submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

And why did you stop watching them?

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[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I was a Nas Daily fan back then. I just got bored of him over time, not to mention how insanely corporate his videos feel now.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

@zachimusprime44 RelaxAlax and ProJared. Sure, they both came with rather flimsy reasons to state that the allegations against them were apparently false, but I didn't buy them.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

LTT due to their amount of scandals

[-] [email protected] 28 points 5 days ago

Total Biscuit, the cynical brit. He will always have a special place in my heart.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 4 days ago

Didn't ever watch his videos but ran into him at a local event where a game dev had invited 60 or so of us to play their game early. I remember him watching over my shoulder (there were only enough PCs for half of us to play at a time) as I went to play the game in my favorite way to play games: incorrectly. Flew a transport vtol and was using it to "boop" enemy vtol fighters half my size into the ground where they'd explode. We would both get a kick out of it every time I managed to pull it off. He was a fun guy to be around, I get why so many miss him.

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[-] [email protected] 15 points 4 days ago


He used to be a bulwark against idiocy and koolaid drinkery, advocating for calmness and common sense.

...and then he called Justin Trudeau a Nazi and bought into vaccine skepticism.

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[-] [email protected] 25 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Both Mr. Beast and Mark Rober. They got too loud and shrill over time.

Edit: Oh and Guga Food / Sousvide Everything. They just do the same thing all over, with weirder ingredients every day, and then make shocked pickachu faces when stuff tastes shit. Ribeye dry aged for 180 days in engine oil? No shit it's bad.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 4 days ago

Every Mark Rober video is now an ad. They're also loud and obnoxious, so I've stopped watching them.

I've actually never watched a Mr Beast video. They never came up in my feed.

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[-] [email protected] 18 points 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Watched a lot of Binging With Babish and just got tired of his schtick I think. Same with the How To Drink guy.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

To be fair, its probably pretty hard to stay ahead of the curve when your format is limited to "guy in kitchen / bar makes food / drink from relevant pop culture series / movie"

That said, completely agree on Babish. Dude tried to grow his channel way too aggressively and burned out I think. Went from uploading a main video every week to showing up once a month at most, with regular uploads mostly featuring other people.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

Yeah sometimes things just have a natural shelf life.

[-] [email protected] 77 points 6 days ago

Veritasium. Over time I realized his content is mostly about flashy half baked "sciencey" content like Discovery Channel. It's meant to get an audience and nothing more. It lacks quality control, and fact checking. I only realized how many errors his videos have when he covered a topic I know more about. Also, the whole electricity thing and self driving car debacle only reinforced my views on his content.

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[-] [email protected] 88 points 6 days ago
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[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

Kurzgesagt went hugely downhill, I'll still watch the occasional video from them, but most of what they do now is super speculative tenuous science with 5 min of sponsored content.

I remember way back in the day I enjoyed laci green for her sex ed content, but she just suddenly went super right wing.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I remember back in high school I watched Sexplanations a lot. Introduced me to a lot of concepts I've been using to this day. I think I stopped watching her because I outgrew her channel.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Although I agree Kurzgesagt has gone downhill, I feel like they've still beaten the average youtuber lifecycle.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 4 days ago

Dr. Disrespect, there was a couple year period where the insane, over-the-top masculinity shtick was entertaining to me. Eventually I drifted away from the games that brought me to him in the first place.

Very recently, news broke that he had sexually explicit conversations with a minor on twitch.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 5 days ago

EEVBlog. The guy is a brilliant electrical engineer but his arrogance prevents him from realizing that his electrical engineering intelligence doesn't translate to other unrelated subjects. I tuned into a live-stream of his once and he started to discuss international geopolitics. His views were ill-informed and half-baked at best. When a couple of viewers (not including myself) simply requested he change subjects, he became indignant and started telling people not to tell him what to do on his own YouTube channel. He eventually told his viewers to leave if they don't like what he had to say. So I did. I have not watched one of his videos since. I did watch Adam Something's witty rebuttal to his video that reviewed and criticized one Adam Something's videos.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 5 days ago

Adam Something is a favorite of mine.

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[-] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

Absolutely this. AvE had exactly the same thing happen but Canadian and with tools. Now they're both just too political for me to put up with sticking around for the technical stuff.

I'm not Australian and I'm not Canadian, so if I'm watching a technical video why do I need to know their political opinions?

