submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There is a new ordinance in Portland Oregon that states that it is an arrestable offence to camp in a tent. No bullshit. So naturally this freaks me out. Please help me out if anyone is able to. I'm trying not to be arrested for camping. I really need to find an affordable used van. I would very much so appreciate any and all help. My cash app cash tag is $KodyMartinGerba. Thank you

Thank You (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just wanted to make a post saying thank you to everyone. Life has been really hand-to-mouth for me for the last year, since I lost my last job and found Hexbear.

The help this community has provided me has been literally life changing. Nearly without fail if I have a need, it gets met, and I've needed a lot.

I just wanted to give my sincerest thanks to everyone here. This community is incredible and I can't wait to give back.

Be well my friends!

Rent Help (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: Need met. Thank you so much comrade!

I miscalculated or fucked up somewhere and I'm about $50 short of rent, due by close of business July 3rd. If anyone could help out I'd appreciate it. If I have to pay it late next check the late fees would be about $100 and I'd be a week behind.

Thank you all!

Edit: DM or see past posts for PayPal, please.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Creamsicle get down from there, you aren’t a hat or other hangable garment!

Yeah, someone—who has my fucking PIN—absconded with my card and the $100 I had left on it for last month. That I still have yet to report it stolen and have it shut off is a testament to how much of a stupid failure I am. The good news though is I can get a new one tomorrow on the spot and I’ll have a fresh $291 (my card reloads on the 2nd of each month).

The bad news is I like to eat food, and have about 14 hours before I can eat food again.

So yeah. Anything helps. My CashApp & Venmo @‘s are the same as my username. If your only option is PayPal, DM me for my friend’s @ (because I’m locked out of mine).

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

my goal is met!!!!!! I love this community so much. y'all have helped me in more ways than y'all will ever know

hi hexbear friends

i'm getting pretty desperate to pay my bills after losing my job last month. i was pressured to quit my job after coming out as trans. i worked in a very public setting and my employer wanted to save face

i'm so fucking scared of being homeless and not being able to take care of my disabled partner

i need 250 dollars to make it through the month. it would buy medicine and food for the both of us

any help is appreciated

please DM me if you can support through zelle, venmo, or cashapp

thank u

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am in serious need of some food cash. Any and all help would greatly be appreciated. Even just a couple of bucks. I seriously have not eaten jack didely squat in like three days. My cash app cash tag is $KodyMartinGerba. Thank you.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This community is fairly limited in scope of what it can provide directly to people. Any funds you get here should be seen strictly as a stop-gap measure.

I've mostly been lurking here until recently, and with recent events it's become increasingly apparent to me that while it can provide monetary aid to people in need, there are certain individuals here who need aid that isn't strictly monetary.

This being the case, I would like this post to serve as a compiled list of resources people can utilize in order to access more tangible assistance.

This website can help those who are in need of not only shelter, but also food, clothing, and health clinics:


For those whose concerns are primarily food related:


And if you're struggling with drug addiction:



Also, as I work in a casino, gambling addiction is a common problem with people I interact with on a regular basis. Luckily, I don't have an addictive personality myself, but it's fucked up the lives of a lot of cool people I know. So I'm providing a link to assist people who may have a gambling addiction


If anyone has other resources that can be utilized by members of our community, please drop them down below. I have no idea of the efficacy of these sources, as I have not had to use them myself.

Also, I would like people to avoid any drama in this thread. I want this to solely provide resources.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Realized that my dog is starting to run out of food. The money I have in the bank will cover my internet bill when it hits, some gas until my next paycheck, and any odd expenses that may crop up.

If I get any extra before I have the chance to update my post, it will go towards bills.

Cashapp is $SpicySerenade

Update: My mom gave me enough dog food to last a until my next payday.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Still a couple weeks out from finally having a source of income again and I really appreciate having this place to fall back on for small things like this. I can't tell you how much it helps my anxiety that paying for food and other daily necessities is not constantly at at the forefront of my mind. Thank you for that Hexbear, any amount no matter how small is very helpful!

