[-] [email protected] 18 points 2 days ago

It's going to be an Air Bud moment: "There's no rule that says you have to be alive to run for office!!".

[-] [email protected] 12 points 2 days ago

That can be arranged.

Undoubtedly they have their operatives that could do this, but why run the risk if nature is doing its thing?

[-] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago

Those are some bleak numbers chief...

[-] [email protected] 28 points 2 days ago

I've been around too many old folks dying to have confidence that he'll drop dead - people are resilient. Some rando schmuck getting pumped full of amphetamines like him would, but he's got the best healthcare in the world. At least it seems like the donors were already revolting half way through the debate...

[-] [email protected] 21 points 2 days ago

At this rate I feel like the DNC isn't even controlled opposition, they're a GOP op intentionally rolling out the red carpet for Trump.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

They... don't?!!

stalin-stressed MY MIND!!!

[-] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago

It is now illegal to be conservative. Those caught trying to be conservative will be stripped of their gender and turned gay.


[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago

What a lovely picture you painted in my mind. 💗

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago


The harbinger of ruin.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago

I'm with the lot of people saying that killing animals isn't inherently bad, but the industrial meat industry is. I get pasture raised stuff whenever I can, try to get my meat from local small farms etc.

My non-ethics concerned reason: culinary arts. I'm a hell of a chef, and I love making meals that bring people together. I cook vegan meals often and love it as a different exercise. In more recent years I've reduced my meat intake tho. As far as dairy, you can pry my cheese from my cold dead hands (doc said I need to curb my cheese intake because my cholesterol was high tho...).

[-] [email protected] 18 points 3 days ago

X-Files, season 6 episode 2 - Drive. ELF antennas for Trident Sub communications causes people's heads to explode. This is the source of Havana derangement syndrome.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I'm out walking my dog with my partner, and we're passing a house that's got some hog vibes. And low and behold, they have a hand painted yard sign that says "In this house we say GAY and [R-slur]... Like, what the actual fuck? Idk...

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Simple talking point to slaughter the piggies who regurgitate rhetoric from the likes of Daily Wire, Trump himself, and any of these other elite, ultra wealthy fucks... Talk about food.

Food is one of the pillars of human culture, and we all have something in common with each other that the ruling class doesn't comprehend, and that is cooking for ourselves.

Just ask when they think the last time these demons actually cooked for themselves vs the last time the person you are talking to cooked. You think they ever handle raw meat? Ever spread something on bread that they bought themselves and sliced in their own kitchen? Eat meals that weren't prepared served to them by someone they don't even have to remember the name of? No.

These pathetic worms are so helpless, so unskilled and and disconnected, it's pathetic. Working class people know how to feed themselves, not suckle from the teat.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Synthesized hormones are one of the truly greatest wonders of modern medicine. It's alleviated suffering and complications for millions of cis people around the world, let alone us trans folk. In this, we have a nuke against transphobic nonsense, and we need to get trigger happy with it.

For a long time now, hogs have been working towards getting HRT for all trans people banned in various states. I read an article recently where conservative Ohio local law makers expressly said that that was their intent to work towards and that banning it for kids was the first step, as well as their coordinated efforts to do the same in neighboring states. We've known for a long time that this is a pretty universal playbook, build the underpinning of your ultimate goal by passing less sweeping laws and gradually turn up the restrictions. Likewise, the tactics that they use in their rhetoric is to manipulate their emotions - tell people that kid's genitals are being mutilated and it'll get people riled up enough to not think critically about the premise. 'Who doesn't abhor the idea of children being abused?.. The blue haired communist abusers, that's who!'

This framing of course does not hold up to scrutiny, and I'm not going to preach to the choir on why - the point is this, framing is powerful. Even more powerful, is if the framing simply reflects material reality. If trans folks are actually abusing kids, it'd be pretty damning and then they can say 'see, bunch of sickos!' or whatever. Propagandists have manufactured hoax situations out of whole cloth to try do this, and they frequently fizzle out for obvious reasons. Then the think pieces and op-eds come out and say 'yeah, but what if they did abuse kids?!' to keep this thought in the news cycle and spreading the brain worms.

