad for the birds, I feel bad for the squirrels.

I’ve already tried fancy squirrel-proof feeders, but the narrowness of my patio means they can jump from the neighbors’ tree and wrestle with the feeder until it dumps even just one seed on the ground, which is also a noisy and disruptive struggle. Plus it's not like I don't want the squirrels to eat.

I feel terrible, all I wanted was to help wildlife out. I'm afraid to just abruptly stop, because then what would happen to them all?

I know I've made mistakes - but what do I do now??

[–] [email protected] 11 points 8 months ago (3 children)

they call protestors zombies too

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

yay! my cats love sticks too. may i suggest also gifting your cat a simple flat sheet? You can drape one across furniture so that it hangs down, with only an inch or two of open space on the bottom. in my experience cats love to play from underneath there, because they like being sneaky and ambushing. if you have sturdy furniture you can also tie the sheet between two of them, creating a low curtain wall, that they love to play in and jump over. just be careful about where you tie the curtain, make sure it wont tip the furniture over if they fall on it. you could just loosely drape stuff so it avoids that risk altogether


About him as a person, his historical conditions, his life, his loved ones. Does anyone have any favorite biographies or even just passages from primary or secondary sources? Alternatively, if anyone has the time, what do you think is most important or interesting to understand about Karl Marx as a person, or perhaps about the historical context he lived in?


there are freakout posts every hour or so on r/adhd. desperate plans to amass a huge petition of signatures, or challenge it legally with a class act. lawsuit, but mostly a lot of despair and disbelief. also some blaming of the so-called undeserved adderall users that are allegedly the official reason for the shortage...and something about tiktok users.

it's bad and capitalism is certainly the reason why. i'd like to understand the nuance of it more though if anyone had some good leftist takes on it.

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