DM me for paypal information, my cashapp and venmo are under the same username I use here.

EDIT: Goal reached! Thank you!

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

And because I know I fucking suck at holding onto money, I’m having a trusted adult (who isn’t my dealer) hold onto the money for me—when you DM me for payment info, I’ll direct you to their CashApp, etc., and if you send to me directly I’ll pass it along to them for safekeeping.

The least I can expect to pay for a decent used vehicle is $1,000, if I’m lucky. Prospects are better in the $1,500-$2K range.

Registration and DEQ I’m not terribly worried about because I’m gonna try to find a vehicle with good tags and that’s passed DEQ, since I don’t really know how to do those things and I know I’ll fuck them off somehow. Insurance however will probably cost a couple hundred for X months.

I’m going to set up a GoFundMe if it seems like I should even bother, because I’d be lying if I made it sound like I had any confidence at all.

So yeah, DM me for payment info.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've avoided trying to rely on mutual aid as I know there's countless others out there who need it more than I do. But my bills are starting to overwhelm me and I feel like I can barely afford to live. I live alone and a roommate is not a feasible option as I do not have enough space for them, and I can't find a bigger apartment because I'm not renting. I managed to use my credit while it was still good to buy a house (putting myself into massive debt for a house barely over 500 sq feet) but hey, I don't have a land bastard, and the more time that passes, the more relatively affordable it should be compared to renting.

But for now I'm a broke bitch who's barely scraping by and in need of assistance. I'm starting to be forced to make late payments, which means MORE payments and I feel like if I don't get a handle on it soon, it's going to spiral out of control. Any assistance would be appreciated until I can figure out a better long term solution.

Cashapp is $SpicySerenade

Update: I've managed to pull some financial witchcraft so my bills are a little lessened and I won't bleed out financially as quickly.

While more assistance would be nice, I have a few more resources I can tap into. It'll just take a while before I'll have access to it, and that should help me catch up.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I budgeted shit out pretty much perfectly this week. Gas in the tank and food in the fridge. This is an unimportant post. Even used some change to pick up my new zoloft perscription, which has been fantastic so far. I have shit I need to do today, like writing out recipes and cleaning and just can't get the energy up, and I haven't bought coffee in ages because it's expensive. PM me for payment info, I appreciate it a lot.

Edit: someone got me! I really appreciate you guys

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I’ve eaten today but barely. Last month when I was eating regularly I actually had energy and I didn’t even realize it until just now when I got winded from taking the bike lock off of my backpack (it has an external frame and I lock it up sometimes, which I know isn’t totally fool-proof but it deters most criddlers). I was planning on getting my food stamp card replaced today but idk, shit happened.

DM me for my CashApp/Venmo/PayPal links; I’ll also take DoorDash credits and things like that.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello comrades, I'm baaaack. Lost my job for a bullshit reason (likely cause I'm trans) and the replacement is taking forever. Rent breathing down my fucking neck rn. Help

Paypal: [email protected]


submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Just got off work and haven't eaten today. I've got some white rice at home for sustenance but obviously that's not much without other food. I get paid tomorrow night, so I don't need much.

DM for PayPal, or check my past posts. No CashApp please as it's overdrawn

Thank you!

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey Hexbear, I'm gonna tell you a story. Around 2007 there was this guy that moved to Pueblo Colorado after his band broke up to be closer to a friend he knew from highschool. Things were pretty great at first but as the friend and him grew away from each other he started using substances. He tried weed, E, MDMA, and some other drugs before, he thought they were fine but after he did cocaine for the first time he found something that would help him cope with the failure of his band breaking up and losing his friendship and shortly after that, his job at the local vitamin cottage due to the 2008 financial collapse. He'd party and take a couple of bumps and make up business plans he'd never follow up on until he met someone else. A little later his new friend showed him meth and not long after that his lease ended with the original friend he moved to Colorado for which he wasn't prepared for. The scare of suddenly being homeless and living out of a tour van scared him enough to pick up a job selling with his dealer and struggling to not smoke his profits.

