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Take B12. :vegan-edge:

founded 3 years ago

I must confess I have a personal vendetta against Yudkowsky and his cult. I studied computer science in college. As an undergrad, I worked as an AI research assistant. I develop software for a living. This is my garden the LessWrong crowd is trampling.


The carnist wants to believe that they are inherently superior to any non-human animal and that this superiority gives them the right to torture and hack up their fellow creatures for their own pleasure. One reason among many that veganism tends to offend them so much is that it strikes at their ego, their belief that by virtue of their birth they are the apex of creation, and thus entitled to consume and discard those with whom they share this Earth as they please.


Personally I will not eat anything with the may contain label. I know this just means it is made in the same factory but I was wondering if I have just been overly cautious. What do you all think? Do you avoid stuff like that or do you think it is fine?


TLDR: They’re better than regular meat in nearly every metric, but beans and lentils still reign supreme.


After 5 years as a vegetarian who was willing to eat cheese so I could have a bit more food options when going out with friends, I just now realized I haven't any dairy products for like six or seven months now. Most of the local places we go to have enough decent vegan options so it doesn't feel like I'm only eating impossible burgers. Feels ffn good.


porky-scared frothingfash

I feel like I'm losing my mind there, a lot of people struggling to comprehend a diet where "protein" isn't a category, made from animals or plants otherwise.

Btw Impossible burger etc. are not vegan, they do animal testing:

CW animal testing

But we were confronted with an agonizing dilemma: We knew from our research that heme is absolutely essential to the sensory experience meat lovers crave. Replacing animals in the diets of meat lovers would absolutely require heme. So without the rat testing, our mission and the future of billions of animals whose future depends on its success was thwarted. We chose the least objectionable of the two choices available to us. We used the minimum number of rats necessary for statistically valid results.

Yay capitalism lets us have our treats, and only a few animals had to suffer! brainworms


I went to get my free flu shot at work today, and found out chicken eggs were involved in the process (I had to answer whether or not I was allergic to eggs before receiving the shot).

I asked if they had any alternatives, and they said they didn't because they were too expensive. I ended up getting the flu shot they offered.

Do you get the standard flu shot, or a vegan variant? How much do you pay, if the latter, and where can you find it?


Carnists: "Poor people can't be vegan because meat substitutes are too expensive"


Carnists: wojak-nooo
Vegans: bean


I am somewhat new to and bad at cooking food for myself, and I only want to cook vegan. Right now I pretty much only eat Tofu Fried Rice for every meal because that's the only thing I'm good at making. I've been looking at vegan alternatives for lots of beloved foods, and there are a lot. Basically every single popular dish I have web-searched for has had a vegan recipe for it. Thought maybe it would be faster to ask for the exceptions, because my search engine gave irrelevant results. Any info?

Pets and vegans (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I believe most vegans like animals. Yeah, yeah, carnists, we know your "with ketchup" shit, forget you!

Now what I wanted to struggle you people with...why the fuck do some vegans have pets? Animal stores are a fuck, 100 gorillion dead animals, but unironically! The so called conformation of animals, and the forced breeding, that's just dystopian! And you can adopt, not shop, but most do not! And outdoor cats, that's a catastrophe, especially with vegans! (Sorry for the levity, I know it's serious, but it is the Hexbear injoke)

They make money selling living beings, why would a vegan pay them!?

Sorry for the rant. Vegan btw, I think all animal industries should be shut down, including animal shops! Maybe assistance animals can be an exception, if they can be trained ethically!

What do you think?


Disclaimer: shameless promotion, mods can delete if not allowed.

I'm learning Kotlin/Jetpack Compose while I try and find a job and wanted to make a small app with just a few features as a soft goal/practice project. Just something that I could finish in hopes to keep me going.

Premise of the app:

I hate going out to eat and trying to explain what I can and can't eat. It's harder at restaurants where the server doesn't natively speak the same language as you. The idea is that you have a select list of common phrases(no meat, no dairy, no fish, etc) that you can translate into another language from a pre-defined list. I tried to cover most common that I could think of from what I might come across in the States. You can then show the list to the server to help pick vegan-friendly options. I do have gluten on there but that is just for the occasional overlap.

A few small bugs that I am aware of:

  • The UI doesn't scale well with Display Size settings in the phone's settings app. Large on up squishes the on screen buttons.
  • when hitting save, it goes back to Home but the navbar button for Languages stays highlighted. I think I just wrote that part incorrectly /shrug. It still functions though.

The app is free, I don't think it says on the Play Store that it's FOSS but I have the source codes on github.

You can get it from Play here:

And the github repo is here:

*this is the link to the .apk but it's still the repo. You can sideload it if you don't care for Play Store bullshit.



