[-] [email protected] 1 points 7 minutes ago

"what I think I’m allowed to think"?

[-] [email protected] 3 points 13 minutes ago

brow and the Athlon64 X2 had been out for a year... While it's true that consumer multithreading was still in its infancy, there had been dual processor workstations since at least the Pentium II. And they were gonna release this cluster of goofy, inflexible math churners orchestrated by a hamstrung PowerPC core without a GPU of any sort... With 256k xdram for the entire system? I cannot really see Sony's logic for this. They expected people to rebuild game engines for the PS3.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 31 minutes ago

They woulda been so fucking cooked without the RSX, but also the 7800 GTX was not an awesome choice, lol. The PS3 really goes to show why computers standardised on more general-purpose processors. Goofy ahh little synergistic processing units. Do they have REMOTE SYNERGY???

[-] [email protected] 5 points 40 minutes ago

Oh no, they are going to get pulverised by attractive girl kiryu. What a terrible fate crush I would never want a strong lady to physically dismantle me crush

[-] [email protected] 8 points 43 minutes ago

Oh no, I have no survivial instinct anymore! This is a fuckin awesome look, rad.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 47 minutes ago* (last edited 45 minutes ago)

Take that is almost twenty years late: the Cell Broadband Engine seems really fuckin stupid. SPEs have two seperate pipelines but no branch prediction, their own tiny lil local isolated memory, linked by a ring bus. What are you supposed to do with it? I guess Guerilla made their rendering deferred really early on so Killzone 2 could offload a bunch of dumb postprocessing with it? What a bad idea in 2006 though. Smh, Sony. Unfunny bit.

"It's like SMP except dogshit! No you can't just toss threads onto the SPEs, fuck you! 256kb maximum executables within your code! Cry about it, fucker!" - Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged

[-] [email protected] 7 points 54 minutes ago

Nah I should think about it MORE! It needs to be did! Infinite trauma processing upon my grey matter omori-manic

[-] [email protected] 4 points 54 minutes ago

Oh this is cool too, I never considered this! Neat!

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 hour ago

You gotta keep up the gender maintenance.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 59 minutes ago)

even more trauma stuffmadeline-stare I have fallen into some kind of brainhole of thinking about sexual anatomy & horny topics. But not in like a cool or enjoyable way, in a "I'm processing my trauma and every solitary second of it hurts I wish I could stop" kinda way. It's definitely going.

Anyway sorry for shitting up the mega inside-im-crying

submitted 22 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sorry for this kinda gamerbrained question.

The Xbox 360, Playstation 4, Xbox One, honestly most consoles after the Playstation and Saturn have shared memory pools. It allows flexibility in how much memory and VRAM developers want to assign, right? Why does the PS3 not have a shared 512MB pool of GDDR3? It caused all kinds of problems, most notably with Bethesda games.

Is it the Cell Broadband Engine needing the specialty XDR memory? Is it an artifact of the Nvidia RSX graphics chip being added late in development? Looking back I a)most wonder if the split memory was more of a problem than the Cell tbh.

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Aside from more hilarious gaffes, will they do something really stupid like try to argue he's unpopular or illegitimate because he got shot at?

I know Biden said he hadn't heard the news, which was hilarious frankly.

submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Welcome to the latest in my series of "weh touchin grass" posts. The joke of this post here is that I got tested for allergens as a kid, primarily for cat and treenut allergies, and it was revealed that I have a minor allergy to trees and grass touch-grass stalin-gun-1stalin-gun-2

My absolute favourite internet interactions (other than big stinky discussion posts <3) are when I can actually get to know people, sorta. Because Autism this sometimes takes the form of an internal "dossier" of facts n traits about people that I add more to as I observe or talk to them. It sounds weird but I promise you it's fine, you have to trust me. More than a couple of times I've had really fulfilling connections with people, which is not something I can really say about people irl. egh irl people

Thing is though I can only really even do this online. Social interactions do not start for me irl. Anxiety is so fuckin thick that the couple of times people who seemed cool or interesting have approached me, I have literally run away. I can't do it, is all. Fhis is also why I never followed up on poking that queer place in my town or finding orgs or whatever, I would die if I went inside a place.

