[-] [email protected] 66 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Idk it's not the worst name ever. Definitely sounds like a "kooky millennial parents wanted an interesting name" name. But there's worse. Much worse. He should've told her where it came from though, kinda a dumb thing to not involve your wife in. You know. The name of her child.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

I definitely think they can and are often overdone. Where I'm from civilian fireworks use is very uncommon unless you're out in the sticks. So we get at most 2 municipal fireworks display per year, New year's eve and Canada day. New year's eve fireworks happen some years and don't others.

I personally love fireworks. The awe of the display is never lost upon me. I can see it becoming old if it's something you deal with all the time. That isn't an issue here though and I always step outside to watch them when a display is done locally.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

Thank you for vouching for her CC ๐Ÿ˜Š

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

Love the choker and your eyeliner ๐Ÿ˜ have a lovely weekend!!

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

I appreciate you providing the content warning. It's alright to have those understandable fears. I agreed for a very long time, and I used to present androgynous and not correct people who misgendered me because I thought I would only ever be happy with myself and be accepted by others if I appeared cis in every conceivable way.

The thing is, thinking that way actually impedes your ability to pass. Passing is not a product of any individual thing but many things, and how people perceive and respond to you depends on lots of factors many of them do not do with physiological gender signifiers. I spent years denying myself everything I ever wanted. I wore loose baggy clothes, I didn't try with my skincare or haircare, I would obsess about the way people perceived me and tear myself apart in the mirror over every little detail. I was making myself miserable, and holding myself back and being so obviously insecure about these things actually made me less likely to pass. Fully embracing my style and showcasing my curves and my skin has made a massive difference in the likelihood of me passing. I rarely do not pass anymore.

Hiding a part of yourself is never going to make you happy. If you want to be happy someday, and you should you deserve to live a happy life, then you have to stop setting limits past which you're allowed to be happy. To be clear, I understand wanting to wait till you've been on hormones. I really do, I did wait myself. I also then waited 7 years before i allowed myself to wear dresses in public. And embrace my own femininity I'm visible ways, wore clothes that accentuated my body instead of hiding it. All things I'd wanted to do for years but I didn't, because I didn't think I would pass and therefore wouldn't allow myself.

It's okay if you can't today, or if you still want to wait. This was just my experience and I thought it worthwhile to share. Far fewer people are scrutinizing us that closely than it feels like. You're beautiful and it's important that you believe that too. I know it sounds stupid or corny or whatever. But next time you look at yourself in the mirror and that voice pops up pointing out all those little dysphoria inducing details, try and notice a few things you like about how you look. Write them down. Try and look for them again when you're feeling dysphoric. Good body image is a process.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling with gatekeeping and transphobia from your friend and your parents. ๐Ÿ˜” I'm glad that you recognize that your friend is being bigoted towards you. Dysphoria is not what makes someone transgender! Being transgender is "not identifying with (or not entirely identifying with) your assigned gender" and can mean literally anything beyond that. She has absolutely no right to say that to you. You deserve to be supported, not put down by someone who's supposed to be there for you!

Whether someone else genders you correctly doesn't make you a woman, you are one no matter how other people refer to you. I know you said that you struggle to stand up for yourself, but you don't have to let someone try and take that from you. You deserve to be surrounded by people who love and support you! You deserve kindness, compassion, and respect. I know that it might not be possible for you to demand those things for yourself, but make sure you remember that internally. If someone isn't respecting you, you do not have to keep talking with them or engaging with them. It's possible to be non-confrontational while making clear that you won't engage with someone who doesn't treat you with respect!

I waited years to come out to certain people and much longer to be completely out publicly full time. You need some friends and supporters on your side. Many transfem people do not pass. If you're active in trans groups you'll definitely notice transfem people who don't pass in them. You don't owe it to anyone to look a certain way before you can be yourself. Your body belongs only to you, and the standards of society shouldn't hold you back from being yourself. There's lots of online trans groups, discords, matrix groups and what not where you can try coming out and socializing with other trans people. May be a good way to build up some courage to handle harder in person coming-outs.

HRT is also not a requirement to be transgender and being on hormones does not make you any more or less trans than anyone else. You're already trans today, and if you come out now, you being or not being on hormones won't affect the response you should receive from friends and loved ones.

Hope my rambles helped, and welcome to transfem!

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

So happy for you!! It's amazing that your daughter is so enthusiastically supportive of your journey in self discovery :) that support is invaluable. It sounds like you have some great ideas on ways you can explore your gender and examine your gender feelings in an environment that feels safe with support from your family.

Processing your gender as you explore it is hard, and I can understand how it can be hard for spouses as well. However, your wife should be patient and understanding with you, and when you tell her that this is a serious thing for you and you need her genuine support through this. It's not fair to you to get the "Yeah right" treatment about this. It will take time for her to process, that's fair. But she shouldn't diminish your feelings through this. I hope she lends you full support in whatever you choose to do, even in the event of going to a con in full Gothic Lolita ๐Ÿ˜Š which btw sounds absolutely amazing haha. My exploration of gender was very quiet and at home and normative. I only started really expressing myself through fashion and presentation a lot this year.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago

All they had to do was construct a society where the working class is exposed exclusively to neoliberal propaganda from birth until death. Several generations onwards, and here we are. Class consciousness is essentially none amongst large swaths of the working class population.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

We keep saying that. But if you told me a decade ago that roe v wade would be overturned and an open fascist would be the likely next president and scotus also just ruled that presidents are literally not beholden to any laws then I'd have said the same thing.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I wonder how long now until the north and south separate. I'm semi facetious, I don't see how this situation can be resolved from this point. The Supreme Court has to go or else this ends one of 2 ways.