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[-] [email protected] 58 points 6 days ago

Demo ranch. Started making comments about the George Floyd protests and I was out

AvE started praising the trucker convoys

Shadiversity got super homo/transphobic and also is just an arrogant douche since his book.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 5 days ago

Yeah AvE was a punch in the nuts

[-] [email protected] 24 points 5 days ago

Oh it gets worse with Shadiversity. Huge AI art guy, his brother's an actual artist too so it's hard seeing Shad brag to him. Very "anti-woke" and paints his conservative Mormon beliefs on everything.

The worst unforgivable part is the end of his book has impregnated rape victims step up to defend the rapist protagonist because he "gave them" a child, while the ones that didn't get pregnant were jealous.

He loves to bring up that the book is supposed to explore this immoral character. But this isn't the protagonist's viewpoint this is just how Shad thinks the world works. This is how Shad believes rape victims think.

Very sad to see, I followed him for swords and castles but Jesus Christ.

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[-] [email protected] 58 points 6 days ago

The 8 bit guy. I loved his retro computing channel and then one day, he acquired a rare IBM computer and promptly destroyed the power supply by sticking a screwdriver into it (if I remember correctly).

For some reason, I googled about this and discovered he's a gun nut. They're videos of him going grocery shopping with his rifle on his back which apparently he does this knowing it will annoy people.

Unsubscribed from the channel and never looked back.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 6 days ago

I love guns, but... Bro... Don't do that.

Too bad about him, his passion for old electronics made me interested when I don't have any particular interest of my own.

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[-] [email protected] 21 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

That Canadian tech guy. The channel has some good content, but that whole drama with the ex-employees, even without knowing the whole story, stinks of a toxic workplace, and I don't want to support that. Plenty of other good tech-related content that I still follow - Level One Techs, Gamers Nexus, Hardware Canucks, Hardware Unboxed, JayzTwoCents.

Fro Knows Photo - used to have some good content years ago when I watched it, but started becoming more and more annoying, with clickbait thumbnails on almost every video.

SMoD - a good source for getting to know new/unknown bands in the doom/stoner/sludge metal realms, but unsubbed after the scandal.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 5 days ago

Rooster Teeth. They stopped being watchable a few years ago. Now they're gone. Never sell your baby to a giant, faceless corporation or it will either die ugly or be mutated into a cancerous abomination.

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[-] [email protected] 63 points 6 days ago

LTT and their other channels. I only watch because of Emily/Anthony. Now that she's not active in videos anymore, I just lost interest and realised that Linus and those two hosts of Techquickie annoys the hell out of me.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 5 days ago

I always found the fact that he thinks Nebula is not a viable business and only exists to sell out and get a big payoff says a lot about Linus and his way of thinking.

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[-] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago

Day9. Though I just rewatched a funday Monday from episode 200 or 300 and it was just as amazing and fun as it was back over a decade ago.

I watched newer stuff he still seems to be a great guy.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago

I've never watched day9 regularly but whenever I do it's a joy. he seems to be a great guy indeed, and afaik never has been in any kind of YouTuber/streamer drama or anything.

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[-] [email protected] 26 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Binging with Babish - the content just drifted away. He started doing a show with another guy and I just didn't watch those episodes. Then, the content went further and I stopped watching.

Joshua Weissman - he just became insufferable at some point. I liked his older content.

Shadiversity, Sabine Hossenfelder - they have positions that cause hurt to people and that I morally do not agree with and won't give watch time or ad/sub money to. There are probably more here, but I don't recall. They're welcome to their opinions, but I'm not entitled to view them or fund them.

First we Feast - mostly watched it for Hot Ones (the Motz's stuff was fantastic!) but I got tired of Hot Ones, didn't know most of the guests for a long stretch (not living in the US or really consuming US media made me lose track of things). I also kinda got burnt out on the format.

Linus Tech Tips - to me, it just became the arrogant, egotistical Linus show. There was some other stuff that kinda put me off as well. Maybe it's better now, but I haven't watched in a long while at this point.

A number of creators I'm not thinking of - I hate when prescription meds are advertised (which isn't even legal in the vast majority of countries) and how they just want to sell dick pills without a real, non-conflict-of-interest doctor involved when the cause may not even be physical. I worked in healthcare for a long time and that just rubbed me the wrong way, particularly when creators in countries where it would be illegal for them on TV do it (and it may not even be legal/available in their country but it is in the country of at least US-based audience members).

Edit: and the 8-bit guy now, based on others mentioning things, checking other sources, and even checking up a follow-up video he made a year ago. I'll pass.