I could take either an SSRI/SNRI or maybe loprazolam about it? But fuck that, seriously. The former flattens me, and the latter... I'm already taking tram longterm, am I gonna add barbituates to that list?? So I'm gonna keep being a weird little anxious ball that can only talk to people through a keyboard. Statement On Touching Grass.

I love you bear website.

submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

it's not late at night everywhere, get up and post for me, slothful burgers

submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Look right, I can remember retro g*mers making jokes about the Game Gear being 2big and 2heavy back in the day, probably in the 2000s. Classic Game Room watchers remember. Same for the Lynx. The Wii U's tea tray controller was derided for being beeeeg. I can also recall people saying that the PS Vita was kinda large back when it came out, which tbf it is pushing the definition of "pocketable" for the boys and takes up a lot of purse space.

It sort of felt like reality broke down in 2017. The first thing I did when the Switch was announced was make a joke about putting a Game Gear in your pocket, but suddenly nobody else gave a damn that the Switch is like ten inches long. Most dildos are not that long.... makima-huh I get that it's a hybrid, but suddenly the dynamic shifted from "if it can't fit my dude pockets it's no good!" to "aw yeah bruh just get a hardcase and throw it in a backpack!" I do support backpack gang, but you almost may as well get a laptop at that point.

Handheld size has become progressively more comical over the years though, with my favourite example being the Steam Deck which is actually considerably longer than a Wii U Gamepad at an XL 13" panting Tell ya what, I couldn't fit that!!

I'm not really against the existence of larger handhelds on its own, I have long fingers and a DS Lite or PS Vita will give me handcramps sometimes. But it's like a weirder version of when all phones became "phablets" and impossible to use with one hand, suddenly all handhelds are as big as the Wii U pad. (Switch Lite excluded, though it's still larger than a Vita) It also seems like the PS Vita and 3DS primed everyone to accept hilariously short battery life? The PSP 3000/Go and DS Lite/DSi could get anywhere from 8 to 20 hours depending on your settings, that was awesome. The 3DS and Vita won't hold out for more than three hours under duress, though. Most modern portable PCs have worse battery than that, even...

I guess I'm just wondering wha happun??? I know there's a large contingent of people who never take handhelds outside the house anyway (based) and just use them on the couch, but I don't think the Deck would be much more pleasant to handle in an armchair or whatever. That's one thicc-ass boi.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I forget which of you it was that initially left Owl Criticism on here, recommended it to me. I owe you my life, LOOK at the brilliance of this critical owl.

Finding out that Nabokov is some kulak fucker that fled the October Revolution and was just really into the narrative concept of little girls, was... agni-pain

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I forget which of you it was that initially left Owl Criticism on here, recommended it to me. I owe you my life, LOOK at the brilliance of this critical owl.

Finding out that Nabokov is some kulak fucker that fled the October Revolution and was just really into the narrative concept of little girls, was... agni-pain

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Been watching this funny video from one of the channels people gave me on my sloptube post, and I kinda like the way she talks about past experiences and stuff, feels very healthy. Idk who needs to hear this but maybe somebody??

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My sloptube feed is experiencing a dire lack of homosexuality, and its genders are too binary. Pls.

Bonus points if the channel is abt books badeline-jokerfied

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Death to the USian empire qin-shi-huangdi-fireball and its queerphobic tendencies

Unlimited 600+ comment trans megathreads upon hexbear

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is my cat, Max. His dad was a feral maine coon and his mum was a lazy barn cat. He is simultaneously weirdly crafty and the most head-empty animal you could meet.

He yaps a lot which is normal, he likes annoying the birds at our window. But also he will not stop eating hair? I don't exactly leave random strands of hair everywhere; my wife and I have shoulder length & extremely long hair respectively, but we always put stray strands in the bin.

Idk where he even finds it, but he eats hair. He loves to eat hair. He sits by the couch or our carpeted stairs and he chomps at the air, trying to grab a spare strand and eat it. He chomps like mad all day at random places. Occasionally I catch him dragging his ass, because he has a turd hanging from his butthole by a long strand of hair madeline-deadpan

Why on earth does he do this? How do I stop him? Why is my dog so dumb??

A Tale of Two Stalkers (www.youtube.com)
submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Y'all remember when Youtube was a place full of dorky home movies and machinima stuff??

I really kinda miss things like this on sloptube. Good channel btw niko-spin

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joined 8 months ago