This weapon however, is a double edged sword, and we can wield it to greater effect because we have material evidence. Remember the hog politicians in Ohio I mentioned? Yeah, these freaks love to tell on themselves and they have been for quite some time. The goal is this - abolition of synthesized hormones - especially birth control. I'm not putting so much effort as to search out the reporting right at the moment, but we've seen it time and again that that's what they want. (CW: CSA/Incest reference in the following sentence) They regressed abortion in the US, and it's created an uproar and back lash when people read about the law trying to force a 10 year old to give birth. People were rightfully sickened by this, and it finally hit home for some. When people see the horrors of what these policies do, they run the other way. And people will start to become alarmed when you are able to frame things into something that will directly impact them. Abolition of synthesized hormones would mean that testosterone and estrogen wouldn't be able to help people through mid-life body changes. Low T sucks for men, low E is a part of the misery of menopause. In our conversations and rhetoric, we need to be hitting on this non-stop. Everyone knows someone who deals with these issues at some point, my dad is quite the hog, but being able to take supplemental testosterone has given him a new lease on life - he'll be able to understand this at a deep level.

Likewise, if you have these conversations, we need to call these things what they are - gender affirming care. The cis are more like us than they know, and they will sooner or later feel the pain of a body that is not doing what you need it to do and be. This is humanizing and normalizing a fact of life, while connecting it to our fact of life. These are talking points relate to every age, every walk of life, every income strata.

The enduring philosophy is that of human connection, not destruction. We can win this this battle, we can liberate ourselves and others from the misery of the past, and we can create a better world.

trans-heart red-fist

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

... A winner.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was in my usual work wear, full makeup, my prosthetics, etc. I wanted to grab some kombucha and there was a guy going through the usual type that I buy. Brief banter between him and I about the flavors, and it's clear that I drink it. This bro tells me that I should really drink it because it's good for your gut bacteria... Like dude, no shit... I brushed it off, but I realized a day later that I was just man-splained to, probably means I was passing, I believe it's called eww-phoria.


submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've carefully curated things to where my feed is actually pretty good and I've had little to no problems with it. Then out of nowhere I'm getting all these transphobic recommendations, especially detransitioner content. It was a wild departure from the usual and way beyond the amount of topic specific recs that I'll get if I look up something specific. It was really gross and I was already having a dysphoria day. Fuck YouTube.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Indy folks, what do you think of it? I've only ever driven through, and I have to say it seems like a complete black hole of culture and human souls. More semi trucks than cars on the roads make it feel like the clogged arteries of the capitalist economy. Can't say as I've seen an actual house, but whole neighborhoods of distribution centers. Lots of religious billboards, Lawyers too. An abnormal amount of aggressive drivers too.

I know just driving through a place and judging it based on how American and shitty it is, is ironic. But it just seems like it sucks. What are your thoughts Hexbears?

This is what broke me. (reallifecomics.com)
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Almost 3 years ago now, surfing around r/traaaa I came across this comic. I just liked the community because I thought trans people had some great memes and sense of humor, and I thought it was pretty cool that people stepped out to be themselves... Then this. Just wanted to share.

Title (www.cnn.com)
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Bunch of chuckle fucks.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

First off, the war ain't over. No one is going to walk out into the fields to minesweep if they're liable to get shelled. Second, $4m CAD is just fun bux.

Then to the meat and potatoes, I'm not even going to bother trying to get around the paywalls or visit the sites [I'm not reading the article]. When it's only right wing coverage, you know there's probably nothing more than a blurb about men and women being able to sign up for the world's most unfun game - and their sure as hell not mentioning NB, or other queer identities.

This is one of the myriad ways they pull people in. On its face, who gives a shit about what gender the people are? If they've got the guts to risk splattering them so some kid years from now doesn't become an amputee, then they're braver than the troops and especially the cowards that planted the mines. But some mention of men and women being able to roger up, maybe worded in a weird way by some staffer, is used to frame gender discussion as clearly silly. The right takes this and says "see, they're nuts!" by pointing out the silly irrelevance of gender in this situation. Rinse, repeat.

People don't read the article (Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot. I've, read enough reactionary slop to know they probably actually quote the innocuous line so they have some cover.) and then bring this shit up when talking about "wokism". Like, yeah, if you believe this shit, I'd become reactionary too - none of us are immune to it.

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