He managed to save up enough to get a studio apartment! He was really trying to impress the original friend he moved in with he even tagged the fuck out of his bathroom because he thought he was going to live there for a while but dealing doesn't provide pay stubs and since he couldn't provide proof of income (despite trying to forge one) he was kicked out. He failed again. He still had his van though and his job dealing but the shame of not having a home or provable income ruined him. Somewhere along the way he was jailed and around 2009 his parents heard that he wasn't doing well and found him and brought him back to Florida and after seeing his teeth put him in rehab.

But the shame of being a failure to his family, his former friend, he got out of rehab and started smoking meth in Pensacola. Around 2012 he managed to sober up enough to get a job at the local Lowe's and pass a drug test! But he lived in a halfway house with another tweaker.

A friend he met in Navarre found out that he was doing meth again and rented a uhaul and moved him out and in with her. She set up some ground rules to live in her house. He thought the rules were stupid but tried to follow them. He fucked up a couple of times but his friend didn't kick him out and he eventually started to feel guilty about ruining her life that she openly welcomed him into to help him.

Around 2014 he fucked up real bad but she waited until he got home. She laid into him when he got home. To the point he laid on the hardwood floor in front of her and contemplated suicide. But she still didn't kick him out. I heard that was the last day he smoked meth.

But I'm obviously just telling someone else's story and didn't cry multiple times writing this up. Any of you got some successful sobriety stories? Any friends that got someone sober? Share them below.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/2823517

Just Trying to Get By Until Payday

Hello Comrades c:

I'm struggling particularly badly to make it to payday this month - I'm disabled, so have a fixed monthly income. I'm just lookin' for some grocery money to get me and my partner through until payday, which should be on/around the 26th (using one of those "get your money ___ days early" kinds of services, so i do get it a bit before the beginning of the month, luckily ^_^ )

I have PayPal and CashApp, feel free to send me a DM if you'd like to help me out and I'll give ya the names! Thanks a ton~


submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

DM me for my links, if you don’t have them memorized already lol.

Today really sucks. You probably all hate me now so idk.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Not sure how many people were around four years ago for the original drama, but @[email protected] was a banned user from early on the site's history, and I've seen quite a bit of speculation recently that a current frequent poster in c/mutualaid is an alt of hers due to having a similar MO and personal details (such as them both living in the same city)

For context, u/storyofrachel was an unhoused trans woman, who frequently solicited money from the community and had problems with substance abuse. She eventually made a post bragging about scamming money from users here (I myself was one of the users who sent her money) and blowing it on drugs (with a picture of the drugs in question) and a

bunch of homophobic slurs (TW: homophobia, self harm).
She later claimed that her account had been hacked, which frankly I did and do not believe. She was unbanned but later banned for other shit which I don't recall and am unable to reconstruct from the modlog and came back on a bunch of different alts, all of which were banned.

If there's any truth to this, it is deeply fucked that this person is still here, evading her ban and scamming people four years later. As one of the people who was taken advantage of previously (and, possibly, again with this current user!), people should at least be able to make an informed decision with all available context. If we want this community to function, and I say this as someone who has sent hundreds of dollars to people over the years through this community, we should be able to guard against bad actors who are trying to take advantage of the compassion and generosity of our user base.

Edit: There's an Instagram with both usernames on it, publicly available. It's 100% the same person. Not going to post it because I don't want anyone to get doxxed but yeah.