If Biden overturned the decision that gave Donald Trump immunity, then the southern republican states would almost certainly rebel. If Donald Trump takes power as a king in January, then the northern Democratic states will almost certainly rebel.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Pre transition I wasn't subjected to it so, I only ever knew it as it was applied to other people. It was gross and exploitative but not in a way that I personally experienced. There was a bit of detachment from that, I didn't properly recognize it for what it was because my own dysphoria and discomfort made me somewhat oblivious to it.

When I first transitioned the male gaze felt like some metric I had to compare myself to if I wanted to be accepted. I started to subtly invalidate myself by all the ways my body differed from what was expected of me as a woman. It became a source of constant self dismissal and a feeling that I didn't live up to expectations of womanhood, and therefore wouldn't be accepted as a woman.

After several years of hormones and then bottom surgery I started to gain confidence in myself and I started to notice a lot more the way men look at me. The experience has honestly sucked as much as it is validating. I know I look good, that I'm conventionally attractive. I'm uncomfortable in a lot of settings due to that. I'm good at hiding my discomfort and maintaining my confidence even when I'm being leered at. But nontheless it makes me feel gross a lot of the time. I'm a gay woman, so it also feels like a part of me is being consumed without my consent just by me passively existing somewhere. Like going to the grocery store and noticing the guy staring at you standing next to his wife. He should know the way him staring makes me feel but if he does know he doesnt care. The way people treat me is totally different too. People being genuinely very nice and happy to speak with me. It's made me understand in a personal way not just how passing is a privilege but being seen as desirable by men is too. I'm still young so my experiences are still growing. I want to be a mom someday and I think a lot about how my children will be subjected to this too.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So say my main page is sorted TopSixHours, but I open a community and change the sort there to New. Would it be possible for Jerboa to continue to sort that community by New when I open it in the future?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm having trouble finding good intro resources for parents of trans kids, so if anyone has any handy please send them my way.

I also added a hotline section based on [email protected]. If anyone else can think of any UK or other international hotlines you think should be listed, please let me know. I also tried to list times when 2SLGBT services are specifically available.

I looked into each resource to try and come up with rough descriptions for each of them, if you think I misrepresented or miscommunicated what a particular resource is or does - let me know :)

I also decided to add a specific rule against all forms of debate or gatekeeping. This group is and should be a welcoming supportive environment for all transfeminine people.

Hello everyone! (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm LadyAutumn and I'm the moderator of this community. I hope everyone has enjoyed their time on Lemmy thus far. This space is very much still developing, but its nice feeling like a transfem community is developing here.

I myself migrated to lemmy from reddit just last week, and created this community initially to mimic the subreddit r/mtf. I used that subreddit a lot, and loved having a place to talk with other people who understand what I'm going through. I knew if I'm going to use this platform long term, that on lemmy I would want a community for transfeminine people.

This space isn't on reddit though, and isn't controlled by or related to the moderation team of r/mtf. So things here won't be exactly the same. I want this to be a community for news, for advice, for trans joy, for discussions and questions, and whatever else we want to have here. I want this space to be community controlled and for everyone to have an influence on what this community is and how it is moderated. That will mean polls and community posts and whenever they come up I'd encourage everyone to participate in them. This is a space for us, and we all should have a say.

Also thank you @[email protected] for hosting the lemmy.blahaj.zone instance that is hosting this community. She's doing this without any profit motive and has been working hard to keep up with the huge influx of users around here lately. She's awesome and has already been an active part of this community.

I figured I'd make a post sharing my perspective on this community and what I think it should be. If you have any thoughts or suggestions please feel free to share them. :)

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The results of the poll showed a clear preference for the title to be Transfem. The link to the community will still show !mtf but everywhere else it will show "Transfem".

The results were:

Transfem - 41/53

MtF - 12/53

The banner has been updated to reflect the new community name. :)

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I always feel so much better when I wear clothes I like and don't feel way too warm in the heat. It's hard not to listen to the nagging voice in my head telling me that my shoulders look too big or that I'm drawing too much attention to myself. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Its hard to justify the cost mostly. It's also mildly amusing watching people stumble a bit if I have to show my ID for something. But getting called my deadname at the bank is starting to get tiresome ๐Ÿ™ƒ

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Inspired by the mtf subreddit and hosted on the lemmy.blahaj.zone instance.

General link - MtF

Instance relative link - MtF

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I recommend reading the linked article for more information. This grifter is attempting to capitalize on hormone bans and medical gatekeeping to sell fake hormone 'alternatives' to trans people.

Long story short the pills are fake, they do not contain estrogen nor do they metabolize into estrogen. They contain unrelated substances that at best don't work and at worst can have serious negative consequences for your health.

The marketing he's attempting to use is so ham-fisted most will probably be able to tell right away that its a scam, but what he's doing should be taken extremely seriously.

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joined 1 year ago