
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Over in the alternate universe where we don't shoot the Vulcans who make first contact, this gets Meta executives and managers imprisoned and hung at the Hague

[–] [email protected] 12 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

I have been hitting garage sales in the same handful of lower-upper middle class white suburbs since 2016. That's the best hauls, best chance to get some $200 shit for a single dollar. It's also peak trump supporter.

  • In 2016 it was 75% Trump signs, 25% Hillary
  • In 2020 it was like 60% Trump signs, 40% Biden
  • In 2024 it's 60% HARRIS.

I'm seeing local republican signs and no Trump. I'm seeing houses that had Trump signs before that now have "I'm a veteran, not a loser or a sucker" (lol lmao) signs. This is a critical swing state.

For every voter they're killing in Gaza they're picking up 2 in the suburbs

[–] [email protected] 15 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

I think it's mostly that, but a bit of the other- a lot of people actually want to have 1 or 2 kids and literally can't because they can't afford it, or can't even socialize or date in the first place because they cant afford it. But yeah people don't come into money and prosperity and decide to have 12 children.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Can't really know if it's safe honestly- you'd have to know the guy very well, but then this type of thing wouldn't happen if you knew him well. I would just leave it be and break things off.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

That's exactly what happened with Microsoft in 2001 because Bush won

[–] [email protected] 13 points 22 hours ago (4 children)

It's not a never gonna happen situation- they've already been found guilty and the judge is working on the remedy. There is also an active fight over Harris keeping or firing Lina Khan as the FTC chair, and it's leaning towards her staying.



So stoked. Both the breakup and the data remedy are essential to breaking this monopoly permanently. Death to Google

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 days ago

Rhetoric is ramping up and sometimes the conservative movement catches the car. They caught the car on Roe v. Wade.

They might catch the car on this and that's terrifying as well. It would be one of the world's largest ethnic cleansing campaigns.

But they don't really mean it. They have never wanted to deport all immigrants, they have always wanted to keep them here and keep them individually deportable at will. That gives capitalists a much more exploitable workforce.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago

Remember kids, Blizzard has been gone for years, and is now simply a collection of intellectual property owned by Activision.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

oh and they skeleton crewed Wings of Liberty after launch to work on the game that got cancelled and scavenged into Overwatch

[–] [email protected] 18 points 6 days ago (1 children)

honestly love this form of electioneering, makes young people stoked to vote and makes older people less so


kirby-jammin something something sublimation of anticapitalist art


I've read several news stories talking about the CIA's attempts at negotiations with the Israeli government, parallel with the US State Department's incredibly brazen charades, lies, coverups, and stonewalling. I've heard a couple times that the CIA has been actually attempting to move things back toward the status quo.

Now I see they've trotted out Obama's CIA director to go on CBS Sunday Morning to talk about Israel's terror attacks on Lebanon and directly call it terrorism. That's got to be coordinated with the current agency, and comes across as very intentional signaling. Matthew Miller is basically acting like nothing happened, while the CIA is publicly calling Israel a terrorist state.

My question is why? What are their incentives here? Are these stories just PR bullshit by the CIA? What does the CIA stand to lose in an all-out regional war, that makes them willing to go around the President and apparently make the only real efforts to negotiate?

lmao (

trump-drenched sad

Honestly incredible. They really thought they had jobs.

Biden has cut Kamala out of the process this whole time, so their respective staffs apparently had hardly any contact or relationship building. These morons are cooked


power-stride menacing menacingmenacingmenacingbiden-forgor


You could use it for pinyin annotations too, or really any combination of scripts.

{睾丸 |こ がん}に{豚|ぶた}の{糞|くそ}

{猪蛋蛋上的粪便 | Zhū dàn dàn shàng de fèn biàn}

{фекалии|fekalii} {на|na} {свиных|svinykh} {яйцах | yaytsakh}

People were just talking about this in a thread earlier but I can't find it anymore. Figured this would be a good place for it.

Check out the source code of this post. It actually looks for space characters after the pipe symbol and uses that to group the furigana. It's actually easiest to use for Chinese, Japanese is a bit more work, and alphabetical scripts are pretty time consuming, because you have to mark up each word with brackets and pipes, spaces don't cut it.





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