Edit edit: I'm going to go touch grass now. Anyone who is being willfully obtuse about why I made this post can read it again or any of my other comments in this thread

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello Comrades c:

I'm struggling particularly badly to make it to payday this month - I'm disabled, so have a fixed monthly income. I'm just lookin' for some grocery money to get me and my partner through until payday, which should be on/around the 26th (using one of those "get your money ___ days early" kinds of services, so i do get it a bit before the beginning of the month, luckily ^_^ )

I have PayPal and CashApp, feel free to send me a DM if you'd like to help me out and I'll give ya the names! Thanks a ton~


submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

As it stands now, this community serves mostly as a way to get money. That isn't a bad thing, but cash is not a 1-size-fits-all solution to every problem. Taking care of a persons needs is always priority #1, but at times, said person is unfit to handle money in a way that reliably alleviates those needs. Traditional, local, mutual-aid networks can usually address this in the form of community pot lucks, clothing exchange, etc. Here we are more or less limited to advice and more money.

Making a rule about unsolicited advice and being critical of users, limits us to just money as a tool to solve problems. Sometimes people need a tough conversation to grow as a person, sometimes people need to be reminded of the situation they are in. Yes, the capitalist system is oppressive. Yes, there are systemic issues that prevent us all from succeeding. That doesn't mean there is no situation where decision making is a factor. Sometimes, you do actually need help making better choices. This isn't to shame people for making bad decisions, sometimes there are psychiatric reasons, sometimes they genuinely don't know any better, but you still should speak up so they can potentially correct the problem and learn.

This rule effectively creates a hug-box where we all pretend that personal responsibility doesn't exist, that there is simply nothing to be done. It's incredibly infantile, it's a cope, and the people in this community deserve better than that.

EDIT: I feel I may have had a change of heart after reading the comments left by @EelBolshevikism If you are looking for a somewhat comprehensive response, those comments are likely a good starting point.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

See title

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi sorry Ive never posted in here before. Idk if i need to fully explain my situation but I'm going to. Disability services is supposed to cook with me every week, but they;re down to two staff to serve the entire region so for a few weeks I was without staff to cook with me. SO I had to order out almost every day so I wasnt just cooking myself fucking pasta every night (which is also hard to do because of ND stuff because i have to transition to do that, ordering out is more accessible that way). My original plan for the month was to skip rent (which is 45% or so of my income, coming out to a little over 250 dollars) because you can SORTA get away with doing that since you pay directly to disability services and im actually already behind a few months. And there was no way i was going to be able to order out as much as I had to if I had to pay half of my income (well its a bit less than half because disability hasnt checked my income since i moved in so they dont know that ss has raised it a few times lol).

I didnt even totally realize this comm existed until a little bit ago and felt kinda uncomfortable asking comrades for money even when I did find out. But I was encouraged by a friend on here to use this if I need it and like, i think it might be a better strategy to ask for help on here rather than fall further behind on rent and possibly get in trouble especially since theres been talk of moving me to a group home which i really dont want. I have a staff that is like SPECIFICALLY for paying bills rn and he's a bit strict and was a bit eyebrow raise when I told him I was skipping rent and like when he came back next week tried to say we need to pay rent again lol. And im scared theres something being unspoken.

(I also possibly have to replace my headset soon because its starting to get finicky but ill wait till im sure i have to to ask for help withj that because boy thats another thing i don't think ill be able to afford).

edit: apparently i need to say dm for cashapp/paypal ect instead so i am editing out my cashapp name lol. so dm me for that!

tl;dr i need 250 for rent lol

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

hi everyone, i quit my job because of harrassment i received for presenting femme at work. the job market is absolutely awful. i'm finding opportunities, but they don't start for a few months.

any help at all would be tremendous

i have to feed two kitties and take care of my disabled partner. i'm estranged from my family and really have nowhere else to go

if you're interested in helping, please DM for my venmo/cashapp/ zelle

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey Hexbear, I hope this is ok, my little mural aid group John Brown Breakfast Club is going to run into some funding issues in the next couple of months. If you have a dollar or two and a Venmo "@JBBC-ACAB" is us. If you have a phone give us a call and give us a "Fuck the police" on the voice mail. Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈

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