[-] [email protected] 6 points 20 hours ago

The headline is cope, but it has abolsutley cost them seats and more importantly this is genuinely a victory of electoral-only, low-turnout, geneuinely unique (in terms of other parties) FPTP math. Labour's landslide isn't based on an increase of voters, nor popularity, and a ridiculous amount of even cabinet ministers wins were razor thin. The average margin of votes won by also more than halved. It's going to be a shitshow when the honeymoon is over.

[-] [email protected] 38 points 22 hours ago

Literally just nonsense, word salad, a strategy of anti-meaning. The perfect intelligence candidate for a moment they've manufactured to be devoid of meaning.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago

They did six days of debate prep at Camp David and that was still the result.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago

This again. You may be genuinely asking, but we get someone stumbling in here every day at the moment looking to repeat the same 'lesser evils' voting argument ad infinitum, so I hope you'll understand that I'm going to try to outline some of thr major points in brief and am not interested in a protracted debate about them.

  • The point that is nearly always ignored is that for the most part people don't actually care if someone wants to vote for Biden for whatever reason, but the amount of time people dedicate to this argument and electoral politics in general would be better spent doing literally anything else. Organising, mutual aid, protest, 'lawfare', community defense, whatever.

  • Perhaps most important is that the parameters of bourgeois electoral politics are set to ensure that no option outside of ruling class interests can be achieved. The spectacle of the campaigns are release valve for societal pressure, a way to sap and distract the energy of potential activists into something safe for the status quo.

And if we are going to engage with electoral politics...

  • An electoral system that demands you vote for a singular candidate because they're the 'only one who can win' against a greater evil isn't a democracy and it's not a free vote. It's a hostage situation. If electoral politics is supposed to be a free vote, then people have to be able to vote their conscience. And if you do believe in the electoral system as a potential avenue for change, then some people are going to have to vote for third party candidates before the time that they'll win.

On 'lesser evil' voting...

  • The mantra that is always repeated is that the lesser evil is always the tactical choice, that someone else 'would be worse' but that isn't necessarily the case, especially if you don't think electoral politics is the primary way to exercise power.

  • If you feel that one issue is most important - the genocide in Gaza for example - and the lesser evil candidate is currently doing it, without any possibility of policy change, then any other candidate offers at least the potential for change. A possibility of change is logically better than the certainty of none.

  • One could argue that in a political duopoly where both parties serve the same interest, they also each serve a specific purpose. With the further right party making regressive change and then the 'lesser evil' party protecting and solidifying those gains. Viewed like this, voting for the 'lesser evil' party isn't necessarily the most tactical choice. When the 'lesser evil' party commits atrocities or cements regressive policy there's less push back from the populace because their supporters excuse it rather than oppose it. Take the reaction to Biden's continuation of internment camps on the border for example; was there more opposition when Trump was doing it or Biden? Or for a UK example, the fact that both Labour and Tory politicians have said that only Labour has the 'good will' and 'credibility' to enact NHS reform (meaning deeply unpopular privatisation). It's too unpopular for the 'more evil' party to do openly, so the 'lesser evil' party will have to do it under false pretenses.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

That's not a wrap. They just painted the panel gaps.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 2 days ago

In all seriousness, there's going to be a shit load of disaffected, confused libs in a year or two as everything continues to decline. We need to be ready to offer them an explanation and ideally a radicalisation that no one except the fash will.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 2 days ago

This is true, but that cement is weak and the foundation shaky.

Labour didn't meaningfully increase its vote share, turnout was the lowest in 20+ years, and and the average seat now is incredibly marginal - down from an average of 12k to 6k. The free ride is over, Labour have no answers, and no real bedrock of support.

There's an opportunity to organise, agitate, and exploit that weakness outside of electoral politics. There's about to be potentially millions of totally disaffected libs over the next few years who'll be looking to make sense of this shitshow and we shouldn't leave them to the far right.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 2 days ago

Maybe one on the Zionist side.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 2 days ago

Less than 1-in-5 people eligible to vote did so for Labour. This was the lowest voter turnout in 20+ years. Yet Labour won a massive victory with 400+ seats. FPTP voting is an absolute sham.

submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Christmas in July.

submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My local was flooded with ecstatic out of town removed earlier than scheduled. So this went on repeat as I left until the prebooked band was ready. Election day is a fucking nightmare.

Also, it's an all time depressive banger. A great late cynical era Bruce Springsteen song perfected into a dark pop dance ballad by the Pet Shop Boys.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm going to the pub to watch the England match again (for some reason) so here's a warm-up tune.

It's laser focused satire of a particular kind of English footy bloke.

And for non-Brits here I imagine it'll be like trying to understand something between a magic eye and iceburg of British lad culture.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Bedtime cats are on parade!

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was expecting some sort of 'emergency' Chapo episode but it seems that Felix was taking a break from gaming and shopping for fighter jets to spend the night hanging in a Waffle House. Clearly he wasn't too impressed with Joe's performance, so I guess that's a sneak preview of the next episode.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Biden campaign HQ hype campaign after the debate:

Biden comes out seemingly completely unaware of where he is, while his wife talks to him like a dog.

Jill Biden: "Joe, you did such a good job! You answered every question! You knew all the facts!"

(He absolutely did not, of course)

Doesn't let him respond, just let's him grin mindlessly, while she tries to whip up thr base about the fact that Trump lied.

Biden's face goes back to confusion when the crowd stop cheering and shout "lie" about Trump as though he has no idea who or what they're talking about.

Video Here Apologies for the chud twitter link, it was the only easy clip I could find

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Taken by @JW_Hendricks on Instagram.

Posted here because we don't have a pictures comm.

Bedtime Cat Post (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Taken by Aline Manoukian in the Palestinian camp of Burj el-Barajneh, located near Beirut in 1988.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

PodBean has gotten shitter and shitter, randomly stopping play when not on screen.

Google has just announced its taking Podcasts out behind the woodshed so you can pay them for YouTube Premium to watch video podcasts in the background in your pocket.

I just want something simple, free or a one off purchase, that is friendly to copying Patreon feed links etc.

Suggestions appreciated, although I still don't relish the idea of refollowing 50+ feeds again.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm the king of shouty things and wishing I was in the Budos Band now. It's still dead good though.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So much better than it probably should be. Some great dialogue sample choices too. Even the EQ/tracklisting video is slick.

A certified oddball banger.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

More than 20 years ago British rap was giving way to an increasingly northern move that included J Cristie who, despite a shit line about China and a few dodgy refs, put out relentlessly anti-imperialist UK hip hop for his short, but very solid dominance of what remained of the backpack/conscious UK rap scene.

The next record (2006) brought a sequel to The Grip, written - in part, with some broader context - from the sympathetic perspective of a young auicede bomber. Naturally the UK paying attention shit itself and the rest happily ignored it.

So why is this back again (for fhe feed)? In the UK and online people have spent the whole week being bemused or insensed about Galloway winning an election and becoming a British MP. They reference some shameless performances or reality TV. People on the left rightly reference his chameleon status, socially conservative leanings, and recent TERF shit.

But you know why he won a protest by election? You know why he's not just sampled but distinctive contextual sample for one of the most important non-grime records in 2000s music? Because he was and is one of the only public personas in the UK who has been constant on this issue.

The fact that fucking Galloway was who got endlessly sampled then and is getting elected now is fucking shit, but an example of how much worse the UK was and is in general.

But no-ones reading this anyway on a post about 20+ year old BritHop. So why not ramble?

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