
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 55 minutes ago) (1 children)

So... you're response to "hey, you may not know any, but there are evil teachers out there," is ... to call me a liar? to call me batshit insane?


Lets get the simple thing out of the way first.

I said:

it’s a profession that gives a position of authority over others; and specifically over people who are quite vulnerable.

You may not have met them, but there are teachers that are psychopaths. Many of those teachers who are also psychopaths might also come off as quite lovely, too.

and you think that statement is "batshit insane".

If you look at the list, excepting librarians, every single one of those careers provides people with authority over others, many of whom are vulnerable for one reason or another; and some amount of disciplinary or punitive powers. Are you saying that teachers don't have a significant amount of authority over students? that they don't have disciplinary powers over students (even if it's highly regulated,)

Consider how many teachers you know, and how many teachers there are. A quick websearch says that there's about 3.2 million public school teachers in the US, at an average ratio of about 15 students per teacher. Are you really going to tell me, in your morally superior screed, that I'm bat shit crazy for assuming that some of those teachers are in fact psychopaths? or sociopaths? or people who display tendencies attributed to such?

Edit: the reason I tagged librarians on there at the end, "for balance"is because they're similarly public servants (like most the list except CEOS), but don't necessarily have that control over people, and certainly no power to discipline anything at all. IMO this would provide something of a baseline. maybe not the best baseline, but something of one.

(end of edits). but as to your assertion that I don't know any teachers. I sit in on school board meetings when ever I have the chance- I can usually make about half of them, maybe a bit less. many of the meetings are of the general 'we'd like to hear from the public'; or are of specific things (like responding to particular incidents that happened in the school, etc..) Some of the stuff that has been said by teachers; either as what passes for testimony, or during what's basically an open mic:

  • a girl was raped by other students, this particular teacher said it was 'god's will' that she was raped; and that it was because she was [sexually promsicious]. This was said with her sitting in the hearing, with her parents.
  • one particular teacher keeps insisting he needs to be allowed to carry a firearm in class. his justification is that schools have become more violent and it's unsafe; while working in a district that is one of the safest and best funded (and to be honest, quite heavily policed,) districts in the state; and when directly asked, unable to articulate any incident in any of the district's schools that would have justified the use of firearms; and that several SRO's, including the ones stationed at HIS school have now decided to show up to these meetings, in uniform, specifically to call him out on his bullshit.
  • Significant numbers of teachers speaking on book bans and removals from the library; many on both sides of the issue, the ones on the wrong side of it can't help but let their homophobia leak out, along with being quite deranged.
  • In a similar vein, another teacher insisted that [muslim students] needed to be removed to an alternative school (which among other students, is where students with excessive disciplinary problems are sent.). Their justification was because they were all terrorists.
  • that the best way to addressa perceived problem of lack of discipline is to allow teachers to use corporal punishment. in her words, "spare the rod, spoil the child." This was at a hearing where she was facing termination for assaulting a student, whose sole offense was refusing to recite the pledge of allegiance- which is not, and has not been a thing here for decades; at least as far back as I was a student.
  • a handful times there were hearings about inappropriate teacher-student relationships. one thing they all seemed to have in common was that the teacher was emotionally manipulative and coercive. it might not be the most common thing in the world, but it does happen. there's probably a teacher in your school (or kids school), abusing a student in an ongoing relationship as we speak.
  • teachers who also happen to be coaches justifying abusive coaching practices (like not providing heat breaks or access to water, just to start things off.).
  • Teachers who happen to be coaches excusing away sexual abuse perpetrated by their student athletes.
  • Teachers that excuse/justify/otherwise argue for dehumanizing students over bathroom access. for a variety of mostly-bullshit reasons.
  • Teachers that allow, encourage, or otherwise fail to report target harassment by students over one form of bigotry or another.

And that's all just in the few years I've made a concerted effort to be in there, and just what I remember.

Maybe my school district is the odd one out. But I rather doubt that very much.

[–] [email protected] 35 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

somebody should soak Vance's couch in chili oil.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

it's a profession that gives a position of authority over others; and specifically over people who are quite vulnerable.

You may not have met them, but there are teachers that are psychopaths. Many of those teachers who are also psychopaths might also come off as quite lovely, too.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 hours ago

I read that as "Canadians" at first and was like "Ted Cruz isn't Canadian. They disowned him."

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 hours ago

nope. it's super easy. The Onion is no longer Satire, they're just reporting the news.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 hours ago (5 children)

CEOs, too.

Also school teachers. Pastors. Cops.

Let’s add librarians for contrast.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 6 hours ago

Foolproof: break the coffee maker and then say “there has got to be a better way to get your attention.”

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 hours ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 hours ago

The earliest written account of what he said was written- at the earliest- around fifty years after his death.

Most witnesses can’t can’t give an accurate testimony as to what happened 2 hours ago. Most prepared witnesses, with copies of statements in front of them still can’t accurately state what happened six months ago.

Mark was the earliest gospel written at around 70 c.e., with the others following across 2 or 3 decades. You are attributing a reliability to people that exists no where else.

You don’t have to take my word for this. Compare events and attributed sayings between the gospels, you’ll see that there’s plenty of distinctions. Some of that is that they were written by different people, from differing perspectives and for different purposes, to different audiences.

Some of that is that they were written across 20-30 years, during a time in church history where doctrine and attitudes were rapidly shifting and coalescing- a period of church history where it was first becoming something different than, and something new.

And all this ignores malfeasance on the part of the authors.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

Wait. They weren’t talking about the cops in the photo?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) (2 children)

“Actual” Christianity likely wasn’t fully developed until well after his death. The earliest gospel was written 40-ish years after his death. I imagine the historic Jesus would be very surprised by some of the things he apparently said.

Jesus was a Jew. He saw himself as Jewish, following the Jewish faith; as did the disciples.

Christianity itself developed over the following generations., and so did the doctrine and its teachings. It didn’t spring fully formed into existence.

Also… to be “fully human”…. Are you so sure he wasn’t a hypocrite? There’s always been people using religion for their own selfish desires.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

I like watching them get pissed and flustered and then asking them if he wasn’t a faith healer.

I know. I shouldn’t be an ass, and it’s the “grifter” part they take issue with…. But it’s too easy.

In any case, from the perspective of contemporary mainstream Judaism, he was just another rando Jewish mystic grifting the rubes.

As a side note: contrary to popular belief, none of the disciples started as particularly broke- they were by and large successful businessmen.


Granted, I was going to slap it onto one of my parent’s shiny kitchen appliances and make jokes about it being a mistake to let them have WiFi…. But still…..


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/17032394

unknown title, by pleumier


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16933715

Florida man sneezes his intestines out of his body at restaurant

I try to read all the articles I post but for this one I noped out after 1 sentence. Enjoy!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16280100

Two arrested, including 71-year-old man, for allegedly stealing almost 3,000 boxes of LEGOs

Hooo? (mander.xyz)

cross-posted from: https://mander.xyz/post/12883966



Saw this going to a friend’s house- they bagged the fire hydrants….one thought was snow; but this is the first year apparently. And snow has been a mild issue this year compared to most.


Snow on Thursday.

Loaf. (lemmy.world)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Mamma loafing around with the minions. (~~one is behind her, to the front, the other is behind and to her tail.~~)(edit: those are snacks,)

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Gotta ask, what kinda candy was she making? Soft crack. Hard crack. Pot….

Even has the donuts on there for, you know, dealing with the munchies.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

so drop 'em if you got 'em


Double, double Toil and Trouble; Fire burn and Cauldron boil.
and the finished soup:

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