[-] [email protected] 16 points 4 days ago

"Teriyaki Terror" sounds like punk band playing off the idea of "Yellow Peril" and i'm kinda feeling it.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

My arms are noticeably bigger which feels great ngl.

Now your thoughts and opinions are more correct. The big your arms the more objectively correct you are, especially when talking to nerds. People don't know but Marx was fuckin' yakked.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

Not much to report this week. I went to a mysterious and dreary land known only as "Tennessee" last week to visit an old college buddy. We linked up chatted about life and growing up and the general struggle of being alive. I'm back on the hustlegrind today. About to hit the gym and do my evening reading.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

I can watch Twitch only for competition of E-Sports. I love watching a Tekken or Street Fighter tournament but that’s about it. It’s like watching just regular sports game, most of them are will produced.

I can’t watch a person just play a game, it’s an infinitely worse version of going to a friends house and watching them play a game.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

They are objectively on the highest of tier public workers. If you make a bracket of public worker they are automatic S-tier

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

I met the couple of other black dudes in my STEM master’s course. all of these Katz are straight-up Republicans. So much for linking up with them and building some bonds.

[-] [email protected] 70 points 1 week ago

I'm glad he's free but goddamn I don't think he's going to be straight for awhile, dude is really going to need some time to heal. Solitary confinement is torture and it's crazy how the prison system uses it with such ease.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This week I have decided look into developing systems. I have seen a lot of productivity hustle-grind bros talk about developing systems to build habits and they aren't 100% wrong. For the most of the year I have just been kinda freestylin' without any real structure. Which is fine, but my goals and ambitions have grown quite a lot these last seven months so I think going forward I'm going to build a non-hustlegrind system that helps activate myself and actualize (that sounds so goddamn corny) towards the stuff I want to do. It's going to take time, probably several different iterations but I think I need to develop a system/schedule to get myself where I want to go.

The O.R.C. System would be

Observe - Observe what I'm doing, good or bad, productive or leisure

Record - Write it down in my journal and planner

Change - Change what I'm doing so I can obverse and record different things in the future

The first was "buy" a planner, mostly because I needed something with a calendar. Something I can physically write in and see time progress. I already journal but I don't really do it regularly so using a planner to just plan my days at the start and chronicling them in my journal at the end of the day is my first step in my building my system.

I'll build and expand into the future, but I think keeping it as low-tech as possible and use the systems that have worked in the past is probably the best move. Computers and digital stuff is nice, but dudes throughout all of history have used pen and pad to improve themselves so I'll try to do the same.

I don't really proclaim my big bad goals anymore, I think it's best for me just work today them and report on milestones or worthwhile updates. So I'm just going to keep my head down and focus on the process, and learn to love it (again sounds like corny dudebro hustlegrind nonesense but it's true)

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Nah you're good man. No worries. :-)

[-] [email protected] 22 points 2 weeks ago

I’m a black man and I use a substitute “Katz” because I grew up in an area where you used “katz” instead of “dudes”, “folk”. Just a regional/cultural vernacular thing. Nothing major

[-] [email protected] 32 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I ain’t mad at NEETS, I just feel bad for the katz who can’t choose to be NEETS. MOST of the NEETS I know are good and decent people but they all have rich parents. I know a lot katz who would love to just vibe and take things easy but they gotta pay bills. It just kind of a bummer that you can’t be slacker without external financial support these days.

No shame to the NEET comrades though, they ain’t hurting anyone.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago
Do you want to share something you've done in the previous week? Everything counts, nothing is too small.
	I read 8 hours this week. Very happy with that.
Do you have any plans or goals for next week?
	Game Development and start looking for a new job

Do you have any streaks? For example, "sober for one day." Feel free to post your streak every day in this thread.
	No yet, just thugging it out at the moment
If you don't have a continuous streak, did you manage to abstain from something for a day or more?
	I'm staying away from sugar, I really want to get shredded by this time next year
Did you come across some useful information or resource that might help others?
	Nothing insightful, I just want all the comrades and homies to reach their goals
[-] [email protected] 22 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

That's the thing that always rustles my jimmies. Whenever the lowly ghouls of the media class or economists say "The economy is strong, we even have data to show it. The Kings, Lords, and Barons are wealthy why don't the surfs, slaves, and peasants say otherwise?", I got in to a rage. When you talk about averages and means in a society built on vast inequality, it's really easy for the numbers to skew upward. It's just really disgusting that media try to whitewash the average person's downward trajectory.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'd really recommend it to anyone interested in the super early days of PC gaming. John Romero has a rather interesting tale, there is a lot of pathos surprisingly. Romero is one of the few katz I think is humble enough to actually talk about his flaws and shortcomings rather openly. I learned a lot about the 90's, game development, and was kinda inspired in a weird way. I was pretty lucky my library had a copy.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Not even a "Start Here", "Locations", or something super basic like that. They really want you to deputize yourself and the local "Big Brother" super snitch. lenin-rage It really got me heated lenin-rage , slamming away on the keyboard helping a less then tech-savvy person input their information and upload their documents. At the very least I think I got them squared away, and helping others is cool.