"What do you mean Hippos are the most dangerous animal in Africa?! My creationist first grade teacher told me that herbivores are all weak little prey animals that exist to be eaten by big strong predators!"


debate-me-debate-me "Ackchyually backyard chicken eggs are vegan"
debate-me-debate-me "Ackchyually honey is vegan"
debate-me-debate-me "Ackchyually horseback riding is vegan"



This to me is an absolute nightmare scenario.


I unironically rely on hexbear-logo to find out about things. This shit is delicious and made my chili way better and it costs like nothing at all?



by Jon Hochschartner

I recently came across some references to a vegetarian socialist organization founded in Weimar Germany, that was active in the anti-Nazi resistance, before it merged with the Social Democratic Party of Germany after World War II. The group was called the Internationaler Sozialistischer Kampfbund, which generally seems to be translated as the Militant Socialist International or the International Socialist Militant League.

According to author Karl-Eugen Kurrer, writing in The History of the Theory of Structures, the ISK was founded in 1925 by Leonard Nelson, a Kantian socialist. Nelson died only a couple of years later, but the organization continued without him. Members were apparently required to be vegetarian, among other things, which no doubt limited the group’s appeal.

If Nelson’s writing is any indication, the ISK position was motivated by anti-speciesism. “A labourer who does not just want to be a ‘prevented capitalist’ and who is thus serious about the fight against all exploitation, does not bow to the nefarious habit of exploiting harmless animals and does not take part in the everyday murder of millions of animals,” he is quoted as having said in Saskia Stucki’s One Rights.

In his book The German Workers and the Nazis, Francis Ludwig Carsten wrote the ISK maintained five vegetarian restaurants. “In July 1933 a meeting of the local leaders held in Saarbrücken adopted guiding lines for underground work based on a long perspective and intensive training of the members,” the historian said. “Groups of five were to be organized with the ISK as the core so new members could be recruited.”

During this period, the organization’s main focus was on trade union activity, a strategy supported by the International Transportworkers Federation, according to Carsten. The ITF smuggled a publication into the country which the ISK distributed. “For years they conducted effective underground propaganda, and in spite of all Gestapo efforts, spies were unable to penetrate the small groups,” the historian said.

This changed in late 1937, by which time the Gestapo had appointed a special section to deal with the ISK. “During the following months about 100 people were arrested in many parts of Germany and many of the groups were virtually liquidated, in towns as far as Augsburg and Frankfurt in the south and Bremen, Hamburg and Hanover in the north,” Carsten wrote in the aforementioned text.

Some exiled ISK leaders sought to reconnect with what was left of their organization during World War II. Anne Kappius traveled to Bremen in 1943, Carsten notes, while a less fortunate ISK member was killed crossing the German frontier. Jupp Kappius parachuted into the country in 1944 to make contact with members of the group who had been released from prison.

Following the Nazi’s defeat, the ISK was absorbed into the refounded Social Democratic Party of Germany. According to Carsten, some members of the vegetarian group played a prominent part in the larger organization. I’d love to learn more about the ISK. It seems like a promising research subject for someone fluent in German, with an interest in socialism and animal rights.

Jon Hochschartner is the author of a number of books about animal-rights history, including The Animals’ Freedom Fighter, Ingrid Newkirk, and Puppy Killer, Leave Town. He blogs at

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]



i feel like someone did this joke before, ah well im-vegan btw

Cats (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Should I not get a cat because it won’t eat vegan foods? I could get vegan kibble, but don’t really want to create dietary issues for the cat.


That crybully spam of "remember the human" was especially slimy. Fucking treatbrained crybully.


Good morning folks, simple question for you. What sorts of egg alternatives exist out there? I'm specifically looking for something that I can make an omelette-like type of food with. Something that replicates the egg taste and texture as closely as possible.

I've been trying really hard to stick to fully plant based diet. Haven't had any dairy in weeks or eggs in months. Years since I last ate meat. But lately I've been having weird cravings for omelettes because I used to eat one for breakfast every morning.

Thank you avoheart


Basically the title. I made waffles on Sunday and grabbed the remainder of my already opened and partially consumed package of Morning Star sausages and ended up reading the ingredients. Discovered they have milk and egg in them... Lesson learned again that plant-based doesn't mean vegan. So now I am shopping around. I'm sad because they were cheaper than others and tasted good.

So what are your gotos for breakfast sausage-substitutes?

PS: I did see an article that they are in the process of going full vegan but that was from a few years ago.

Edit: Thanks for recs so far. I'm gonna go look at the ingreds of my other Morning Star stuff because now I'm scared lol

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