He was conscripted (read: forced to join) into the fascist, Maronite, Israel-aligned Lebanese Forces at age 15 (so around 1980) during the civil war. I have to imagine that has to affect his outlook on things especially over this last year.
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daou seeing the light was one of the only good things to come out of that election cycle and i'm glad he's still on the path to self actualization
that moment when you ascend to the 6th stage of moral development
Anyone remember the heel-face turn and what caused it? I just vaguely recall that something happened and the shitlib started being cool.
Hillary losing broke him. He's more or less well-meaning and took a bunch of the criticism towards him seriously and attempted to learn.
It's kinda like how Ta-Nehisi Coates' turn on Israel-Palestine happened because of Rania Khalek yelling at him and others on a panel about reparations a decade ago.
Thank you for explaining and providing a link.
stuff like this gives me hope, thanks for the reminders ❤️
Getting repeatedly beaten down by being a Sorkin style democrat eventually caused him to re-consider the entire American political system, iirc.
"Why should the best case scenario be harm reduction rather than not doing harm in the first place?"
"Why would a "democracy" that exports "democracy", often violently, not behave like a democracy with lifelong judges, electoral college and gerrymandering?"
"Why would the establishment fight Bernie and progressives with more vigor and ferocity than Republicans, who they're openly willing to compromise with?"
He started evaluating questions like that
From what I remember it was the abolish ICE movement getting immediately brutally crushed by Democrats that seems to have been the clearest catalyst. Up until that moment he was buddy buddy with the establishment and apparently fervently believed that they were essentially good, and their open pivot to "no, actually we like the ethnic cleansing machine stop saying it should be dissolved" cracked that and the way they turned on him for opposing them on it did the rest.
Daou is honestly my favorite lib. He is a lib and he needs to read theory, but he really is a good guy.
Critical? He's been based for a long time. The greatest chapo success story