The supposed vigilance against "Welfare queens" is so goddamn stupid. If we really actually wanted to protect local and state budgets, we would y'know at the very least do something about tax avoidance/evasion. Of course this isn't about budgets at all, just making public services as punitive as possible. The bandits of Neoliberalism attempting to coarse people into the workforce while simultaneously robbing the public wealth.

It just gets me so mad, katz are out here struggling and even trying to do the "right thing" and they are "supposed to do" and we go and it so fuckin' difficult to do so.

Be sure to check out the c/mutal_aid channel to help out some strangers, cause I'm pretty damn sure their local government isn't gonna do it.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is a genuine question.

(Please pardon spelling or grammar mistakes I typed in a meeting at work. A meeting on a Sunday morning. Fuck work)

I know that college students can be “annoying” but I have noticed that everyone seems to hate college students. From conservative college educated business vampires and ghouls, to college educated liberal rainbow/pink/pro-black capitalism types. Even many online progressives (not sure what that term even means anymore) as well college dropout “dirtbag leftists” (I don’t know if that term is still in use, I’m not on Twitter and I don’t even listen to Chapo anymore) say that college is stupid. . Which just so odd because while I agree there is a ton to critique about higher education and academia as a whole it just seems to dismissive and weird to dunk on students for being students.

It seems to me that most people seem to Make a caricature of the college student. Everyone who was college educated (especially liberals) seem to make their college education to be some halcyon golden age but now it’s all fallen apart. Those people seem to believe college is just young adult daycare now but was some rigorous training facility for the leaders of the world in past.

It seems to me at least this is a weird expression of the US hated of youth and youth culture but also a weirdly kinda fetishists it simultaneously. My theory is we collectively dunk on college kids because we hate ourselves and who we have become and see them using their youth to do youth stuff. Exploring and expressing themselves in a way were unable or perhaps unwilling to do in somewhat similar conditions.

But that’s just a baseless theory, I got my degree in STEM not in humanities/social sciences. Real talk venerate the humble humanities and social sciences majors. while their degrees are also used for evil like everyone else’s they at least don’t have a “start-up” they are pitching.

When I got my undergrad in 2017 at state university most of the katz I knew were working +30 hours a week and/or living with mom and dad and still in crippling debt. Now that I’m returning to get my master’s degree (part-time to be fair but I do into a campus for the night classes) also at a state university I’m still seeing the same thing. A lot of these young people are working, doing education as well as trying to become adult. It’s a lot, and honestly i empathize them. They are playing a rigged game and it sucks so many of them take it so personally, it’s a lot pressure to put on a younger person.

I don’t know why the pop-culture narrative is that everyone who goes to school is a “fail child” or some trust fund kid. I met a few in my here and there while at school my first time but was mostly just regular people of all types trying to get a degree, though maybe I was in the minority as I was (and still am) a square.

All that to say why do we hate college kids? Why do we think they are all “blue hair baristas” or whatever other current derogatory pejorative is. It just seems really stupid to me that we dunk on young people for doing what we tell them to do. The whole cultural narrative is “go to college, have fun, make friends, get a good job” but they seem to only care about the last part. It’s not like their a lot of alternative pathways for them to try, it just seems so odd to me

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I love the games (the Telltale games were peak), and I actually like like most of the individual members of the cast (aside from Kevin Hart, dude just is plainly unfunny to me), and I think Eli Roth can do a decent job behind the camera. However I know most certainly this will be a product/marketing platform in the shape of a movie.

Is the cinema landscape this bleak these days? Movie magic is being wasted on this slop. Goddamn.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It's very frustrating watching knowing that quite literally everything bad that they said would happen in this hearing does in fact happen. They even directly point out that more cops will not reduce crime. I know 1994 and 2024 are two radically different time periods but goddamn. This bill has was fundamental to the expansion of the carceral and surveillance state.