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[-] [email protected] 16 points 5 days ago

Lofi girl. I just outgrew her.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 5 days ago

I watched an Irish tech reviewer because I wanted to support local, he was decent and would have relevant info regarding pricing and release windows.

Noticed he was getting abit whiny and doing some oddly focusef videos but I made no conscious decision to stop wtching.

Remembered him a few years ago and he is gone fucking nuts with this mad US centric Trump conservative nonsense. It is honestly nearly laughable only for it is so aggressively hateful.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago

I watched Inside Gaming/Funhaus a lot but after the whole Adam Kovic thing happened it wasn't the same. The new crew of people were some cool dudes but didn't seem anywhere near as into the crude humor or constant 80's/90's movie trivia stuff and I couldn't go back to the old episodes for a couple years after knowing what I knew.

I dropped Nerd3 after he played Metal Gear Rising and called it a mindless button masher when he was just mashing buttons mindlessly and didn't even go into the movelist. There were instances before that where he didn't bother learning how to play a game before writing it off as the game being bad because he was bad and that was just the last straw.

I watched InTheLittleWood for a bit but he was just a weenie to be honest.

Can't watch kitty0706 without getting a little emotional still.

There are plenty of other channels that I just got bored of their content, or they changed their content to something I didn't gel with. There's no winning with me.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 5 days ago

Another vote for Binging with Babish - though my interest waned when he started going from "hey, I could try making that!" to episodes requiring ever more complex and expensive niche machines (e.g. dehydrators), I completely lost interest around the time he started doing the "going round buying folk things" series. Never really got back into it, unsubscribed after a while.

Bon Appetit was great, then everything happened, many folk changed (for good reason) and it just lost the appeal for me. I've watched some of the spun off channels, but some of the appeal for me was the interactions.

I used to religiously watch everything Shut Up and Sit Down put out, but found myself watching less and less over the last few years - turns out, they changed primary content creators and editor (if I understand correctly) around that time, and announced that they did so recently. Still watch occasionally, but it's a very subtly different style that hits less reliably for me. May also be related to me managing to play fewer boardgames, lately.

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[-] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago

Casey Neistat. Back when he was doing his daily vlog thing a lot of it was really interesting, covering him and his wife trying to make shit happen in the city as he was running and riding his powered skateboard around Manhattan. At some point his audience started drifting younger, way way younger, and I don't know if it was him or me but I just kind of lost interest. It didn't feel new anymore.

That might be me to be honest. I actually don't watch YouTube that much at all anymore, unless I'm looking for something specific. Their recommendation algorithm is garbage and it is so obviously going for raw time suck engagement that it leaves me with a bunch of unfulfilling clickbait / ragebait where I could watch it for an hour and then just want my hour back so I end up not returning. The whole platform used to be more full of interesting genuinely entertaining and educational videos, now it just feels like a giant time sink. And every other video is now some paid sponsorship or plug where the creator is basically just whoring out their own influence. Case in point, look up reviews of laser engravers. Every single one that I could find, especially of a couple major brands, the creator got the laser hardware for free. Some of them are just advertisements that reuse the manufacturer's own stock footage, and some seem more like real reviews, but for one or two brands I literally could not find one video where the creator wasn't sponsored by the laser manufacturer.

[-] SuperSaiyanSwag 17 points 5 days ago
[-] [email protected] 15 points 5 days ago

God he was so fucking funny. It was a legit travesty when he let the mask slip and showed us he was actually a huge prick that shouldn't be supported.

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[-] [email protected] 31 points 6 days ago

It seems that it's about 50/50 whether you stopped watching someone based on some allegations that came out, or you just outgrew their style.

One that I outgrew is probably Game Grumps. I watched them regularly for years, then one day just kinda stopped.

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[-] [email protected] 41 points 6 days ago

I watched Linus Tech Tips, and NCIX Tech Tips before that. My wife and I were discussing how the level of information was tanking but the production quality was great, then GN released their video a few weeks after we stored watching LTT and I unsubsidized.

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[-] [email protected] 31 points 6 days ago

Good Mythical Morning

At some point they got so popular that I just felt like they sold out. I felt like I was just watching 1 giant ad with all of their videos trying to get me to buy something. Also, some of their rants that they started going on got annoying. Seemed like at some point they lost the chemistry that they had together. I just enjoyed watching their banter and them doing goofy stuff.

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this post was submitted on 28 Jun 2024
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