submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Synthesized hormones are one of the truly greatest wonders of modern medicine. It's alleviated suffering and complications for millions of cis people around the world, let alone us trans folk. In this, we have a nuke against transphobic nonsense, and we need to get trigger happy with it.

For a long time now, hogs have been working towards getting HRT for all trans people banned in various states. I read an article recently where conservative Ohio local law makers expressly said that that was their intent to work towards and that banning it for kids was the first step, as well as their coordinated efforts to do the same in neighboring states. We've known for a long time that this is a pretty universal playbook, build the underpinning of your ultimate goal by passing less sweeping laws and gradually turn up the restrictions. Likewise, the tactics that they use in their rhetoric is to manipulate their emotions - tell people that kid's genitals are being mutilated and it'll get people riled up enough to not think critically about the premise. 'Who doesn't abhor the idea of children being abused?.. The blue haired communist abusers, that's who!'

This framing of course does not hold up to scrutiny, and I'm not going to preach to the choir on why - the point is this, framing is powerful. Even more powerful, is if the framing simply reflects material reality. If trans folks are actually abusing kids, it'd be pretty damning and then they can say 'see, bunch of sickos!' or whatever. Propagandists have manufactured hoax situations out of whole cloth to try do this, and they frequently fizzle out for obvious reasons. Then the think pieces and op-eds come out and say 'yeah, but what if they did abuse kids?!' to keep this thought in the news cycle and spreading the brain worms.

This weapon however, is a double edged sword, and we can wield it to greater effect because we have material evidence. Remember the hog politicians in Ohio I mentioned? Yeah, these freaks love to tell on themselves and they have been for quite some time. The goal is this - abolition of synthesized hormones - especially birth control. I'm not putting so much effort as to search out the reporting right at the moment, but we've seen it time and again that that's what they want. (CW: CSA/Incest reference in the following sentence) They regressed abortion in the US, and it's created an uproar and back lash when people read about the law trying to force a 10 year old to give birth. People were rightfully sickened by this, and it finally hit home for some. When people see the horrors of what these policies do, they run the other way. And people will start to become alarmed when you are able to frame things into something that will directly impact them. Abolition of synthesized hormones would mean that testosterone and estrogen wouldn't be able to help people through mid-life body changes. Low T sucks for men, low E is a part of the misery of menopause. In our conversations and rhetoric, we need to be hitting on this non-stop. Everyone knows someone who deals with these issues at some point, my dad is quite the hog, but being able to take supplemental testosterone has given him a new lease on life - he'll be able to understand this at a deep level.

Likewise, if you have these conversations, we need to call these things what they are - gender affirming care. The cis are more like us than they know, and they will sooner or later feel the pain of a body that is not doing what you need it to do and be. This is humanizing and normalizing a fact of life, while connecting it to our fact of life. These are talking points relate to every age, every walk of life, every income strata.

The enduring philosophy is that of human connection, not destruction. We can win this this battle, we can liberate ourselves and others from the misery of the past, and we can create a better world.

trans-heart red-fist

top 8 comments
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[-] [email protected] 35 points 1 month ago

cis hormone therapy as gender affirming care is 🔥

[-] [email protected] 24 points 1 month ago

I know someone who needs supplemental T, he's an ally but it blew his mind when I told him that's what it is.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

As a CIS man who takes TRT for medical reason I wholeheartedly give you full permission (not that you need it at all) to weaponize this to promote trans rights. There is absolutely no reason why gender affirming care should be celebrated for me but denounced for those not like me. And you are correct, some of it is medical (I can explain what having basically no T is like if you want) but a good portion of it is exactly gender affirming care. Taking T has changed more than my mood and energy levels. It changes your libido and even your thoughts. My wife and I didn't get married until after her gay best friends got the right to be married. They were the only ones there at our wedding (we only invited them). If my trans friends can't have T then take it from all of us. Let the hogs oink about it until they relent.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago

Thank you for sharing comrade! And please do share about having low T as a cis person; I think it's important that we acknowledge out commonalities and support our universal human right to the medicine we need for our individual bodies!

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

Well, I'm not sure on the exact numbers as I don't recall but I remember it was something like lower levels than a cis-woman. Almost nothing.

Anyways, with levels that low my energy was super super low. Just never felt like doing anything. And it goes up and down, too. Sometimes I just felt so unmotivated to do anything. Like, I could lay in bed and just stare at the ceiling for like an hour and that was fine. Just no zest for life. It was pretty debilitating. However, one thing is the only strong emotion I ever consistently felt was horny when my T was low. It's like my body is like, sex-drive = more T so let's amp up that sex drive to get more, but just couldn't produce it. So for like 30+ years of my life I had an absolutely wild libido that never relented. Being on T regulates that for me.

Other than that all my friends would say I was the most chill and level person they knew but that's because I had no passion for anything, really. I thought I was just chilling in some kind of zen state sometimes; that's what I told myself. But it wasn't so. I just didn't feel anything but horny all the time and it was kind of miserable to be honest.

Anyways I didn't mean to make this conversation about me. I just want to throw my support out there. I'd give it up if it was a catalyst for real rights for trans-people to have access to this. I could live with the low T, I did for like 35 years. Trans people can't live without transitioning. It's so painful for them and I'd sacrifice some of my comfort to ensure they aren't harming themselves and getting the care they need.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Thanks for sharing! I think you getting the hormones you need is still very important though, we need a future that's happy and healthy for everyone. Even if your need isn't as time sensitive as some of ours, your quality of life should still be addressed, hormones for everyone!!!

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago

It's no apropriate that I read all of your posts in Joe Biden's voice, but anyhow, it kind of sucks that to fight for your rights you gotta convince others not that you're a human deserving of them but their rights will be taken next

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago

tell people that kid's genitals are being mutilated and it'll get people riled up enough to not think critically about the premise.

circumcision rantThis pisses me off so badly. Do you know what is actually mutilating trans kids genitals, you dumbfucks? Circumcision. But no one gives a fucking damn about that. When these fucking fascist dickwads write these shitty, backwards ass laws they have to specifically carve out the actual fucking problem (other then intersex kids but I'm ranting here) as being allowed. Fuck every single "concerned" fucker who is so fucking worried about trans kids but doesn't give two shits about actual kids genitals being cut screm-aaaaaaaaa

anyway sorry if I got a bit heated there, its been bubbling for a few days.

this post was submitted on 08 May 2024
68 points (100.0% liked)


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