It's a really long watch but I think it's worth watching. It's very long and dry and boring, but it's very insightful. I have seen clips of this C-SPAN broadcast in many different video political essays and such and never have I seen it in its entirety.

I think about this not just as it's an election year, or not even really about the DNC; Instead, I think about this is respect to all of the people who were hurt when they cranked up the police machine to 11.

( Just a reminder this isn't just a POC issue either. "Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group...")

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I recently had the displeasure of going to the doctor's office. Totally routine check-up. No aches or pains, no fever, nothing particularly ailing me at the moment. I just try to go the doctor twice a year because I have "good insurance™©®" through my employer. The amount of legwork I had to do just see a doctor was awful.

I found doctors that were covered but their practice was not. I found a clinic in my area that the doctor's were covered but the labs they sent their results to were not. Having to navigate through websites and compare them against my insurance coverage felt like I was trying to min-max a character sheet in an RPG. I can only imagine this being 9999% worse if I needed some real deal medical care.

I eventually found a clinic, doctor, and lab trio that worked with my insurance through their website. I drove (thanks American Car Culture) to the doctor's office I kid you not, I spent MORE time in the lobby talking to the nice dude at the desk then I did with the doctor lady. Some clinic aids took my blood pressure and weight and stuff, but I spoke to the doctor-person about seven minutes before they bounced. Again, I know this is just a check-up but damn, seven minutes of face-to-face with a healthcare professional seems pretty bad. I spent maybe two hours doing all this legwork for seven minutes of actual care. I don't blame the doctor-lady either, I'm sure she was stacked to her eyeballs with papers and forms and other patients. This system is so fuckin' wack.

I want to live in a world, where I pay my taxes and I get healthcare (and I want to know my taxes go to covering other people, not the endless war machine). All the shit in life that doesn't actually matter is pretty frictionless and easy, but something as important getting medical care is a goddamn dungeon crawl. There is so much obfuscation between patients and doctors it's absurd.

Also reminder, private insurance is forever and always a business venture. Maximizing shareholder value is the ONLY goal of a business. Also the amount of bullshit jobs graeber in MEGACORPS is absurd. They are tons and tons of layers of obstructions built into these companies by design. They even hire folks whose role is to find reason to deny claims. Just really rotten stuff.

I want single payer healthcare because it's a rational and simple system. I want to go a clinic and get care. That simple. I want medical professionals to make choices about what sort of care i need, not some ghoul an a phantom office in Delaware.

It's a real actually existing policy that would make people's lives better. I know we live belly of capitalism, and the DNC and RNC are lapdogs for these companies but fuck I will still want it.

TL;DR - Private Insurance does nothing but get in the way. Insurance companies hinders healthcare providers ability to provide their services, and hinders people from getting the care they need. For-profit private health insurances are fundamentally bad.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I hate the current YouTube thumbnail meta. I found this extension and it just takes a frame from the content of the video and displays that. I believe that is fair and more representative of the video. I have been using this extension for a while and I find myself paying more attention to the names of creator and then considering if I want to watch the video; rather than being enticed by some intentionally inflammatory image.

I find it just make YouTube more enjoy in combination with Ublock Origin and YouTube Search Fixer.

Just wanted to share this extension with any Hexbears who aren't liking YouTube's thumbnail arms race of increasingly distracting images. I didn't know if I should have put this in c/videos or c/technology. I rolled a D6 and odds was c/videos and evens c/technology. I rolled a two.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It can be time consuming due to the sheer length and duration, but I have found fat falling off in the places I have most issues (lower abdomen, chest, and back). It's free, it's super chill, and I have found it clearing my mind too. In combination with more intense regime, I think it is a a necessary supplemental exercise. I think walking outside is probably better (it feels more natural to me at least), but just a plain ol' treadmill or other cardio machine will probably get those steps up. Its super low-impact, easy, and do-able.

I'm dropping weight and I'm finding my brain rebooting in some places as well. It's overall super great and I encourage every Hexbear to increase their step count.


submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

America can't build houses. America can't fix roads, bridges, dams, pipes, or power grids. America can't provide high quality education for students of all ages and stages. America can't build libraries and parks. America can't provide medical care to all citizens. America can't provide childcare. America can't support public arts or media. America can't provide public transportation. American can't feed the hungry. America can't better the lives of its people.

America is powerless to do anything, other than expand the military industrial complex.

$14.5 billion is some COVID-19 level wealth extraction from working people. American oligarchs and plutocrats stole all our collective wealth yet again.


submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If you're overwhelmed by the bundle try to use this site to help find games for you. Support a real and meaningful charity and play games.

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